

    It is the policy of the Mountain Brook Board of Education that all school clubs and organizations shall be under the sponsorship of school officials.  Such clubs or organizations shall not be affiliated or associated with any political or religious organization or any organization which denies membership on the basis of race, gender, creed, color, national origin, handicap, or disability.

    All school sponsored clubs and organizations shall meet the following criteria:

    1.        School-sponsored clubs and organizations shall be organized and managed in such a manner as is necessary to afford students with handicaps or disabilities an equal opportunity for participation.


    2.         Every school-sponsored club or organization shall be sponsored by a member of the faculty approved by the principal of the school. Every organization shall have the approval of the sponsor in advance for the time and place of all meetings and all social and athletic events or other activities of the organization.


    3.       Every school club shall have a constitution approved by the appropriate personnel.  Such constitution shall be kept on file in the school office.


    a.       The constitution shall contain a statement that all members must be students who are presently enrolled in the school of sponsorship.

    b.      The constitution shall state qualifications for membership.  Such qualifications shall be in compliance with applicable state and federal laws and regulations.

    c.       The constitution shall contain a statement of the purposes of the club.  The purposes shall not be contrary to the welfare of the students or the school, or in conflict with the authority or responsibilities of the Board of Education and its employees.

    d.      The constitution shall contain a statement that there is no affiliation with any political, religious, or other organization which denies membership on the basis of race, gender, color, creed, national origin, handicap, or disability, nor shall the student organization itself deny membership for those reasons.

    e.       The constitution shall provide that the collection or disbursement of school-sponsored club funds shall be in accordance with the regulations set forth by the school and school district.

    f.       The constitution shall provide that speakers who are not members of the student body, faculty, or administration of the school must have prior approval of the sponsor and the principal.


    4.     Authorization to conduct activities as an organization recognized by the school administration may be denied or revoked if:

    a.       The organization participates in, advocates, aids, or knowingly permits conduct by its members or others subject to its control which is contrary to the welfare of the students or the school, or which is conflict with the authority or responsibility of the Board or any of its officials or employees.

    b.      The organization participates in, advocates or knowingly permits activities by its members or others subject its control which are not authorized by the constitution of the organization.

    c.       The organization fails to comply with Board policy or such rules and regulations as may be developed by the school.



    Adopted:         June 5, 1995

    Replaces: J-21