The Mountain Brook Board of Education welcomes financial assistance from groups such as PTA’s, Athletic Boosters, and others which makes possible improvements to school facilities. To insure that such improvements are made in a way which insures quality construction and protects the legal and financial interests of the Board of Education, the following process shall be used:
1. The concept for the facility project must be reviewed and approved by the principal, Superintendent of Schools, appropriate school system staff, and the Board of Education before the project goes forward.
2. The design of the project, in the form of bid specifications, must be reviewed and approved by the Superintendent and appropriate staff.
3. The process of soliciting, reviewing, and analyzing bids (where required by law or by the preference of the school system), will be managed by the school system with the involvement of the group financing the project. Opportunities for donations of materials or in-kind labor may be included in the bid documents.
4. The recommendation to award the bid for the project will be made by the Superintendent of Schools to the Board of Education after consultation with the group financing the project.
5. The contract for the project will be reviewed by appropriate school system staff and signed by the Superintendent of Schools.
6. No contract will be signed until the funds for the project have been deposited in a special account for the project maintained by the Board of Education.
7. Any changes in the project must be approved by appropriate school system staff and, if necessary, by the Board of Education. The funds to cover any increased cost resulting from such changes must be deposited to the project account before the change is officially approved.
8. The Board of Education will act as the fiscal agent for the project with a full accounting of funds available to the group financing the project at any time.
Adopted: December 15, 1997