294 district staff and volunteers honored in awards program
4J staff and volunteers were honored for excellence in education at the 2023 ACE (A Champion in Education) Awards ceremony on Thursday, May 4.
The 2023 ACE Award champions are Sally Krueger, Faten Abdelhamid, Kari Skinner and Caroline Snider. Robin Wellwood was honored with the lifetime achievement award.
All 294 nominees were recognized and four outstanding educators were named as champions in their category. In addition, one longtime employee received a special lifetime achievement award. Each champion will receive a $250 grant for their school from the Eugene Education Foundation.
Congratulations to all of our staff who were nominated and celebrated in the 2023 ACE Awards.
ACE Awards Ceremony Recording
ACE Awards Program
Teachers & Licensed Specialists
Sally Krueger, Fifth Grade Teacher, Edgewood Elementary School
At the start of each school year, Sally shows her students a poster on her wall, titled “ Mrs. Krueger’s Promises.” There are three:
- This is important
- I know you can do it
- I won’t give up on you
And Sally, who is retiring after teaching at 4J for 33 years, has stayed true to her promises. She works diligently to adapt nearly every lesson to ensure that her students can experience success, remain engaged, and take away a valuable learning experience. She does not shy away from planning elaborate, difficult lessons and activities, if it means a positive experience for her students — whether in the classroom or outside of it.
In fact, Sally’s passion is Outdoor School, a program she helped spearhead where all 4J fifth graders learn about nature during a days-long outing near the end of the school year. She shares her love of Outdoor School with the students each year, and ensures they will have an educational and social experience they will long remember.
There are a lot of nerves when it comes to managing fifth graders through all of their BIG life events, and Sally does a wonderful job helping parents and families navigate all that their final year in elementary school has to offer. She is adored by the parent community at Edgewood and does a brilliant job of connecting the students and families to their next stop middle school!
As a former student wrote, “In Mrs. Krueger’s class, we learned not only to divide fractions and other skills that every 10-year-old needs, but also an entirely different set of skills that would follow us throughout our lives—how to be good people, to lead with kindness, and to lift others up.”
David Adee, Music Teacher, River Road/Camino del Río Elementary School • Holly Albone, Art Teacher, Churchill High School • Michelynah Anderegg, Speech-Language Pathologist, Buena Vista Spanish Immersion Elementary School • Aline Baissac, Essential Skills Coordinator, River Road/Camino del Río Elementary School • Scott Baker, Science Teacher, Cal Young Middle School • Kendallyn Ball, Third Grade Teacher, Holt Elementary School • Kare Batten, Fifth Grade Teacher, Buena Vista Spanish Immersion Elementary School • Mathilde Bégu, French Teacher, South Eugene High School • Katie Burns, Special Education Teacher, Fox Hollow Campus • Neil Callahan, Student Success Coordinator, Chávez Elementary School • Gloria Carbajal, First Grade Teacher, River Road/Camino del Río Elementary School • Sebastian Catlin, Student Achievement Specialist, South Eugene High School • Lisa Chinn, Physical Education Teacher, Awbrey Park Elementary School • Courtney Christensen, Special Education Teacher, Spring Creek Elementary School • Katie Christian, Math Teacher, North Eugene High School • Kyle Chunn, Fifth Grade Teacher, Willagillespie Elementary School • Mike Churchill, Social Studies & AVID Teacher, North Eugene High School • Jacob Clark, Social Studies Teacher, South Eugene High School • Meredith Coelho, Language Arts Teacher, Roosevelt Middle School • Timothy Coleman, Counselor, Arts & Technology Academy • Jim Conaghan, School Psychologist, Student Services Department • Sara Connors, Elective Teacher, Cal Young Middle School • Jessyka Cook, Third Grade Teacher, Spring Creek Elementary School • Kelley Coplin, American Sign Language Teacher, North Eugene High School • Annette Corbeau, Third Grade Teacher, Gilham Elementary School • Jill Corrigan, Language Arts Teacher, North Eugene High School • Tom Cramer, First Grade Teacher, Camas Ridge Elementary School • Vanessa Crane, Physical Education Teacher, Spring Creek Elementary School • Elysabeth Cummings, Math Teacher, Monroe Middle School • Ben Dechter, Physical Education Teacher, Camas