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4J Film Series: Documentary Explores Impact of Racism on Mental Health

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Online viewing available to 4J students, families and staff now through April 17

Eugene School District 4J is pleased to present a virtual screening of the documentary film RACE to be Human, examining the impact of race and racism on mental health. The film is available for viewing online by 4J students, families and staff now through the evening of April 17.

The 46-minute documentary, which features interviews from students, experts, and educators, also explores how to foster healthy conversations about race and racism and how we can collectively move our society to one rooted in dignity and respect for individuals of all races and backgrounds.  The film is recommended for students in grades 4 and above, but younger students are encouraged to watch with their parents spur conversations regarding the topics.

WHAT:     Virtual screening of RACE to be Human
WHEN:    Now through April 17, 7:30 p.m.
LINK:  Included in April 5 email from 4J Equity Dept
If you did not receive the email, send a message to equity@4j.lane.edu

4J OFFICE OF EQUITY FILM SERIES: The film is the final of four 4J has shown this school year to help spur conversations about important social issues faced by today’s youth. The first two documentary films, I’m Not Racist … Am I? and The Upstanders, that screened in October and December, respectively, examined prejudice and cyberbullying. The third film, LIKE, was presented in February and examined the impact of social media on youth.

Questions about the film or showing? Email equity@4j.lane.edu.

Learn More

“RACE to be Human” Trailer
Mental Health Resources
4J Office of Equity, Inclusion and Instruction

Serie de películas 4J: Este documental explora el impacto del racismo en la salud mental

Acceso al filme en línea disponible para los estudiantes, familias y personal del 4J desde ahora hasta el 17 de abril

El Distrito Escolar de Eugene 4J se complace en presentar una proyección virtual del documental Race to be Human, que examina el impacto de la raza y el racismo en la salud mental. La película está disponible para que la vean en línea los estudiantes, las familias y el personal del 4J desde ahora hasta la tarde del 17 de abril.

El documental de 46 minutos, que presenta entrevistas de estudiantes, expertos y educadores, también explora cómo fomentar conversaciones saludables sobre la raza y el racismo y cómo podemos mover colectivamente nuestra sociedad hacia una sociedad arraigada en la dignidad y el respeto por las personas de todas las razas y orígenes. La película se recomienda para estudiantes de 4to grado y superiores, pero se anima a los padres de estudiantes más jóvenes verla con sus hijos para estimular las conversaciones sobre los temas.

QUÉ:   Proyección virtual de Race to be Human
CUÁNDO:   Desde ahora hasta el 17 de abril, 7:30 p. m.
ENLACE:  Incluido en el correo electrónico del 5 de abril del Departamento de Equidad del 4J
Si no recibió el correo electrónico, envíe un mensaje a: equity@4j.lane.edu

SERIE DE PELÍCULAS DE LA OFICINA DE EQUIDAD 4J: Esta película es la última de cuatro que el 4J ha mostrado este año escolar para ayudar a estimular conversaciones sobre importantes problemas sociales que enfrentan los jóvenes de hoy. Los dos primeros documentales,No soy racista… ¿o lo soy? y The Upstanders, que se proyectaron en octubre y diciembre, respectivamente, examinaron el prejuicio y el ciberacoso. La tercera película, LIKE (Me gusta), se presentó en febrero y examinó el impacto de las redes sociales en la juventud.

¿Tiene preguntas sobre la película o la proyección? Mande un correo electrónico a equidad@4j.lane.edu.


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Congratulations, 2023 ACE Awards Nominees

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294 staff and volunteers nominated for educator excellence awards!

Eugene School District 4J staff and volunteers make a difference in the lives of students every day. In a show of immense support, a record-breaking 294 outstanding employees and volunteers have been nominated by parents, students and colleagues for the 2023 ACE (A Champion in Education) Awards.

