

    It is the policy of the Mountain Brook Board of Education that an accurate cumulative record shall be maintained for every child enrolled in the schools of the Mountain Brook School District.  Procedures governing the use and accessibility of such records shall be in full compliance with the provisions of the Family Education Privacy Act of 1974 and with No Child Left Behind of 2001.

    No one but authorized school personnel, parents, or legal guardians shall have access to the cumulative records of a student without a subpoena, or the written permission of the parents of said student.  In those cases where the student is of legal age, being eighteen (18) years or older, rights formerly afforded to parents shall be afforded to the student.

    Student records shall include all official records, files, and data directly related to children; including all material which is incorporated into each student’s cumulative record folder.

    If a student is under eighteen (18) years of age, parents or legal guardians shall have the right of access within a ten-day period from the date on which such request is received.  Access shall include the right of examination, the right to challenge content, the right to make copies of the record, and the right to have the record content interpreted.

    Challenges shall begin at the lowest level, that of the local school.  In the event said challenge is not resolved, the matter shall be appealed to the Superintendent.  Within ten (10) days of receipt of said appeal, the Superintendent shall conduct a hearing with the parent and the principal relative to the challenge.

    Upon request, Mountain Brook Schools will release a student’s records to another school.

    Record content cannot be released to any other third party without the expressed written consent of the parent or guardian.  When such consents are received, they shall be filed in the student’s record.

    All persons with the exception of school personnel who examine a student’s record shall, following securance of the necessary approval, sign a written form indicating their specific interest for said review, their names, positions, and the date of examination.



    Adopted:  January 22, 1979

    Revised:   April 12, 2004