


    Head lice are a common problem for children and their families.  The head louse is a wingless insect that lives on the human scalp and lays eggs (nits) in the hair.  The primary transmission of head lice is by direct contact or common use of combs, hairbrushes, clothing, bedding or headgear. Head lice are not limited to any one sex, age, social, ethnic or economic group of children. 

    Having head lice does not pose a health risk to the infested person, but does have associated social stigma and creates anxiety and concern for the local education associations, parents and students.


    Pediculosis Policy:

    It is the policy of the Mountain Brook City Schools that whenever a student is identified with head lice, the parents will be notified and asked to pick the child up at school, allowing sufficient time for verbal and written instruction regarding the treatment of head lice.  Each school will establish procedures for the control of head lice within the school.

    The student may be readmitted to school the following day, provided that appropriate treatment has been given and no evidence of live lice is found.

    Mass screenings for head lice may be conducted as indicated.  These screenings shall be conducted in a manner that maintains the privacy and confidentiality of each student.

    The school nurse will provide staff support and guidelines for parent education and environmental management for the treatment of head lice.



    American Academy of Pediatrics. Pediculosis Capitis (Head Lice). In: Pickering LK, ed.  2000 Red Book: Report of the committee on Infectious Diseases. 25th ed. Elk Grove Village, IL; American Academy of Pediatrics: 2000: pg. 426.

    Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.  The ABCs of Safe and Healthy Child Care. Atlanta, Ga; Department of Health and Human Services: 1996: pg. 21.

    Jefferson County Department of Health.  Disease Control in the Child Care Center and Pre-School:  Guidance for Directors, Managers, Caregivers, Parents and Guardians. 2000: pg. 65

    Haas, Marykay J.  The School Nurse’s Source Book of Individualized Healthcare Plans Vol 1. North Branch, MN: Sunrise River Press, 1993


    Adopted:  June 11, 2001