
    In compliance with the Alabama Administrative Code 290-030-010-06, it is the policy of the Mountain Brook School System that all persons are at all times prohibited from using tobacco products while in any building or on any Mountain Brook school property. Also prohibited are any and all electronic cigarettes, medically non-prescribed vaporizers, or any device or object used to deliver any medically non-prescribed substance into the body while in any building or on any property belonging to the Mountain Brook School System. 

    I.         STUDENTS

    Students are prohibited from using the above-described products while on Mountain Brook school property (indoors or outdoors), during and after school hours, or at any school-sponsored event, during and after school hours.

    II.            SANCTIONS

    A.   Students

    Disciplinary actions concerning students who violate this policy may include after-school detention, suspension, or assignment to the Alternative School. If any smoking/vaporizing/electronic cigarettes are used by students to deliver substances other than nicotine, the sanctions applied will be consistent with those associated with the nature of the substance.

    B.   Employees

    Sanctions against employees for violating this policy may include verbal or written warning, transfer, suspension, or termination of employment.

    C.  Visitors

    Visitors noted using these products in any school system building or on any school system property will be advised of the policy and asked to desist. If visitors persist, they will be asked to leave school property.

    D. Contractors, vendors, and employees of other organizations providing services on or in any school system properties

    Contractors, vendors, and employees of other organizations providing services on or in any school system properties noted using these products in any school system building or on any school system property will be advised of the policy and asked to desist. If they persist, they will be asked to leave school property and will be reported to their employer.


    Adopted:  January 22, 1979

    Revised:   August 20, 1990

    Revised:  December 11, 1995

    Revised: November 10, 2014