Nominees: Teachers & Licensed Specialists, Classified Staff, Administrators & Supervisors, and Volunteers

ACE Award “Champions” will be selected in four categories: Teachers & Licensed Specialists, Classified Staff, Administrators & Supervisors, and Volunteers. A special Lifetime Achievement Award also may be announced. Each champion will receive a $250 grant from Eugene Education Foundation (EEF) for a school or program of their choosing and a ticket to the annual EEF gala.

All nominees will be celebrated and champions named at the in-person celebration at South Eugene High School on Thursday, May 4, at 5 p.m. Join us—everyone is welcome!

Mark your calendar: ACE Awards Ceremony
Thursday, May 4, 5–7 p.m.
5 p.m. reception with live music and appetizers / 6 p.m. ceremony begins
South Eugene High School, 400 East 19th Avenue
The ceremony will also be broadcast live on 4J Facebook page.

Congratulations to all of our 2023 ACE Awards nominees!

Nominees: Teachers & Licensed Specialists, Classified Staff, Administrators & Supervisors, and Volunteers
Click on the link to read the Facebook post announcing the individual’s nomination. More posts are added every day.

Teachers and Licensed Specialists

David Adee, Music Teacher, River Road/Camino del Río Elementary School
Holly Albone, Art Teacher, Churchill High School
Michelynah Anderegg, Speech-Language Pathologist, Buena Vista Spanish Immersion Elementary School
Aline Baissac, Essential Skills Coordinator, River Road/Camino del Río Elementary School
Scott Baker, Science Teacher, Cal Young Middle School
Kendallyn Ball, Third Grade Teacher, Holt Elementary School
Kare Batten, Fifth Grade Teacher, Buena Vista Spanish Immersion Elementary School
Mathilde Bégu, French Teacher, South Eugene High School
Katie Burns, Special Education Teacher, Fox Hollow Campus
Neil Callahan, Student Success Coordinator, Chávez Elementary School
Gloria Carbajal, First Grade Teacher, River Road/Camino del Río Elementary School
Sebastian Catlin, Student Achievement Specialist, South Eugene High School
Lisa Chinn, Physical Education Teacher, Awbrey Park Elementary School
Courtney Christensen, Special Education Teacher, Spring Creek Elementary School
Katie Christian, Math Teacher, North Eugene High School
Kyle Chunn, Fifth Grade Teacher, Willagillespie Elementary School
Mike Churchill, Social Studies & AVID Teacher, North Eugene High School
Jacob Clark, Social Studies Teacher, South Eugene High School
Meredith Coelho, Language Arts Teacher, Roosevelt Middle School
Timothy Coleman, Counselor, Arts & Technology Academy
Jim Conaghan, School Psychologist, Student Services Department
Sara Connors, Elective Teacher, Cal Young Middle School
Jessyka Cook, Third Grade Teacher, Spring Creek Elementary School
Kelley Coplin, American Sign Language Teacher, North Eugene High School
Annette Corbeau, Third Grade Teacher, Gilham Elementary School
Jill Corrigan, Language Arts Teacher, North Eugene High School
Tom Cramer, First Grade Teacher, Camas Ridge Elementary School
Vanessa Crane, Physical Education Teacher, Spring Creek Elementary School
Elysabeth Cummings, Math Teacher, Monroe Middle School
Ben Dechter, Physical Education Teacher, Camas Ridge & McCornack Elementary Schools
Kim Deleon, Special Education Teacher, McCornack Elementary School
Julia DiFiore, Third Grade Teacher, Chávez Elementary School
Josh Dillow, Band & Choir Teacher, Monroe Middle School
Louisa Dorsch, Science Teacher, Churchill High School
Bea Downes, Third Grade Teacher, Buena Vista Spanish Immersion Elementary School
Carmen Duato, Language Arts & Social Studies Teacher, Cal Young Middle School
Sara DuBose Shepard, First Grade Teacher, Yujin Gakuen Japanese Immersion Elementary School
Gregory Dunkin, International Foods and Catering Teacher, South Eugene High School
Michelle Dunn, Adaptive Physical Education Specialist, Student Services Department
Shannon Edwards, Second Grade Teacher, Gilham Elementary School
Dene Eller, Physical Education Teacher, River Road/Camino del Río Elementary School
Haley Ellis, Third Grade Teacher, Buena Vista Spanish Immersion Elementary School
Dani Emrick, Counselor, Howard Elementary School
Mariah Engle, Kindergarten Teacher, Chávez Elementary School
Simon Estifanos, Physical Education & Health Teacher, North Eugene High School
