
    The Mountain Brook Board of Education is keenly aware of its responsibility for the construction, management, and maintenance of facilities that are owned by the public.  The Board desires that school facilities serve the public in as many additional ways as the Board might deem feasible and practical.  To this end, the Board has accepted, considered, and most often granted requests that did not jeopardize the regular school use of facilities.  Major criteria used in evaluating these requests are:

    1.           That a resident of Mountain Brook be identified who will assume responsibility for the facilities on the specific occasion. 

    (a)   That he meet with the Superintendent to go over the conditions of use, and

    (b)   That he act promptly to correct any failure to observe the agreed upon conditions of use 

    2.           That the facilities not be used for personal profit. 

    3.           That activities shall not be in conflict with existing community education programs.





    Adopted:          October 6, 1976