Ridge & McCornack Elementary Schools • Kim Deleon, Special Education Teacher, McCornack Elementary School • Julia DiFiore, Third Grade Teacher, Chávez Elementary School • Josh Dillow, Band & Choir Teacher, Monroe Middle School • Louisa Dorsch, Science Teacher, Churchill High School • Bea Downes, Third Grade Teacher, Buena Vista Spanish Immersion Elementary School • Carmen Duato, Language Arts & Social Studies Teacher, Cal Young Middle School • Sara DuBose Shepard, First Grade Teacher, Yujin Gakuen Japanese Immersion Elementary School • Gregory Dunkin, International Foods and Catering Teacher, South Eugene High School • Michelle Dunn, Adaptive Physical Education Specialist, Student Services Department • Shannon Edwards, Second Grade Teacher, Gilham Elementary School • Dene Eller, Physical Education Teacher, River Road/Camino del Río Elementary School • Haley Ellis, Third Grade Teacher, Buena Vista Spanish Immersion Elementary School • Dani Emrick, Counselor, Howard Elementary School • Mariah Engle, Kindergarten Teacher, Chávez Elementary School • Simon Estifanos, Physical Education & Health Teacher, North Eugene High School • Sara Farmer, Physical Education Teacher, Kennedy Middle School • Zach Farnell, Band Director, North Eugene High School • Cat Field, Science Teacher, Cal Young Middle School • Angela Finneran, Social Studies Teacher, Eugene Online Academy • Tina Fisher, Physical Education & Health Teacher On Special Assignment, Instruction Department • Alex Franz, Physical Education Teacher, Holt Elementary School • Selena Frazier, Physical Education & Health Teacher, Spencer Butte Middle School • Ayhana Gaines, Counselor, Adams Elementary School • Vanessa Garcia-Badillo, Spanish Immersion Teacher, Monroe Middle School • Katie Gates, Special Education Teacher, Howard Elementary School • Erica Goulding, Special Education Teacher, Edgewood Elementary School • Rebecca Gourgey, Special Education Teacher, South Eugene High School • Amanda Greene-Chacon, Counselor, Buena Vista Spanish Immersion Elementary School • Katie Hansen, Special Education Teacher, Sheldon High School/Transition Education Network • Lesli Harmon, Kindergarten Teacher, Holt Elementary School • Jennifer Harris, Counselor, North Eugene High School • Laura Harris, Fourth Grade Teacher, Edison Elementary School • Jacob Havner, Student Success Coordinator, River Road/Camino del Río Elementary School • Joanne Heidel, Social Studies Teacher, Eugene International High School • Marcela Hellman, Kindergarten Teacher, River Road/Camino del Río Elementary School • Elizabeth Henderson, Language Arts Teacher, Churchill High School • Emily Henson, Special Education Teacher, Holt Elementary School • Katie Herzberg-Hachimoto, Japanese Teacher, Kelly Middle School • Heather Hickcox, Special Education Teacher, Student Services Department • Justin Hollander, Social Studies Teacher, Kelly Middle School • Meaghan Holst, First Grade Teacher, Gilham Elementary School • Christie Hoogendoorn, Health Teacher, South Eugene High School • Shay Hurlocker, Language Arts Teacher, Churchill High School • Kami Icenhower, Kindergarten Teacher, Gilham Elementary School • Katrina Irwin, First Grade Teacher, Gilham Elementary School • Melissa Ivan, Language Arts & Social Studies Teacher, Monroe Middle School • Kathryn Johnson, Special Education Teacher, Student Services Department • Sarah Johnson, Fifth Grade Teacher, Gilham Elementary School • Stephen Johnson, Music Teacher, Buena Vista Spanish Immersion Elementary School • Lara Kincaid, Math Teacher, North Eugene High School • Jenny Kneale, Fourth Grade Teacher, Yujin Gakuen Japanese Immersion Elementary School • Codie Kostechka, Social Studies Teacher, North Eugene High School • Allison Kreider, Third Grade Teacher, Howard Elementary School • Sally Krueger, Fifth Grade Teacher, Edgewood Elementary School • Jill Lancaster, Occupational Therapist, Gilham Elementary School • ErinMarie Langsdorf, Physical Education Teacher, Charlemagne French Immersion Elementary School • Michael Leahy, Counselor, South Eugene High School • Rebecca LeDuc, Kindergarten Teacher, Edgewood Elementary School • Tracy Lightner, Special Education Teacher, Camas Ridge Elementary School • Ricardo Llamas, Third Grade Teacher, Buena Vista Spanish Immersion Elementary School • Kenny Long, Special Education Teacher, Howard Elementary School • Clarice Loo, Language Arts & Social Studies Teacher, Cal Young Middle School • Kelsy Loyd, Music Teacher, Spring Creek Elementary School • Melissa Lutsch, Special Education Teacher, Spring Creek Elementary School • Barb MacWilliam, Science & Health Teacher, Cal Young Middle School • Megan Marsh, Kindergarten Teacher, Buena Vista Spanish Immersion Elementary School • Davina Mattox, French Teacher, Roosevelt Middle School • Suzie McLauchlin, French, Language Arts & Social Studies Teacher, Madison Middle School • Brad McLean, Special Education Teacher, Sheldon High School • Esther Moen, Counselor, Camas Ridge Elementary School • Teresa Montes Cervantes, Social Worker, ECCO • Kelsey Moore, Fourth Grade Teacher, Willagillespie Elementary School • Jennifer Mora, Social Studies & Language Arts Teacher, Kelly Middle School • Trieva Morgan, Special Education Teacher, Willagillespie Elementary School • Daniel Morphis, Science Teacher, Arts & Technology Academy • Courtney Morris, Fourth Grade Teacher, Edgewood Elementary School • Toni Mucker, Third Grade Teacher, Edgewood Elementary School • Sarah Murchison, French & Spanish Teacher, Sheldon High School • Alexia Murphy, First Grade Teacher, Charlemagne French Immersion Elementary School • Teresa Myers, Math Teacher, North Eugene High School • Gene Newbold, Art Teacher, Monroe Middle School • Katie Niemeyer, Physical Education & Health Teacher, North Eugene High School • Chelsea Norris, First, Second & Third Grade Teacher, Family School • Jackie Ochoa Cuevas, First Grade Teacher, Buena Vista Spanish Immersion Elementary School • Rachel Parac, Counselor, Charlemagne French Immersion Elementary School • Ellie Pascoe-Long, Kindergarten Teacher, Edison Elementary School • Niels Pasternak, Special Ed/Autism Teacher on Special Assignment, Student Services Department • Megan Perdue, Choir & Leadership Teacher, Sheldon High School • Amy Petty, Fifth Grade Teacher, McCornack Elementary School • Scott Pierce, Counselor, Willagillespie Elementary School • Mary Poppen, Music Teacher, Willagillespie Elementary School • Erin Prescott, Second Grade Teacher, Edgewood Elementary School • Bryan Prideaux, Fifth Grade Teacher, Howard Elementary School • Shasta Quigley, Behavior Specialist, Equity, Inclusion & Instruction Department • Mary Recker, First Grade Teacher, Gilham Elementary School • Kim Reinhardt, Student Success Coordinator, Howard Elementary School • Joe Renaud, Special Education Teacher, Sheldon High School • Danielle Renken, Second Grade Teacher, Chávez Elementary School • Stephanie Riley, Third Grade Teacher, Gilham Elementary School • Samantha Ritchie, Second Grade Teacher, Adams Elementary School • Lisa Robbins, Second Grade Teacher, Willagillespie Elementary School • Suzy Rock, Fifth Grade Teacher, Howard Elementary School • Lizette Rodgers, Spanish Teacher, South Eugene High School • Mark Rodgers, Science Teacher, South Eugene High School • Krystle Rodriguez, School Nurse, Student Services Department • Beth Saxon, Title I Teacher, Willagillespie Elementary School • Sarah Schiltz, Fifth Grade Teacher, Howard Elementary School • Scott Schirmer, Math Teacher, Churchill High School • Sarah Scholten, Special Education Teacher, Edgewood Elementary School • Zak Scotton, Special Education Teacher, Churchill High School • Alexis Screen, Fifth Grade Teacher, River Road/Camino del Río Elementary School • Mike Seager, Special Education Teacher, Roosevelt Middle School • Matt Sharkey, Social Studies Teacher, Churchill High School • Tana Shepard, Climate, Energy & Conservation Teacher on Special Assignment, 4J/EWEB Education Partnership • Shelly Silver, Kindergarten Teacher, Howard Elementary School • Roxanne Simpson, Third Grade Teacher, Gilham Elementary School • Jennifer Slater, Special Education Teacher, River Road/Camino del Río Elementary School • Magdalena Sloniger, First Grade Teacher, Buena Vista Spanish Immersion Elementary School • Shaun Smith, Japanese Immersion Teacher, Kelly Middle School • Antje Snawder, Kindergarten Teacher, Adams Elementary School • Hannah Stamp, Special Education Teacher, Willagillespie Elementary School • Barb Stroh, Special Education Teacher, Yujin Gakuen Japanese Immersion Elementary School • Kelly Stroh, Fifth Grade Teacher, Yujin Gakuen Japanese Immersion Elementary School • Kim Sullivan, Special Education Teacher, Howard Elementary School • Kevin Summerfield, Social Studies Teacher, Sheldon High School • Jay Swanson, Fourth Grade Teacher, Chávez Elementary School • Aaron Thomas, Language Arts & Performing Arts Teacher, North Eugene High School • Gwen Thorne, Kindergarten Teacher, Camas Ridge Elementary School • Carrie Tilson, Counselor, Monroe Middle School • Kristina Trujillo, Science Teacher, North Eugene High School • Nick Van Bloem, Fifth