Sara Farmer, Physical Education Teacher, Kennedy Middle School
Zach Farnell, Band Director, North Eugene High School
Cat Field, Science Teacher, Cal Young Middle School
Angela Finneran, Social Studies Teacher, Eugene Online Academy
Tina Fisher, Physical Education & Health Teacher On Special Assignment, Instruction Department
Alex Franz, Physical Education Teacher, Holt Elementary School
Selena Frazier, Physical Education & Health Teacher, Spencer Butte Middle School
Ayhana Gaines, Counselor, Adams Elementary School
Vanessa Garcia-Badillo, Spanish Immersion Teacher, Monroe Middle School
Katie Gates, Special Education Teacher, Howard Elementary School
Erica Goulding, Special Education Teacher, Edgewood Elementary School
Rebecca Gourgey, Special Education Teacher, South Eugene High School
Amanda Greene-Chacon, Counselor, Buena Vista Spanish Immersion Elementary School
Katie Hansen, Special Education Teacher, Sheldon High School/Transition Education Network
Lesli Harmon, Kindergarten Teacher, Holt Elementary School
Jennifer Harris, Counselor, North Eugene High School
Laura Harris, Fourth Grade Teacher, Edison Elementary School
Jacob Havner, Student Success Coordinator, River Road/Camino del Río Elementary School
Joanne Heidel, Social Studies Teacher, Eugene International High School
Marcela Hellman, Kindergarten Teacher, River Road/Camino del Río Elementary School
Elizabeth Henderson, Language Arts Teacher, Churchill High School
Emily Henson, Special Education Teacher, Holt Elementary School
Katie Herzberg-Hachimoto, Japanese Teacher, Kelly Middle School
Heather Hickcox, Special Education Teacher, Student Services Department
Justin Hollander, Social Studies Teacher, Kelly Middle School
Meaghan Holst, First Grade Teacher, Gilham Elementary School
Christie Hoogendoorn, Health Teacher, South Eugene High School
Shay Hurlocker, Language Arts Teacher, Churchill High School
Kami Icenhower, Kindergarten Teacher, Gilham Elementary School
Katrina Irwin, First Grade Teacher, Gilham Elementary School
Melissa Ivan, Language Arts & Social Studies Teacher, Monroe Middle School
Kathryn Johnson, Special Education Teacher, Student Services Department
Sarah Johnson, Fifth Grade Teacher, Gilham Elementary School
Stephen Johnson, Music Teacher, Buena Vista Spanish Immersion Elementary School
Lara Kincaid, Math Teacher, North Eugene High School
Jenny Kneale, Fourth Grade Teacher, Yujin Gakuen Japanese Immersion Elementary School
Codie Kostechka, Social Studies Teacher, North Eugene High School
Allison Kreider, Third Grade Teacher, Howard Elementary School
Sally Krueger, Fifth Grade Teacher, Edgewood Elementary School
Jill Lancaster, Occupational Therapist, Gilham Elementary School
ErinMarie Langsdorf, Physical Education Teacher, Charlemagne French Immersion Elementary School
Michael Leahy, Counselor, South Eugene High School
Rebecca LeDuc, Kindergarten Teacher, Edgewood Elementary School
Tracy Lightner, Special Education Teacher, Camas Ridge Elementary School
Ricardo Llamas, Third Grade Teacher, Buena Vista Spanish Immersion Elementary School
Kenny Long, Special Education Teacher, Howard Elementary School
Clarice Loo, Language Arts & Social Studies Teacher, Cal Young Middle School
Kelsy Loyd, Music Teacher, Spring Creek Elementary School
Melissa Lutsch, Special Education Teacher, Spring Creek Elementary School
Barb MacWilliam, Science & Health Teacher, Cal Young Middle School
Megan Marsh, Kindergarten Teacher, Buena Vista Spanish Immersion Elementary School
Davina Mattox, French Teacher, Roosevelt Middle School
Suzie McLauchlin, French, Language Arts & Social Studies Teacher, Madison Middle School
Brad McLean, Special Education Teacher, Sheldon High School
Esther Moen, Counselor, Camas Ridge Elementary School
Teresa Montes Cervantes, Social Worker, ECCO
Kelsey Moore, Fourth Grade Teacher, Willagillespie Elementary School
Jennifer Mora, Social Studies & Language Arts Teacher, Kelly Middle School
Trieva Morgan, Special Education Teacher, Willagillespie Elementary School
Daniel Morphis, Science Teacher, Arts & Technology Academy
Courtney Morris, Fourth Grade Teacher, Edgewood Elementary School
Toni Mucker, Third Grade Teacher, Edgewood Elementary School
Sarah Murchison, French & Spanish Teacher, Sheldon High School
Alexia Murphy, First Grade Teacher, Charlemagne French Immersion Elementary School
