• Management of Athletic and Recreational Facilities





    It is the belief of the Mountain Brook Board of Education that its facilities are for people.  They exist solely to serve the children and adults of this community.  In keeping with this belief, the following procedures are aimed at three major objectives:

    1.   To facilitate cooperation among community groups and agencies in the management of facilities.

    2.   To maximize the appropriate use of all facilities so that they can be enjoyed by the greatest number of people in the Mountain Brook community.

    3.   To preserve and enhance facilities so that they continue to be available to meet present and future needs.




    Direction and Decision-Making


    In developing policies and procedures, resolving community issues, and making significant decisions concerning the use, access, maintenance, and development of athletic and recreational facilities, the Board of Education and Superintendent of Schools shall solicit recommendations from the Community Facilities Advisory Board.



    Use of Facilities


    I.          ACCESS - Playing Fields and Tennis Courts


    The primary users of school system playing fields and tennis courts shall be the following agencies and parties: programs sponsored by the Mountain Brook City Schools, Mountain Brook Community Education, Mountain Brook Athletics, Mountain Brook Soccer, and Mountain Brook Team Tennis.

    The use of playing fields or tennis courts on a regular basis (“regular” is defined as any repetitive use on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis) by a group other than the primary users shall be governed by the following procedures and criteria:


    A.   The group must include Mountain Brook citizens as participants.

    B.  In scheduling events for such a group, the Mountain Brook City Schools (Mountain Brook Community Education), Mountain Brook             Athletics, Mountain Brook Soccer, and Mountain Brook Team Tennis shall have first priority. 

    C.  The group shall be required to obtain a permit from the office of the Director of Mountain Brook Athletics and from the office of the Athletic Director of the Mountain Brook School System.  Signatures of both Athletic Directors are required prior to the permit becoming valid.  fee shall be charged for the permit and collected by the Athletic Director of the school system.  Such fees shall be maintained in a fund which is earmarked for field maintenance expenses.  Any group who receives permission to use one of the facilities is responsible for cleanup at the conclusion of the event.  In the event of inclement weather which makes any of the outdoor facilities unusable, the athletic directors will have the authority to postpone or cancel the scheduled event.  In addition, the Superintendent of the Parks and Recreation Board will have the authority to postpone or cancel events due to inclement weather. 

    D.   High school fraternities and sororities are specifically  excluded from use of all school fields and facilities.

    E.   No alcoholic beverages are allowed to be consumed on any school or city property. 

    F.   A group or individual that charges a fee for their program must operate under the auspices of the office of the Mountain Brook Community       Education.

    A group possessing a valid permit shall have priority of use of its designated field over non-scheduled, informal groups.



    II.         ACCESS - Gymnasiums


    The primary users of school system gymnasiums shall be the following agencies and parties: programs sponsored by the Mountain Brook School City Schools, Mountain Brook Community Education, and Mountain Brook Athletics.


    The use of a school gymnasium by a group other than the primary users is regulated by the following rules:

    A.   The group must include Mountain Brook citizens as participants. 

    B.   The group shall obtain a written permit for such use from the Athletic Director of the Mountain Brook City Schools. 

    C.   A group or individual that charges a fee for their program must operate   under the auspices of the office of Mountain Brook Community Education.


    III.        SCHEDULING - Playing Fields, Tennis Courts, and Gymnasiums

    The Athletic Director of the Mountain Brook City Schools or his designee shall develop (and keep current) a schedule of school-sponsored activities (including Community Education activities) which involve the use of school system playing fields, tennis courts, and gymnasiums.  This schedule shall be made available to the Director of Mountain Brook Athletics.

    Once established, the schedule of school sponsored activities shall not be unilaterally changed, thus creating hardship for other organizations whose schedules may be disrupted by such change.  Changes in scheduling shall be made only under unusual circumstances and after mutual agreement of all parties affected by the changes.


    IV.        Building Security and Custodial Care - Gymnasiums


    The Athletic Director of the Mountain Brook City Schools and the Director of Mountain Brook Athletics shall jointly agree on the designated supervisor for each gymnasium for the purposes of security and custodial care.  The Athletic Association and any other group reserving facilities will pay a fee established by the Community Facilities Advisory Board to the school system for the use of the facilities to defray utility costs and supervisory costs.


    V.         Upgrades and Improvements


    All plans for significant upgrades and improvements of school system playing fields, tennis courts, and gymnasiums shall be reviewed by the Community Facilities Advisory Board which shall then make recommendations to the Board of Education, Superintendent of Schools, or the City Council regarding the advisability of such proposed upgrades and improvements.






    Adopted:  February 10, 1997