Grade Teacher, Spring Creek Elementary School • Julia Von Holt, Social Studies Teacher, Eugene International High School • Christina Wagner, First Grade Teacher, Awbrey Park Elementary School • Stephanie Waples, Fourth Grade Teacher, Willagillespie Elementary School • Jasmine Ward, First Grade Teacher, Howard Elementary School • Shelley Watson, Speech-Language Pathologist, Howard Elementary SchoolRobin Wellwood, School Nurse, Student Services Department • Timothy Wilcox, Band & Theater Teacher, Madison Middle • School • Clair Wiles, Social Studies Teacher, North Eugene High School • Anne Wilson, Third Grade Teacher, Edison Elementary School • Bree Wyatt, Essential Skills Coordinator, Adams Elementary School • Anthony Yakovich, Counselor, North Eugene High School
Classified Staff
CHAMPION: Faten Abdelhamid, Special Ed Educational Assistant, Sheldon High School
Faten’s tireless work to help special education students conquer high school math has added up to student success and well-deserved recognition as a 4J Champion of Education
Faten, who joined 4J in 2016, carries the unique burden of supporting students as they all levels of math. There are times when she has four kids at a table and is simultaneously teaching four different levels at once. Seated in a rolling chair with a white board, she wheels from student to student, scribbling out problems. She praises students’ correct answers with a “great job” or “let’s go,” and amuses them when she quietly counts to herself in French while working out the correct answer in her head.
As an example of her dedication, ingenuity and heart, she started the Pokemon club last year at Sheldon to provide special education students an opportunity to feel less stigmatized and more included. She put in the extra time to create a space for kids to have fun and be themselves and it trickled into the classroom, where kids talked about it and recruited for it.
Her work also entails collaborating with four case managers on a daily basis. She adjusts and pivots as needed to help students succeed in every math class. Teachers trust and rely on her, knowing that she fills the gap for them.
Her nominator says “Faten is a safe person and ally, who kids seek out to discuss personal issues. She is empathetic, sympathetic, and kind, and kids know it and feel it.”
Faten Abdelhamid, Special Ed Educational Assistant, Sheldon High School • Juan Abril, Behavior Support Assistant, River Road/Camino del Río Elementary School • Kelly Ayres, Registrar, Roosevelt Middle School • Tyson Biggerstaff, Behavior Support Specialist, Charlemagne French Immersion Elementary School • Kathy Boozer, Management Assistant, Facilities Department • Brian Bowen, Carpenter, Facilities Department • Ana Boyd, Special Ed Educational Assistant, Cal Young Middle School • Emily Brown, Educational Assistant, Adams Elementary School • Racheal Bryant, Special Ed Educational Assistant, Willagillespie Elementary School • Henny Buditjahja, Special Ed Educational Assistant, North Eugene High School • Tanya Bunson, Secretary, Edgewood Elementary School • Ricki Campbell-Siebers, Secretary, Edison Elementary School • Kathrine Carnahan, Special Ed Educational Assistant, Charlemagne French Immersion Elementary School • Rosa Castro, Bilingual Educational Assistant, North Eugene High School • Jennifer Coats, Extended Day Program Educational Assistant, Sheldon High School • Sarah Dreyer, Educational Assistant, Willagillespie Elementary School • Sophia Durant, Human Services Coordinator, McCornack Elementary School • Theresa Elmore, Attendance Clerk, Roosevelt Middle School • Kaisa Erickson, Special Ed Educational Assistant, Spring Creek Elementary School • Don Evans, Custodian, ECCO • Keith Fjordbeck, Lead Custodian, Churchill High School • Kirsten Frazer, Educational Assistant, Edison Elementary School • Pat Frees, Maintenance Worker III, Facilities Department • Livia Fremouw, Educational Assistant, Edison Elementary School • Elsa Gallegos, Bilingual Educational Assistant, River Road/Camino del Río Elementary School • Angie Gee, Human Services Coordinator, Chávez Elementary School • Lisa Goff, Educational Assistant, Holt Elementary School • Elayne Goodban, Behavior Support Specialist, Yujin Gakuen Japanese Immersion Elementary School • Perla Grado, Secretary, Buena Vista Spanish Immersion Elementary School • Ruth Guzman Sanchez, Behavior Support Assistant, Buena Vista Spanish Immersion Elementary School • Machiko Hadwen, Bilingual Educational Assistant, Yujin Gakuen Japanese Immersion Elementary School • Wendy Harris, Educational Assistant, Edison Elementary School • Jason Harter, Behavior Support Assistant, Arts & Technology Academy • Zoe Haupt, Special Ed Educational Assistant, Madison Middle School • Christian Hill, Communications Specialist, Communications Department
