

    It is the policy of the Mountain Brook Board of Education that an effective Alternative School program be implemented and maintained in order to meet the needs of students with behavioral or emotional problems. 

    In addition, the Alternative School shall serve a disciplinary function by isolating potentially disruptive students from the regular school population and maintaining rigorous adherence to rules and procedures.

    In order to meet the above objectives, the Alternative School program shall provide the following:


    A.            A full time teacher who is effective in dealing with students who have emotional and behavioral problems.

    B.            Opportunities for individual counseling with qualified personnel.

    C.            A point or merit system to enable a student to earn privileges and eventually attain the opportunity to return to the regular school program.

    D.            A highly structured environment with a primary emphasis on academic work.


    I.          Procedures 

    In the event that a student’s behavior, in the opinion of the principal, may justify assignment to the Alternative School, the procedures shall be as follows:


    A.            The student shall be clearly informed by the principal or by his or her  designee of the offense with which he or she is being charged and of the evidence against him or her.  The student will be given an adequate opportunity to state his or her position regarding the alleged offense.

    B.            If, in the judgment of the principal or his or her designee, the student did commit the offense (or offenses) in question, the student  shall be immediately suspended from school.

    C.            The principal shall immediately notify the student’s parent or legal guardian of the action taken, the reason or basis for the action, and what further action will be taken.

    D.            The student shall then be dismissed from school but only in the company of his or her parent or legal guardian.

    E.            Within a period of time not to exceed two (2) full school days, the principal shall submit to the Superintendent a written report outlining (1) the nature of the offense (or offenses) which the student has committed and (2) the recommended length of the assigned term to the Alternative School as well as (3) any conditions which must be met before the student is permitted to return to the regular school program.

    F.            The Superintendent shall render a final decision concerning Alternative School placement.  In the event that a student is assigned to the Alternative School, the Superintendent shall notify, in writing, the student’s parent or legal guardian of such placement.

    II.         Curriculum

    In compliance with the Alabama Administrative Code 290-030-010-06, it is the policy of the Mountain Brook School System that all students enrolled in the Alternative School Program for a period of 30 consecutive calendar days or more shall be provided with a curriculum which stresses non-violent conflict resolution, responsibility, group problem solving, and satisfaction through academic achievement.

    III.        Prohibited Activities


    During his or her term of assignment to the Alternative School, a student shall not be permitted on the campus of any other school or facility of the Mountain Brook School System, nor shall he or she be permitted to attend or participate in any school sponsored activity during such term of assignment.





    Adopted:          November 16, 1987

    Revised:           December 11, 1995