

    The outstanding educational program in this school system depends upon the employment and retention of the best qualified professional personnel.  This will be accomplished by giving careful consideration to qualifications prior to employment and by providing attractive salary schedules, adequate facilities, and good working conditions.

    1.  The Board encourages young men and women in this community to enter the profession of education and to make it their career.  Currently, professional employees share a common responsibility for supporting this position.

    2.  Teacher recruitment and selection is the responsibility of the Superintendent.  The selection process will involve the principal and may involve staff members with whom applicants will work.  Similarly, central office staff recruitment and selection is the responsibility of the Superintendent.  At the Superintendent’s discretion, the selection process may involve lay participation.

    3 .  In keeping with the provisions of Board Policies, “Equal Opportunity Employment” and “Non-Discrimination on the Basis of Sex”  (Title IX, P.L. 92-318), the following objective criteria shall be used in the selection of professional personnel:

    a.  College transcript

    b.  Type of teaching certificate, administrative certificate, and areas of endorsement on certificate (e.g., type #19 is an elementary certificate with a Bachelor’s Degree)

    c.  Rank or class of certificate (e.g., Rank II or Class B means the person has a Bachelor’s Degree; Rank I or Class A, a Master’s) 

    d.  Number of years of teaching and/or administrative experience in public elementary and secondary schools

    e.  Physical and mental health

    f.  Type of resident, permanent or temporary

    g.  Degree held

    h  .Student teaching level and grade earned

    i.  Number of hours earned above

    j.  Participation in other professional activities designed to increase relevant expertise

    The process of staff selection in Mountain Brook shall be free of pressures considered detrimental to the best interest of the schools.

    After examination of the above objective data, a subjective evaluation, similarly based on non-discriminatory principles shall be made.  This evaluation of the applicant will include:

    (1)  Past performance

    (2)  Ability to perform in position under consideration

    (3)  Leadership

    (4)  Personality

    This subjective evaluation shall be based on personal interview and information obtained in individual written references.  If additional data is required, applicant’s consent shall be requested and all requirements of P.L. 93-380 (Buckley Amendment) shall be observed.

    4.Finally, the Superintendent is responsible for the selection and recommendation for employment of all personnel in the Mountain Brook City Schools.  The Board may reject recommendations, but it may employ personnel only on the recommendation of the Superintendent.



    Adopted:    July 2, 1979