Jenna Hoagland, Behavior Support Assistant, Twin Oaks Elementary School • Morgan Houghton, Administrative Assistant, Human Resources & Financial Services Departments • Emily Iverson, Educational Assistant, Spring Creek Elementary School • Lisa Jenkins-Easton, Records & Scheduling Assistant, Sheldon High School • Heather Kendrick, Secretary, Spring Creek Elementary School • Debora Kovensky, Special Ed Educational Assistant, Roosevelt Middle School • Sandy Krupicka, Educational Assistant, Camas Ridge Elementary School • Darin Lomsdalen, Campus Safety & Security Monitor, Risk Management & School Safety Department • Jennifer MacPherson, Library/IMC Assistant, Churchill High School • Lindsay Manley, Educational Assistant, Willagillespie Elementary School • Michele Marzullo, Educational Assistant, South Eugene High School • Gerry Morgan, Behavior Support Assistant, Edison Elementary School • Jane Morgan, Department Assistant, Churchill High School • Marcus Morris, Campus Safety & Security Monitor, Risk Management & School Safety Department • Denice Mullaney, Special Ed Educational Assistant, North Eugene High School • Haley Myers, School Assistant, Willagillespie Elementary School • Kelly Oberfoell, Custodial/Maintenance Coordinator II, Roosevelt Middle School • Guy Okili Da Graca, Campus Safety & Security Monitor, Risk Management & School Safety Department • Jana Ouimet, Special Ed Educational Assistant, Gilham Elementary School • Danny Parlette, Special Ed Educational Assistant, Charlemagne French Immersion Elementary School • Nicole Patrick, Special Ed Educational Assistant, Chávez Elementary School • Stephanie Perez, Secretary, Monroe Middle School • Jael Perez Diaz, Bilingual Educational Assistant, River Road/Camino del Río Elementary School • Mary Peterson, Secretary, Madison Middle School • Pete Peterson, Behavior Support Assistant, Roosevelt Middle School • Jennifer Plueard, Behavior Support Assistant, Cal Young Middle School • Jennifer Potterf, Food Service Coordinator II, Cal Young Middle School • Julia Rice, Special Ed Educational Assistant, Charlemagne French Immersion Elementary School • Steve Rogers, Custodial/Maintenance Coordinator II, Yujin Gakuen Japanese Immersion Elementary School & Kelly Middle School • Izumi Sakimoto, Educational Assistant, Yujin Gakuen Japanese Immersion Elementary School • Fabi Salgado Aradillas, Secretary, Camas Ridge Elementary School • Grace Salud, Deaf & Hard of Hearing Interpreter, Spring Creek Elementary School • James Samora-Walker, Educational Assistant, Buena Vista Spanish Immersion Elementary School • Maria Schaad, Program Coordinator, Eugene Education Options • Kimo Sears, Mechanic II, Transportation Department • Debbie Serra, Secretary, Willagillespie Elementary School • Hollie Service, School Assistant, Gilham Elementary School • Debra Short, Library/IMC Assistant, Cal Young Middle School • Mollie Smith, Secretary, Monroe Middle School • Christina Snyder, Custodial/Maintenance Coordinator II, Cal Young Middle School • Janesta Sola, Educational Assistant, Yujin Gakuen Japanese Immersion Elementary School • Abby Spencer, Behavior Support Assistant, Spring Creek Elementary School • Brenda Sturgis, Bus Driver, Transportation Department • Campbell Trangmar, Custodian, South Eugene High School • Becky Uhler, Special Ed Educational Assistant, Twin Oaks Elementary School • Alison Wagner, Educational Assistant/McKinney-Vento Liaison, Edison Elementary School & Roosevelt Middle School • Judy Weber, Educational Assistant, Edgewood Elementary School • Mallory Whitaker, Secretary, Chinese Immersion School • Stefan Williams, Educational Assistant, South Eugene High School • Ari Windstein Nayak, Special Ed Educational Assistant, Willagillespie Elementary School • Nora Young, Educational Assistant, Chávez Elementary School • Alex Zuniga, Bilingual Office Support, Buena Vista Spanish Immersion Elementary School
Administrators, Supervisors, Managers & Professionals
CHAMPION: Kari Skinner, Director, Risk Management & School Safety
Since joining 4J in 2019, Kari Skinner has made the safety and security of all 4J students and staff her top priority. She has provided strategic and operational oversight to 4J and has led the campus safety and security team, creating initiatives focused on the safety of students, staff and visitors.
