

    It is the policy of the Mountain Brook school system to comply with all provisions of State Act 93-368.


    I.          Purpose of the Act


    The purpose of Act 93-368 is to make the right to retain, apply for, renew, or reinstate a driver’s license or learner’s permit contingent upon compliance with school attendance standards.  School attendance standards are met by enrollment in a school, General Educational Development program (GED), or job training program approved by the State Superintendent of Education.


    II.         Requirements of the Act


    A.    School personnel shall verify the enrollment status of students seeking driving privileges using forms and procedures in accordance with guidelines of the Department of Public Safety.


    B.    School personnel shall notify the Department of Public Safety when a student fifteen years of age or older has more than 10 consecutive or 15 cumulative days of unexcused absences during a single semester.


    C.    School personnel shall verify the status of students who are exempt from the provisions of Act 93-368 due to circumstances beyond their control. Circumstance beyond the control of students are defined as follows:

    1.     Students who are mentally or physically unable to attend school.

    2.     Students who are regularly and legally employed under the provisions of the Child Labor Law.

    3.     Students who, because of the distance they reside from school and lack of public transportation, are compelled to walk more than two miles to attend school.


    D.    School personnel shall implement an appeals process as follows:  The appeal of a decision of the school regarding the enrollment status of a student shall be submitted to the school principal.  Written notification of intent to appeal including a written statement of reasons for the appeal shall be submitted to the principal within 15 days following the issuance of enrollment status.  The appeals process shall follow adopted procedures for long-term suspension or expulsion.


    E.    School personnel shall develop procedures for implementing Act 93-368 which shall include:

    1.     Providing information to students regarding rights, penalties, and guidelines provided in the Act.

    2.     Assigning appropriate school personnel to record and certify enrollment and unexcused absences, issue Student Enrollment/Exclusion Status forms to students, notify the Department of Public Safety of students not in compliance with attendance standards , advise students that DPS has been notified, determine exempt status of students, and inform students of the appeals process.



    Adopted:          October 11, 1993