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Elementary TeacherVUE: Class Standards

Class Standards lists all Standards that have been used when creating an assignment in the Grade Book class you are currently focused to. These Standards appear in the middle of the screen and contain the Standard’s code, Standard’s name, Grade Book Aggregation Method, Grade Book Score Type, and other details. Here, you may also edit the Aggregation Method used to calculate the final Grade Book mark.

My Objectives: In the left-hand column under Class Standards title, you see “My Objectives.” Clicking this option displays all teacher-created objectives (standards) and is used to add teacher-created objectives. Remember, these objectives are only for notation purposes and do not transfer to Report Card.

Report Card Standards: Just below My Objectives, other standards you have attached to assignments appear. In the screen shot below, the Report Card Standard “Work Habits” has been used.


Further down the left-hand column, under Load Standards, you see two more options.

Load Standards from Course Alignment: This is not an elementary-level function.

Add from District Standards Bank: District 4J’s Standards Bank consists of:

  • Report Card Standards – which do transfer to Report Card.
  • All other standards – which do not transfer to Report Card. These include teacher-created objectives and common core state standards. These standards are applied to assignments for notation purposes only. They appear as separate lines on progress reports and on various TeacherVUE screens.

Standards can be added to the current Grade Book class by selecting Add from District Standards Bank. For example, if you have created a Grade Book reading class, you can attach reading standards to the class. These standards appear under Class Standards column when creating a new assignment, so searching for them is unnecessary. However, these standards will eventually appear in the Class Standards column once they are used in the New Assignment screen.

Remember, in order for student marks to transfer to Report Card, Report Card Standards must be applied, and student proficiency marks applied to those standards. Do not use Assignment View to enter marks, or only apply Teacher Objectives or Common Core State Standards in Standards View unless you do not want marks to transfer to Report Card.

Select this PDF to learn how to add District 4J Report Card Standards to a class, create your own standards/objectives, and edit or delete teacher-created standards (which will not transfer to Report Card).

To learn more about attaching standards to Grade Book assignments so they will transfer to Report Card, click this link.