Teresa Myers, Math Teacher, North Eugene High School
Gene Newbold
, Art Teacher, Monroe Middle School
Katie Niemeyer, Physical Education & Health Teacher, North Eugene High School
Chelsea Norris, First, Second & Third Grade Teacher, Family School
Jackie Ochoa Cuevas, First Grade Teacher, Buena Vista Spanish Immersion Elementary School
Rachel Parac, Counselor, Charlemagne French Immersion Elementary School
Ellie Pascoe-Long, Kindergarten Teacher, Edison Elementary School
Niels Pasternak, Special Ed/Autism Teacher on Special Assignment, Student Services Department
Megan Perdue, Choir & Leadership Teacher, Sheldon High School
Amy Petty, Fifth Grade Teacher, McCornack Elementary School
Scott Pierce, Counselor, Willagillespie Elementary School
Mary Poppen, Music Teacher, Willagillespie Elementary School
Erin Prescott, Second Grade Teacher, Edgewood Elementary School
Bryan Prideaux, Fifth Grade Teacher, Howard Elementary School
Shasta Quigley, Behavior Specialist, Equity, Inclusion & Instruction Department
Mary Recker, First Grade Teacher, Gilham Elementary School
Kim Reinhardt, Student Success Coordinator, Howard Elementary School
Joe Renaud, Special Education Teacher, Sheldon High School
Danielle Renken, Second Grade Teacher, Chávez Elementary School
Stephanie Riley, Third Grade Teacher, Gilham Elementary School
Samantha Ritchie, Second Grade Teacher, Adams Elementary School
Lisa Robbins, Second Grade Teacher, Willagillespie Elementary School
Suzy Rock, Fifth Grade Teacher, Howard Elementary School
Lizette Rodgers, Spanish Teacher, South Eugene High School
Mark Rodgers, Science Teacher, South Eugene High School
Krystle Rodriguez, School Nurse, Student Services Department
Beth Saxon, Title I Teacher, Willagillespie Elementary School
Sarah Schiltz, Fifth Grade Teacher, Howard Elementary School
Scott Schirmer, Math Teacher, Churchill High School
Sarah Scholten, Special Education Teacher, Edgewood Elementary School
Zak Scotton, Special Education Teacher, Churchill High School
Alexis Screen, Fifth Grade Teacher, River Road/Camino del Río Elementary School
Mike Seager, Special Education Teacher, Roosevelt Middle School
Matt Sharkey, Social Studies Teacher, Churchill High School
Tana Shepard, Climate, Energy & Conservation Teacher on Special Assignment, 4J/EWEB Education Partnership
Shelly Silver, Kindergarten Teacher, Howard Elementary School
Roxanne Simpson, Third Grade Teacher, Gilham Elementary School
Jennifer Slater, Special Education Teacher, River Road/Camino del Río Elementary School
Magdalena Sloniger, First Grade Teacher, Buena Vista Spanish Immersion Elementary School
Shaun Smith, Japanese Immersion Teacher, Kelly Middle School
Antje Snawder, Kindergarten Teacher, Adams Elementary School
Hannah Stamp, Special Education Teacher, Willagillespie Elementary School
Barb Stroh, Special Education Teacher, Yujin Gakuen Japanese Immersion Elementary School
Kelly Stroh, Fifth Grade Teacher, Yujin Gakuen Japanese Immersion Elementary School
Kim Sullivan, Special Education Teacher, Howard Elementary School
Kevin Summerfield, Social Studies Teacher, Sheldon High School
Jay Swanson, Fourth Grade Teacher, Chávez Elementary School
Aaron Thomas, Language Arts & Performing Arts Teacher, North Eugene High School
Gwen Thorne, Kindergarten Teacher, Camas Ridge Elementary School
Carrie Tilson, Counselor, Monroe Middle School
Kristina Trujillo, Science Teacher, North Eugene High School
Nick Van Bloem, Fifth Grade Teacher, Spring Creek Elementary School
Julia Von Holt, Social Studies Teacher, Eugene International High School
Christina Wagner, First Grade Teacher, Awbrey Park Elementary School
Stephanie Waples, Fourth Grade Teacher, Willagillespie Elementary School
Jasmine Ward, First Grade Teacher, Howard Elementary School
Shelley Watson, Speech-Language Pathologist, Howard Elementary School
Robin Wellwood, School Nurse, Student Services Department
Timothy Wilcox, Band & Theater Teacher, Madison Middle School
Clair Wiles, Social Studies Teacher, North Eugene High School
Anne Wilson, Third Grade Teacher, Edison Elementary School
Bree Wyatt, Essential Skills Coordinator, Adams Elementary School
Anthony Yakovich, Counselor, North Eugene High School
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Classified Staff