One of her nominators shared that “She cares deeply about her staff and does all that she can to support them and to create a welcoming environment where everyone feels valued.”
Kari takes the time to ensure that she is doing all that she can to make the district a positive place to be, both in terms of helping staff work as effectively as possible and in terms of making staff feel seen, heard and supported as whole people.
Another nominator wrote: “Kari actively and purposefully creates a team atmosphere in which the well-being of the students and staff is the primary goal and the staff are all key players with important roles. We are valued. As are each and every student.”
Bernadette Adeniran, Administrator, Human Resources Department • Eric Anderson, Director of Curriculum, Instruction Department • Peter Barsotti, Principal, Madison Middle School • Hobie Blackhorn, Principal, Camas Ridge Elementary School • Dana Brummett, Principal, McCornack Elementary School • Regine Childs, Assistant Principal, Sheldon High School • Ann Christianson, Regional Equity Manager, North Eugene High School • Laura Clark, Assistant Principal, Churchill High School • Missy Cole, Principal, Churchill High School • Josh Davies, Administrator, NATIVES Program • Lancelot Falcon, Assistant Principal, Churchill High School • Ricci Huling, Assistant Principal, South Eugene High School • Carey Killen, Principal, South Eugene High School • Roger Morris, Senior Systems Administrator, Technology Department • Lavinia Page, Principal, Gilham Elementary School • Adrienne Pierce, Curriculum Administrator, Instruction Department • Karen Ramirez Guiterrez, Principal, River Road/Camino del Río Elementary School • Stephanie Randall, Principal, Buena Vista Spanish Immersion Elementary School • Alma Reyes Guillen, Regional Equity Manager, Sheldon High School • Sun Saeteurn, Principal, Monroe Middle School • Travis Sheaffer, Assistant Principal, North Eugene High School • Kari Skinner, Director, Risk Management & School Safety Department • Jared Tiecke, Principal, Awbrey Park Elementary School • Brian Watson, Assistant Principal, Monroe Middle School
CHAMPION: Caroline Snider, Spring Creek Elementary School
Caroline has been steadfastly committed to helping students and staff at Spring Creek Elementary School since her daughter started at the school in 2019.
As a lover of books and reading, Caroline works every day in the library, ensuring books are well organized and accessible. She also helps classroom teachers by not only checking books in and out, but also organizing, labeling and repairing them.
She helps young readers find just the right book to pique their interest, and works with the school staff to order books that aren’t in the library yet. She’s invaluable to the school’s Oregon Battle of the Books team, signing up to help with every practice and cheering on the students during competitions
In addition, Caroline has spent this year helping out in classrooms during the Art Spark artist-in-residence. She worked in several classrooms to assist the artist and helped students complete their projects. Unfortunately for Spring Creek, her daughter is moving to middle school next year!
Jordan Blair, Buena Vista Spanish Immersion Elementary School • Amy Lee, Gilham Elementary School • Tom Mohr, Yujin Gakuen Japanese Immersion Elementary School • Sara Nelson, Spencer Butte Middle School • Michael Rangeloff, South Eugene High School • Lindsay Selser, Camas Ridge Elementary School • Caroline Snider, Spring Creek Elementary School • Kalleen Stoddard, Cal Young Middle School • Lisa Wahi, Gilham Elementary School
Lifetime Achievement
CHAMPION: Robin Wellwood, School Nurse
During her 25 years of service to 4J students, families and staff, Robin has been a healer of students and a mentor to her colleagues. Her attention to the physical, mental and emotional needs of students has helped them be their best selves and achieve their dreams.
Robin has pioneered supports for students with complex and uncommon health conditions, allowing them to access an education in the least restrictive environment possible while assuring that the student’s team is ready to respond appropriately to health emergencies.
Fluent in Spanish, Robin is able to build relationships and provides extra supports to families who are newly arrived to Oregon from Latin America. She is a champion and ally to our BIPOC and LGBTQ students, families, and staff.
Robin passes on her knowledge to both the student patients she’ caring for and the new nurses she mentors both formally and informally.
As one nominator put it, “She is a loyal, valued, and kind co-worker, the first to reach out to a colleague in need, a great communicator to 4J’s health team, and is the constant in a sea of change.”
Thank You!
Thank you to all those who took time to nominate a deserving 4J staff member to celebrate excellence in education.
