
    Annual Meeting:      The Board of Education shall hold its annual meeting each year at its regular meeting in June following the election of said Board or any member thereof.  At the annual meeting, the Board shall elect each year one of its members to serve as president and one to serve as vice-president.

    Regular Meetings:   The Board of Education shall hold one regular meeting each month. The date of the regular meeting will be determined by the Board of Education, at the annual meeting of the Board.

    Special Meetings:    Special meetings may be held by the Board as needed.  Special Board meetings shall be called by the president at his discretion.  The president shall call a special meeting of the Board upon the written request of a majority of the Board.

    Executive Sessions:     The Board of Education may hold executive sessions at any and all Board meetings.  Executive sessions of the Board are closed meetings and may be attended only by members of the Board, the superintendent of schools and persons directly involved in the business to be considered.

    The Board shall call an executive session for the following reasons:

      1.            The good name of an individual is to be discussed.

      2.            The salary of an employee is to be considered.

    The Board shall endeavor to conduct the educational business of the district in open sessions and to keep the public well informed on matters pertaining to education.

    Quorum:  Three members of the Board shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business at Board meetings.

    Adjourned Meetings:  Any legal meeting of the Board may be adjourned to a specific place and time.

    Conduct of Business:  The Board shall observe Robert’s Rules of Order, Revised, except that the president may discuss and have a vote on all matters before the Board.

    No motion or resolution shall be adopted without the concurrence of the majority of the whole Board.

    Voting shall be by open ballot.


    Adopted:  October 6, 1976