



    The Mountain Brook Board of Education permits well planned, well organized, and properly supervised trips for students for the purpose of participating in interscholastic athletic events provided that all applicable conditions set forth in this policy are met:


            A.    Whenever possible, off-campus athletic events shall be planned to minimize time and distance.
            B.    Whenever possible, off-campus athletic events shall be planned to minimize classroom interference and interruption. Within the                    bounds of safety and convenience, events should be scheduled  after or apart from the school day.
            C.    All athletic trips shall be planned and scheduled with the health, safety, and welfare of the students as a paramount concern.    

    Specific and careful consideration shall be given to the following safety concerns, among others:
    1.    The potential hazards or risks involved at the trip destination;
    2.    The potential hazards or risks involved given the time of day and weather conditions which may be anticipated during the trip;
    3.    The potential hazards or risks involved in the route to be followed to and from the trip destination, including traffic, physical environment, and other hazards en route;
    4.    The potential hazards or risks involved given the number and age of the students involved and the means or method of transportation for the trip.





    No trips for the purpose of participating in athletic events shall be permitted unless the following conditions are satisfied.


    1. Season Plan:


    *At least 30 days prior to the beginning of a given athletic season, the coach shall provide to the principal, in writing, a complete season plan encompassing all proposed athletic events.  This plan shall include:


    1. Time, date, and location of all events;
    2. A time schedule of each trip specifying any out-of-class time involved;
    3. The number of students involved;
    4. The school personnel involved;
    5. The method of financing the trip, if any;
    6. The mode or method of travel;
    7. Special safety precautions, if any, which will be required.


    1. Approval for trips Out of State and Out of the Country


    All trips for the purpose of athletic competition that require travel out of the state must be submitted for approval to the Superintendent in writing at least two (2) weeks prior to the trip.  Any trip out of the country must be submitted for approval to the Superintendent two (2) months prior to the trip and will require approval by the Board of Education.


    1. *Parental Permission


    Prior to a given athletic season, parents or legal guardians shall sign a document furnishing permission to participate in all scheduled events.  This document shall contain a schedule of events for the season.


    1. Accidents or Unusual Occurrences


    Should there be an accident or any other unusual occurrence on a trip, the principal shall be notified immediately.



    *In situations where the coach has no control over the setting of the schedule the 30 day period may be waived by the principal.



    Adopted:        February 13, 1984

    Revised:       October 17, 2022