• Wellness Policy



    The Mountain Brook School system is committed to providing a school environment that enhances learning and development of lifelong wellness practices.  To create this environment, the system ensures the following goals:

    1. Students will be exposed to and participate in a variety of physical activities through PE classes, recess, school athletics and other school activities.
    1. In conjunction with Mountain Brook Athletics, Mountain Brook Soccer and Mountain Brook Schools Community Education, students will have the opportunity to participate in a wide array of sports and other physical activities outside the school day.
    1. Students will be encouraged to have healthy eating habits by learning about nutrition as set forth in the Health Curriculum Framework.
    1. All food and beverages sold in the Mountain Brook Schools will meet the following guidelines and encourage healthy eating habits.

    ·         Foods sold through vending machines and al-a-carte items sold through the cafeteria shall follow the Alabama’s Action for Healthy Kids standards.

    ·         “For sale” or “free” foods or beverages of minimum nutritional value shall not be made available during school hours.

    ·         Any fundraising activities that involve the selling of food shall reinforce food choices that promote good health.

    The local wellness policy will be evaluated one year after its implementation by the system wellness committee.  They will evaluate the effectiveness of each goal and submit a report to the superintendent of schools.



    Adopted:   March 13, 2006