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Secondary Synergy Documentation

Admit, Inactivate and No Show Student
Activation, Inactivation and No Show Basics

Basic Functions 
Synergy Logon
Synergy Navigation

Entering Period Attendance
Checking for 5 and 11 Day Consecutive Absences | video |
Mass Change Attendance-Secondary

Entering a Discipline Incident in Synergy
Deleting a Discipline Incident in Synergy
Discipline Incident Entry Form

Occasional Tasks
Setting a Critical Alert
Adding a Student Need
Assigning Lockers
Mass Assign Counselor and Administrator
Entering 504s
Additional Staff for TVUE Access
Move all students from one section to another-Before final grades have been entered
Move all students from a current section to another-After final grades have been entered
Honor Roll & Eligibility Definitions For GRD413
Creating an Announcement in Synergy

Creating New Sections
Synergy Scheduling Checklist
Course Request Entry
Validate-Cleanup Course Requests
Building a Master Schedule
Creating Houses and Teams

Report Cards and Transcripts
How to Enter Final Marks and Partial Credits
Summary of the Progress Report Card Process
Summary of the Final Report Card Process
Enabling/Disabling PVUE/SVUE
Setting the Grading Window for TVUE
Adding Transfer Courses & Credit to Student Course History
Entering High School Credit for Math Courses Taken in Middle School
Change Subject Area of Course for Student
Recovery of Incomplete Grades
How to Calculate Grade Point Average

Forms for your use
Cumulative Folder Review