

    It is the policy of the Mountain Brook Board of Education that students may participate as subjects in scientific research projects provided that the following conditions are met:


    1.         A written request with a written description of the research to be conducted is presented to the Superintendent of Schools.  This description shall include all written material or oral directions presented to students during the experimental task and a summary of the research purpose, design, and procedures.  Specific procedural information shall include:


    A.            The number of subjects required

    B.            The amount of time per subject required

    C.            A complete description of the experimental task


    2.         All aspects of the research project in question shall be in compliance with the provisions of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974. 

    3.         Permission to conduct a given research project is granted in writing by the Superintendent of Schools.


    The term “research project” includes but is not limited to administration of questionnaires, surveys, and other instruments which elicit opinions, attitudes, values, or information concerning personal conduct.  The term “research project” also includes the measurement of scholastic, mental, or perceptual-motor abilities for experimental purposes.




    Adopted:  January 22, 1979