Policy J-27
Early Graduation and the Granting of a High School Diploma
It is the policy of the Mountain Brook Board of Education that students who wish to graduate before the second semester of their senior year may be eligible to receive a high school diploma from Mountain Brook High School if the following conditions are met:
- The student must apply with the high school principal for early graduation prior to the junior year.
- The high school principal will consider applications during or after the junior year from students transferring to MBHS or from students with extenuating circumstances, on a case-by-case basis.
- The student has earned at least 24 high school credits prior to the second semester of the twelfth grade, including all courses of study required by the State of Alabama.
- The student has achieved an adequate level of academic proficiency prior to the second semester of the twelfth grade, such level of proficiency to be assessed by standardized achievement test scores, grade averages, and other available data. A judgment as to the adequacy of achievement levels will be made by the Superintendent or his designee.
If a student is accepted for early graduation, the student will be allowed to participate in graduation ceremonies and other senior activities during the spring semester immediately following early graduation.
Adopted: January 16, 1980
Revised: May 21, 2018