

    It is the policy of the Mountain Brook Board of Education to reimburse school system staff members for travel expenses as follows:


      I.          Authorized Travel for Non-Local Meetings and Workshops

    Upon approval by the Superintendent, necessary and reasonable travel expenses incurred by a staff member will be paid by the Board provided that such travel involves a destination outside of Jefferson County.  Travel by private automobile will be reimbursed at the current mileage rate allowed by the Internal Revenue Service.


    II.          Local Travel (Destinations within Jefferson County)

    Local travel expenses of staff members will be reimbursed by the Board of Education provided that both of the following conditions are met:


    A.                 The staff member obtains approval from the Superintendent to submit regular claims for reimbursement based on mileage at the current rate established by the Department of Internal Revenue.  All claims for mileage will be made on standard expense forms available at the Central Office.  Receipts and other appropriate documentation will be attached to the expense form.


    B.                  The local travel for which reimbursement is sought involves regular teaching assignments at two or more sites within the school system – for example, itinerant teachers or vocational education teachers who travel regularly to student placement sites.


    Local travel expenses of school system administrators, supervisors, and maintenance staff are not reimbursable under this policy.  At the time of their employment, all administrative, supervisory, and maintenance personnel should be made aware that travel expenses are taken into account when establishing their salary or wage levels.






    This policy replaces policy #G-16 adopted August 8, 1988 and policy #G-23, adopted December 19, 1983.