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2016 ACE Awards Champions

Staff and volunteers honored in business-sponsored awards program 

More than 200 public school teachers, administrators, classified staff and volunteers were honored at the 2016 ACE (A Champion in Education) Awards ceremony on Tuesday, April 19.

Sponsored by the local business community, the ACE Awards recognize exemplary work by public educators in the Eugene 4J, Bethel and Springfield school districts.

At the annual awards ceremony, four outstanding educators from each district were named as the 2016 champions. 4J’s 2016 ACE Awards champions are Janice Hornsby, Diane Dugan, Wes Flinn and Julie Butler. A special lifetime achievement award was presented to Nancy Golden.

Each ACE champion’s school will receive a $1,000 award for a project or program at the school. Adding up those awards over the past 11 years, the ACE Awards’ sponsors have contributed $132,000 to local public schools!

The program is made possible by the Eugene and Springfield chambers of commerce and the generous support of title sponsor Oregon Community Credit Union, reception sponsor Kendall Auto Group, supporting sponsors Hershner Hunter Attorneys and Eugene–Springfield McDonalds, and other supporters from the local business community.

ACE Champions 2016 - Staff

2016 ACE Champion employees Janice Hornsby, Wes Flinn and Diane Dugan

LICENSED CHAMPION: Janice Hornsby, Counselor, Kelly Middle School

Janice is an outstanding counselor, an inspirational leader and a team player. She places students’ needs first and arrives at school each day with the warmest and most open of hearts. She has the goal of ensuring every student’s needs are met each day, that they have a fulfilling experience at school and are academically successful. As one of her colleagues at Kelly Middle School said, “Every school needs someone like Janice.”

LICENSED NOMINEES: Amy Anderson, Awbrey Park • Nancy Anderson, Sheldon • Richard Bell, Home Instruction • Rick Bliss, Cal Young •Kimberly Brown, Willagillespie • Meredith Coelho, Roosevelt • Chris Dobson, South Eugene / Spencer Butte • Gregory Dunkin, South Eugene • Susan Dwoskin, Edison • Amanda Edgecomb, Holt • Rachel Farkas, Elementary Physical Education • Susanna Goodwin, Roosevelt • Sarah Hocken, South Eugene •  Janice Hornsby, Kelly • Lisa Iacovetta, Churchill • Sara Justice, Awbrey Park •Peggy Karotko, Monroe • Kyle Kordon, Kelly • Yvette Landrum, Gilham •Kathleen McAuliffe, Churchill • Talon Nansel, Monroe • John O’Donoghue, South Eugene • Christina Powell, Awbrey Park • Laura Queirolo, Spencer Butte / South Eugene • Kerri Sage, District Testing Coordinator • Victoria Sanguino, Buena Vista • Tricia Schroffner, Nurse Practitioner • Jed Shafer, ECCO • Jen Smith, McCornack Elementary School • Brianna Stiller, School Psychologist / Behavior Specialist • Jeff Stimler, Holt • Kim Sullivan, Camas Ridge • Melissa Swift, Howard • Tami Walkup, Speech Specialist • Janet Watson, Edgewood •Anne Wilson, Kennedy • Colleen Wright, Edgewood • Jeff Wyman, Roosevelt • Carla Zimmerman, Howard


CLASSIFIED CHAMPION: Diane Dugan, School Secretary, Camas Ridge Elementary School
Saying Diane is the “go to” person at Camas Ridge is an understatement. She runs a welcoming office where people of all ages seek her counsel. She listens and offers ideas, acting as part cheerleader, part leader, and part therapist. She makes others feel at home within minutes of meeting them, with her influence, her energy and her ability to treat every person with equal grace. Diane relishes the challenge of accomplishing what most people would consider impossible.

CLASSIFIED NOMINEES: Carol Alferes, Financial Services • Jeremy Boyce, Awbrey Park • Kristen Bradley, Chávez • Diane Dugan, Camas Ridge • Theresa Garnsey, Holt • Heidi Hakes, Camas Ridge • Pete Hamm, South Eugene •Rebecca Hanson, Howard • Virginia Hathaway, Adams • Susan Holmgren, Gilham • Debora Kovensky, Roosevelt •Jeremy Niccum, Edison • Jana Ouimet, Gilham • Jake Reents, Technology •Beth Smith, Chávez • Meladie Sorensen, Transition Education Network • Sandra Sullivan, Camas Ridge • Donna Swan-Sixkiller, Sheldon • Linda Thiesfeld, Transportation


ADMINISTRATOR CHAMPION: Wes Flinn, Principal, Kelly Middle School
Wes always strives to do what’s best for students and empowers his staff to do the same. Leading by example, he has developed a school community where all students and staff have the ability to flourish. Wes keeps the school and district’s interests in mind and heart, but also follows his own vision about how every student can achieve and what best practices will allow teachers and staff to get students there.

ADMINISTRATOR NOMINEES: Eric Anderson, Charlemagne • Stephanie Cannon, ECCO • Shae Donnelly, Young Parent Program • Jericho Dunn, South Eugene • Wes Flinn, Kelly • Sara Green, Elementary Education • Tom Maloney, Camas Ridge • Garry McCready, Technology • Michael Riplinger, Awbrey Park • Leila Schuck, Educational Support Services


VOLUNTEER CHAMPION: Julie Butler, Library Volunteer, McCornack Elementary School


2016 ACE Champion volunteer Julie Butler

As McCornack’s head library volunteer, Julie’s self-proclaimed mission is very simple: to put books into the hands of children, to ignite in them a passion for the written word and to create lifelong readers. Julie is an inspiration as she helps make dreams come true for kids. Julie’s passion for books and reading is contagious and she continually works her magic to instill a love of reading in all of the students at McCornack. Her dedication has inspired countless students toward a lifetime of reading and learning.

VOLUNTEER NOMINEES: Nadine Batya, Camas Ridge • Bree Bouse, Edgewood • Julie Butler, McCornack • Dennis Gerl, South Eugene • Sarah Hathaway, Howard • Wesley Lachman, Chávez • Tom Lininger, South Eugene • Moira Querns, Bertha Holt • Josh Reckord, Camas Ridge • Judy Salisbury, Willagillespie • Christine Sampley, Roosevelt

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