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Elementary TeacherVUE: Grade Book Main

Grade Book Main is where assignments and scores are entered and the overall proficiency towards standards mark is calculated. It also indicates which class Grade Book your are focused to, if you have more than one class created, and whether you are in “Assignment View” or “Standards View.” You can change how items are displayed on the screen via the “Filters and Options” menu, and several report options are available.


  1. Terms/Class Focus/Periods: Indicates which class and period Grade Book is focused to. Click here for more information.
  2. Filters & Options: Provides a way to manage how Grade Book information is organized and displayed on the screen. Click here for more information.
  3. Assignment/Level (Standards): Grade Book has two ways to enter assignments. Assignment View does not transfer marks to the elementary report card but Standards View (Level) does when Report Card Standards are used. Click here for more information.
  4. Search by Asgn Name: This only works in Assignment View. As an assignment name is typed, possible matches appear in a drop-down list below the search box. Once a name is selected, the column is highlighted in Grade Book.
  5. Search: This searches students and assignments by keyword. As the keyword is typed a list of possible matches appears in a drop-down list. When a student name is selected, it opens in the Class Summary screen. When an assignment is selected it opens in the Enter Grade Book Scores screen.
  6. New opens the New Assignment screen where details about an assignment are selected and standards, if using, are applied. Click here for more information.
  7. Reports offers a variety of reports and each allows various printing options. Some may also be exported to an Excel file. Most reports access data entered in Assignment View, not Standards View. (Reports for marks entered in Standards View are found under Report Card > Progress Report.) Click here for more information.
  8. Assignment Column lists all the assignments for the current grading period and any student scores that have been entered. Additional options are offered when the column header is selected.
  9. Student Groups can be created by clicking on this arrow.