

    Drug-Free Schools Policy

    The Mountain Brook Board of Education places the highest priority on the elimination of substance abuse in the schools and in the community. The use, possession, or transmitting of illicit substances in the schools will not be tolerated and will be met with firm and consistent disciplinary measures.

    The Board of Education is also committed to a humanitarian, constructive, and supportive approach to all students who exhibit drug abuse problems and to the families of such students. Assistance to students and their families shall include referral to appropriate outside agencies as well as support from school system professional staff.


    As a basis for primary prevention, drug education programs shall be implemented and maintained under the direction of the Drug Programs Coordinator as follows:

    1.  The curriculum shall be comprehensive in scope, starting at the kindergarten level and extending through grade twelve.

    2.  The curriculum shall be consistent with state guidelines.

    3.  Program elements and activities, which place emphasis on both attitudes and decision-making (affective) and information (cognitive) shall be included.

    4.  Clearly stated objectives shall be established for the total program and for each level of instruction.

    5.  The curriculum shall be developed through cooperative planning by school personnel and community representation.

    6.  The school program shall promote constructive alternatives to drug abuse such as clubs, activities, and projects.

    7.  Provision shall be made for ongoing evaluation and accountability.

    Drug Education Advisory Committee

    The Superintendent shall appoint, on an as-needed basis, a Drug Education Advisory committee comprised of the Drug Programs Coordinator, school personnel, and community representation. The Committee shall evaluate and review all current drug education programs  and proposed drug education activities schools and make recommendations to the Superintendent.

    Early Identification of Students Who May Be Engaging in Substance Abuse

    All professional personnel at the secondary level shall receive professional development in recognizing behaviors, which may indicate that a student is under the influence of alcohol or other drugs of abuse.  Furthermore, all professional personnel shall be apprised of procedures for referring such high-risk students to appropriate school personnel.

    Prohibited Substances

    Students in the Mountain Brook City School System are prohibited from possessing, using, selling, transmitting, intending to transmit, or being under the influence of any of the following:

    1.  Drugs (stimulants, depressants, hallucinogens, inhalants, opiates) including, but not limited to, narcotic drugs, amphetamines, barbiturates, marijuana, cocaine, or any contraband or controlled substance or prohibited drug;

    2.  Alcoholic beverages or intoxicants of any kind;

    3.  Prescriptive medicine or drugs with or without medical cause or medical permission.   In some specific cases, students may be allowed exceptions to the prohibition of prescription medicine at school but only with the specific written permission of school officials.

    Parental permission to have or use substances prohibited by this policy, including alcohol or prohibited substances, does not exempt a student from this policy.

    It shall be the policy of the Mountain Brook City Board of Education that the school principal or authorized official of the school shall automatically suspend any student possessing, using, transmitting, or intending to transmit, or being under the influence of prohibited substances as described in this policy in the following circumstances:

    1.  On or near school grounds or property;

    2.  On a school bus traveling to or from school or at any school activity, function or event, or on any other school-sanctioned and authorized vehicle for transportation;

    3.  At any school function or school-sanctioned function, wherever held, during or after regular school hours.

    Violations:  Organization of Procedures

    There shall be three categories of violations of this policy reflecting an ascending order of severity and danger to the health and safety of students.  Definitions of each category, as well as options for disciplinary and/or supportive action to be taken, are as follows:

    Category I

    Self-Identified Substance Abuse

    This category shall include students who identify themselves as substance abusers for the purpose of obtaining help. Action taken for such students shall be entirely supportive, therapeutic, and non-punitive and should include the following procedures:

    1. The student’s parent or guardian shall be notified, except when prohibited by professional codes of ethics or by law, and asked to confer with appropriate school professional personnel.

    2. During the conference, the parent or guardian shall be given all relevant information concerning the student’s substance abuse.

    3. The student and parent or guardian shall be referred to appropriate community agencies which can offer counseling and support services.

    Although the Board of Education shall not be responsible for cost of hospitalization or private therapy for self-reporting students and their families, it shall make available to them appropriate school personnel and facilities for purposes of support and counseling. 

    Students Who Exhibit Behaviors Indicative of Possible or Likely Substance Abuse

    This category shall also include students who exhibit behaviors which are indicative of likely substance abuse.

