

     It is the policy of the Mountain Brook Board of Education that instructional personnel be assigned on the basis of their qualifications, the needs of the district, and their expressed desires.  When it is not possible to meet all conditions, personnel shall be assigned first, to meet the needs of the school district, and second, according to the expressed preference of the employee.

    Teacher requests for transfers shall be made, in writing, directly to the Superintendent.  Consideration of any such requests shall be in accordance with the criteria used in making original assignments.

    In accordance with the Code of Alabama, Student First Act of 2011, §16-24C, except as otherwise specified, employees may be transferred or reassigned at any time as the needs of the employer require to any position to which they are qualified by skill, training, or experience upon the recommendation of the superintendent and the approval of the Board of Education. 



    Adopted:  July 2, 1979
    Revised:  January 14, 2013