Thanks to Eugene Education Foundation for supporting our public schools and outstanding educators.
Last, but certainly not least, thank you to all of our 4J staff and volunteers, nominated or not, who work to make a difference in the lives of children every day.
Campeonas de la educación nombradas en los premios ACE 2023
294 miembros del personal y voluntarios del distrito fueron honrados en el programa de premios
El personal y los voluntarios del 4J fueron honrados por su excelencia en educación en la ceremonia de entrega de premios ACE (A Champion in Education) 2023 el jueves 4 de mayo.
Los campeones del Premio ACE 2023 son Sally Krueger, Faten Abdelhamid, Kari Skinner, Caroline Snider y Robin Wellwood fue honrada con el premio a su trayectoria.
Los 294 nominados fueron reconocidos y cuatro destacados educadores fueron nombrados campeones en su categoría. Además, una empleada de toda la vida recibió el premio especial por su trayectoria. Cada campeón recibirá una subvención de $250 para la escuela de su elección de parte de la Eugene Education Foundation.
Felicitaciones a todo nuestro personal que fue nominado y celebrado en los Premios ACE 2023.
Grabación de la ceremonia de entrega de premios ACE
Programa de premios ACE
Maestros y Especialistas Licenciados
Sally Krueger, Maestra de quinto grado, Primaria Edgewood
Al comienzo de cada año escolar, Sally les muestra a sus alumnos un cartel en su pared, titulado “Promesas de la Sra. Krueger”. Hay tres:
- Esto es importante
- Sé que puedes hacerlo
- No me rendiré contigo
Y Sally, que se jubila después de enseñar en el 4J durante 33 años, se ha mantenido fiel a sus promesas. Ella trabaja diligentemente para adaptar casi todas las lecciones para garantizar que sus estudiantes puedan experimentar el éxito, permanecer comprometidos y llevarse una valiosa experiencia de aprendizaje. No rehuye planificar lecciones y actividades complejas y difíciles, si eso significa una experiencia positiva para sus alumnos, ya sea en el aula o fuera de ella.
De hecho, la pasión de Sally es la escuela al aire libre, un programa que ayudó a encabezar donde todos los alumnos de quinto grado del 4J aprenden sobre la naturaleza durante una excursión de un día cerca del final del año escolar. Ella comparte su amor por la escuela al aire libre con los estudiantes cada año y se asegura de que tengan una experiencia educativa y social que recordarán por mucho tiempo.
Hay muchos nervios cuando se trata de manejar a los estudiantes de quinto grado a través de todos los GRANDES eventos de su vida, y Sally hace un trabajo maravilloso ayudando a los padres y familias a navegar todo lo que su último año en la escuela primaria tiene para ofrecer. Ella es adorada por la comunidad de padres de Edgewood y hace un trabajo brillante al conectar a los estudiantes y las familias con su próxima parada en la secundaria.
Como escribió un exalumno: “En la clase de la Sra. Krueger, aprendimos no sólo a dividir fracciones y otras habilidades que todo niño de 10 años necesita, sino también un conjunto completamente diferente de habilidades que nos guiarán a lo largo de nuestras vidas: cómo ser buenas personas, liderar con amabilidad y animar a los demás”.
Personal Clasificado
CAMPEONA: Faten Abdelhamid, Asistente de educación especial, Preparatoria Sheldon
El trabajo incansable de Faten para ayudar a los estudiantes de educación especial a conquistar las matemáticas de la preparatoria se ha sumado al éxito de los estudiantes y al merecido reconocimiento como Campeona de la Educación 4J
Faten, quien se unió al 4J en el 2016, lleva la carga única de apoyar a los estudiantes en todos los niveles de matemáticas. Hay momentos en los que tiene cuatro niños en una mesa y está enseñando simultáneamente cuatro niveles diferentes a la vez. Sentada en una silla rodante con una pizarra blanca, va de estudiante en estudiante, garabateando problemas. Ella elogia las respuestas correctas de los estudiantes con un “buen trabajo” o “vamos”, y los divierte cuando se cuenta a sí misma en voz baja en francés mientras calcula la respuesta correcta en su cabeza.
Como ejemplo de su dedicación, ingenio y corazón, fundó el club Pokémon el año pasado en Sheldon para brindarles a los estudiantes de educación especial la oportunidad de sentirse menos estigmatizados y más incluidos. Ella dedicó el tiempo extra para crear un espacio para que los niños se divirtieran y fueran ellos mismos, y llegó al salón de clases, donde los niños hablaron sobre el tema y se reclutaron para ello.
