

    The Board believes that providing employee benefits is a positive force in attracting and retaining the best qualified personnel.  In addition to the State mandating salary increases and supplementing the costs of hospital-medical insurance premiums, the local Board does provide economic and professional benefits such as paying annual premiums on insurance policies issued to the principals, assistant principals, teachers and support personnel, and each professional employee is protected against professional liability by the Board’s blanket policy.

    Professional Benefits

    1.    The Board shall endeavor to continue to provide an optimum teacher/pupil ratio, educational specialists, and other features of an effective educational environment.

    2.    The extra local support also affords a librarian, a music teacher, a physical education teacher and an art teacher at each elementary school, thus providing teachers with preparation time during regular school hours.




    Adopted:  July 2, 1979
    Revised:  February 21, 1990
    Revised:  November 13, 2000