    The following actions shall be taken by the school when such students are identified:

    1.  A parent or guardian shall be notified and asked to confer, in person, with appropriate school professional personnel.

    2. The parent or guardian shall be apprised during the conference of any behavior which has led school personnel to believe substance abuse is likely and behaviors which could be indicative of emotional or behavioral problems.

    3. The student and parent or guardian shall be referred to appropriate community agencies which can offer counseling and support services to the student and to the family.

    Category II

    Students Violating Substance Abuse Policies:  In Possession or Under Influence

    This category shall include violations of this policy wherein a student was found to be in possession of or under the influence of a prohibited substance as defined above.  In the event of such a violation, the following procedures shall be followed:

    1.  The student shall be clearly informed by the principal or by his or her designee of the offense with which he or she is being charged and of the evidence against him or her.  The student will be given an adequate opportunity to state his or her position regarding the alleged offense.

    2.  If, in the judgment of the principal or his or her designee, the student did commit the offense in question, the student shall be immediately suspended from school or placed in in-school suspension.

    3.  The principal shall immediately notify the student’s parent or legal guardian of the action taken, the reason or basis for the action, and what further action will be taken.

    4.  When student is in possession of illegal substances, the principal shall notify the School Resource Officer of the Mountain Brook City Police Department of the violation. When students are deemed to be under the influence of illegal substances, the principal may notify the School Resource Officer of the Mountain Brook City Police Department of the violation.

    5.  In the event that the student is suspended from school, he or she shall then be dismissed from school but only in the company of his or her parent or legal guardian.

    6.  The principal shall refer the student to the  Student Intervention Program.  The student’s continued attendance at school or his or her return to school (in the event that he or she is placed in the Alternative School or expelled) shall be contingent upon satisfactory participation in the Early Warning Program. 

    7.  The principal shall invoke one of the following disciplinary options:

    §  In-school suspension

    §  Out-of-school suspension

    §  Assignment to the Alternative School

    §  Expulsion from school


    If, in the opinion of the principal, the violation warrants expulsion of the student from school, the following procedures shall be followed:  Within a period of time not to exceed ten (10) days, the Board of Education shall hold a hearing in order to render a decision concerning the expulsion of the student.  The Board of Education hearing relative to expulsion, as well as the preliminary steps concerning the hearing, shall comply with procedural due process criteria.  If the Board determines that the charges brought against the student are substantial, the student may be expelled from the Mountain Brook City Schools.
    Category III

    Students Violating Substance Abuse Policies:  Transmitting Substances, 2nd Category II Offense

    This category shall include violations of this policy wherein a student has

    (a) Transmitted or intended to transmit a prohibited substance, or (b) committed a second Category II offense.  In the event of such violations the following procedures shall be followed: 

    • The student shall be clearly informed by the principal or by his or her designee of the offense with which he or she is being charged and of the evidence against him or her.  The student will be given an adequate opportunity to state his or her position regarding the alleged offense.
    • If, in the judgment of the principal or his or her designee, the student did commit the offense in question, the student shall be immediately suspended from school.
    • The principal shall immediately notify the student’s parent or legal guardian of the action taken, the reason or basis for the action, and what further action will be taken.
    • The principal shall notify the School Resource Officer of the Mountain Brook City Police Department of the violation.
    • The student shall then be dismissed from school but only in the company of his or her parent or legal guardian.
    • The principal shall refer the student to the Early Warning Program, Level III.  The student’s return to the regular school program from either expulsion or the Alternative School shall be contingent upon satisfactory participation in the Early Warning Program.
    • The principal shall invoke one of two disciplinary options:
      • Assignment to the Alternative School
      • Expulsion from school 
    If, in the opinion of the principal, the violation warrants expulsion from school, the following procedures shall be followed: Within a period of time not to exceed ten (10) days, the Board of Education may hold a hearing in order to render a decision concerning the expulsion of the student.  The Board of Education hearing relative to expulsion, as well as the preliminary steps concerning the hearing, shall comply with procedural due process criteria.  If the Board determines that the charges brought against the student are substantial, the student may be expelled from the Mountain Brook City Schools



    Adopted:  November 16, 1987  Revised: July 14, 2014