

    To ensure that skills taught in career/technical education courses are consistent with prevailing business and industrial standards, the Mountain Brook Board of Education does hereby adopt the following procedures for maintenance, repair, updating, and replacement of equipment.


    Equipment Maintenance and Repair

    Each instructor shall, as needed, submit an equipment maintenance or repair request from stating the item and an estimate of cost for parts and service, if known, the vendor, (maintenance agreements), technology maintenance staff or maintenance staff, as appropriate. 

    The director or director’s designee shall periodically inspect labs and classrooms to determine if equipment is kept in good repair and properly used, safety requirements met, etc.  It is the responsibility of the career/technical administrator and each instructor to work to see that facilities, equipment, and instructional materials are kept in good working order and in safe, operable condition.


    Equipment Updating and Replacement Procedures

    The career/technical administrator and instructor shall for each department, cooperatively develop, complete, and utilize annually, a needs assessment survey to determine when instructional supplies, textbooks, or equipment should be replaced or updated.  Instructors shall utilize their state equipment list, curriculum guides, advisory committee recommendations, and state career/technical education specialist to help determine their current and future equipment, textbook, and instructional supplies needs.

    The career/technical administrator and the instructor shall jointly prepare an annual budget for each instructional program.  All local, state, and federal career/technical education funds allocated for each department shall be reflected in the budget.  When possible, consideration should be given to setting aside a portion of funds for large, long-range expenditures that may be needed to update equipment 

    Purchase orders shall be prepared for all goods and/or services purchased in the name of Mountain Brook Schools career/technical department.  A separate purchase order shall be prepared for each vendor and shall be signed by the appropriate person.  The superintendent has the final responsibility for approving or disapproving all purchases and/or services.  However, approval or disapproval must be made in terms of budgetary allocation, needs, desirability, and contribution to the program.

    Instructors shall report facility maintenance needs to a building administrator.  The administrator will forward the request to the Board of Education maintenance supervisor who shall implement the repairs as expeditiously as possible.  Requests for major repairs, building modifications, or additions shall be submitted by the principal to the superintendent and/or Board.  The superintendent must approve minor alterations, which involve changing the original building plans.


    Care of Facilities and Equipment 

    Each instructor and the building supervisor must ensure care and protection of the school property.  Abuse and misuse of school furniture and property is not to be tolerated and should be reported to the administration.


    Willful Damage to School and Personal Property

    Each student enrolled in the career/technical departments shall be responsible for respecting school and live work production property at all times.  When school or live work property is damaged, destroyed, or defaced by a student, the student and/or his parent or guardian shall be required to make full restitution for the willful damage to the school or personal live work property.  The student shall also be subject to probation, temporary suspension, expulsion, or other disciplinary action that may be deemed necessary and advisable by school officials.



    Adopted:  March 8, 2004