• Student Intervention Program



    Student Intervention Program

    It is the policy of the Mountain Brook Board of Education to endorse and fully participate in a community program for early  intervention and support of high risk students, hereinafter referred to as the Student Intervention Program.                  


    The Student Intervention Program is a community program developed to assist public school personnel, parents and law enforcement personnel in providing early intervention for children and youth who are exhibiting problem behavior.                 


    Student Intervention Program is a cooperative effort involving the Mountain Brook City Council, the Police Department, and the Board of Education. The program includes all schools and grade levels in the Mountain Brook school system.

    The Early Intervention Program involves children and youth who have committed an offense involving substance abuse.  Upon consultation between the principal and the Director of Student Services, this program may also be appropriate for other students who have committed serious disciplinary offenses or is exhibiting other problem behavior which has not responded to other measures. If the referred child or youth has been identified by the school system under any area of exceptionality, a representative of the special education department is also present.  After referral, a report of the offense or inappropriate behaviors and relevant circumstances is made to a specially appointed Early Intervention Panel. Additionally, the Mountain Brook Juvenile Officer may be included on Early Intervention panel.

    The Early Intervention Panel is composed of appropriate school personnel, appointed to the panel by the Director of Student Services and at least two representatives from the following areas: 1) Legal, 2) Medical, and 3) Mental Health.  The Director of Student Services appoints panel members from a pool of volunteer professionals in these areas. 

    Because the panel activities include disclosure to the panel of confidential information, the student and/or his or her guardian (based on the student’s age and ability to provide or refuse consent), must consent to that disclosure. If the student and/or the guardian declines to consent to that disclosure, no outside community professional volunteers will serve on the panel for that student.

    Outside professional panel members will provide written agreement to maintain confidentiality regarding any and all information disclosed during the meeting, including the name, or any identifying information, of the student and/or his or her family members.

    The function of the panel is not to establish guilt or innocence, hear witnesses, or provide due process.  Rather, its purpose is to provide for assistance in three possible areas:

    • Assessment. The panel may recommend that additional evaluation is in order.  Such evaluation may include drug testing, psychological examination, or physical examination. 
    • Therapeutic Intervention. Such intervention may include personal counseling, family counseling, or academic counseling.
    • Community Service.  A youth may be given the opportunity to practice responsible behavior by participating in an approved volunteer program for a specified period of time.

    Board of Education School authorities may also refer students to the Early Intervention Panel.  In cases involving disciplinary action taken by the Board, the student’s continued attendance at school may be made contingent upon successful participation the Early Intervention Program.




    Adopted:          November 16, 1987

    Revised:           July 10, 1989

    Revised:           August 20, 1990

    Revised:           August 9, 1999

    Revised:       July 14, 2014