

    Salary Schedule

    The Superintendent of Schools shall prepare or cause to be prepared a salary schedule for non-administrative professional personnel employed by the School District.  Some of these personnel are employed to assume responsibility for an additional activity in which case their annual salary, as indicated on the salary schedule, is supplemented by a predetermined amount from a supplement schedule for that activity. All schedules, regular and supplementary, are submitted annually to the Board for its review and approval.

    Teachers will be paid according to the highest degree and years of experience held.

    Annual increments on the salary schedule are not automatic but must be recommended by the individual’s principal or immediate supervisor to the Superintendent and approved by the Board of Education.

    The Superintendent of Schools shall issue contracts to school principals hired in accordance with Alabama law. Each new (non-principal) professional employee, and those whose position or status has changed, shall be given an individual letter of appointment based on the current salary schedule(s). 

    All employees who do not plan to be in service the subsequent year should give written notice to the Superintendent of Schools no later than May 1 so that the best replacement can be found.




    Adopted:   July 2, 1979
    Revised:  December 9, 1996
    Revised:  November 13, 2000
    Revised:  January 14, 2013