Su trabajo también implica colaborar diariamente con cuatro administradores de casos. Ella se ajusta y gira según sea necesario para ayudar a los estudiantes a tener éxito en cada clase de matemáticas. Los maestros confían en ella, sabiendo que ella llena el vacío para apoyarlos.
Su nominador dice: “Faten es una persona segura y aliada, a quien los niños buscan para discutir asuntos personales. Es empática, comprensiva y amable, y los niños lo saben y lo sienten”.
Administradores, Supervisores, Gerentes y Profesionales
CAMPEONA: Kari Skinner, Directora de Gestión de riesgos y seguridad escolar
Desde que se unió al 4J en el 2019, Kari Skinner ha hecho de la seguridad de todos los estudiantes y el personal del 4J su principal prioridad. Ha brindado supervisión estratégica y operativa al 4J y ha liderado el equipo de seguridad y protección del campus, creando iniciativas centradas en la seguridad de los estudiantes, el personal y los visitantes.
Uno de sus nominadores compartió que “Ella se preocupa profundamente por su personal y hace todo lo que puede para apoyarlos y crear un ambiente acogedor donde todos se sientan valorados”.
Kari se toma el tiempo para asegurarse de que está haciendo todo lo que puede para hacer del distrito un lugar positivo para estar, tanto en términos de ayudar al personal a trabajar de la manera más eficaz posible como en términos de hacer que el personal se sienta visto, escuchado y apoyado como personas integrales.
Otro nominador escribió: “Kari crea de manera activa y resuelta una atmósfera de equipo en la que el bienestar de los estudiantes y el personal es el objetivo principal y el personal son todos jugadores clave con roles importantes. Somos valorados. Como todos y cada uno de los estudiantes”.
CAMPEONA: Caroline Snider, Primaria Spring Creek
Caroline se ha comprometido firmemente a ayudar a los estudiantes y al personal de la Primaria Spring Creek desde que su hija comenzó a asistir a la escuela en el 2019.
Como amante de los libros y la lectura, Caroline trabaja todos los días en la biblioteca, asegurándose de que los libros estén bien organizados y accesibles. Ella también ayuda a los maestros de clase no solo al registrar la entrada y salida de libros, sino también a organizarlos, etiquetarlos y repararlos.
Ella ayuda a los lectores jóvenes a encontrar el libro adecuado para despertar su interés y trabaja con el personal de la escuela para pedir libros que aún no están en la biblioteca. Ella es invaluable para el equipo de la Batalla de los Libros de Oregón de la escuela, se inscribe para ayudar con cada práctica y anima a los estudiantes durante las competencias.
Además, Caroline ha pasado este año ayudando en los salones de clase durante la residencia artística Art Spark. Trabajó en varias aulas para ayudar al artista y ayudó a los estudiantes a completar sus proyectos. Desafortunadamente para Spring Creek, ¡su hija se mudará a la secundaria el próximo año!
Logro de la vida
CAMPEONA: Robin Wellwood, Enfermera escolar
Durante sus 25 años de servicio a los estudiantes, las familias y el personal del 4J, Robin ha sido una sanadora de estudiantes y una mentora para sus colegas. Su atención a las necesidades físicas, mentales y emocionales de los estudiantes les ha ayudado a ser lo mejor de sí mismos y alcanzar sus sueños.
Robin ha sido pionera en el apoyo a estudiantes con condiciones de salud complejas y poco comunes, lo que les permite acceder a una educación en el entorno menos restrictivo posible y al mismo tiempo a garantizar que el equipo del estudiante esté listo para responder adecuadamente a las emergencias de salud.
Robin habla español con fluidez y puede entablar relaciones y brindar apoyo adicional a las familias recién llegadas a Oregón desde América Latina. Ella es una defensora y aliada de nuestros estudiantes, familias y personal BIPOC y LGBTQ.
Robin transmite su conocimiento tanto a los pacientes estudiantes a los que cuida como a las nuevas enfermeras a las que asesora tanto formal como informalmente.
Como lo expresó uno de los nominadores: “Ella es una compañera de trabajo leal, valiosa y amable, la primera en llegar a un colega necesitado, una gran comunicadora para el equipo de salud del 4J y es la constante en un mar de cambios”.
Gracias a todos aquellos que se tomaron el tiempo para nominar a un miembro del personal del 4J que se lo merece para celebrar la excelencia en la educación.
Gracias a Eugene Education Foundation por apoyar a nuestras escuelas públicas y educadores sobresalientes.
Por último, pero no menos importante, gracias a todo nuestro personal y voluntarios del 4J, nominados o no, que trabajan para marcar una diferencia en la vida de los niños todos los días.