Faten Abdelhamid, Special Ed Educational Assistant, Sheldon High School
Juan Abril, Behavior Support Assistant, River Road/Camino del Río Elementary School
Kelly Ayres, Registrar, Roosevelt Middle School
Tyson Biggerstaff, Behavior Support Specialist, Charlemagne French Immersion Elementary School
Kathy Boozer, Management Assistant, Facilities Department
Brian Bowen, Carpenter, Facilities Department
Ana Boyd, Special Ed Educational Assistant, Cal Young Middle School
Emily Brown, Educational Assistant, Adams Elementary School
Racheal Bryant, Special Ed Educational Assistant, Willagillespie Elementary School
Henny Buditjahja, Special Ed Educational Assistant, North Eugene High School
Tanya Bunson, Secretary, Edgewood Elementary School
Ricki Campbell-Siebers, Secretary, Edison Elementary School
Kathrine Carnahan, Special Ed Educational Assistant, Charlemagne French Immersion Elementary School
Rosa Castro, Bilingual Educational Assistant, North Eugene High School
Jennifer Coats, Extended Day Program Educational Assistant, Sheldon High School
Sarah Dreyer, Educational Assistant, Willagillespie Elementary School
Sophia Durant, Human Services Coordinator, McCornack Elementary School
Theresa Elmore, Attendance Clerk, Roosevelt Middle School
Kaisa Erickson, Special Ed Educational Assistant, Spring Creek Elementary School
Don Evans, Custodian, ECCO
Keith Fjordbeck, Lead Custodian, Churchill High School
Kirsten Frazer, Educational Assistant, Edison Elementary School
Pat Frees, Maintenance Worker III, Facilities Department
Livia Fremouw, Educational Assistant, Edison Elementary School
Elsa Gallegos, Bilingual Educational Assistant, River Road/Camino del Río Elementary School
Angie Gee, Human Services Coordinator, Chávez Elementary School
Lisa Goff, Educational Assistant, Holt Elementary School
Elayne Goodban, Behavior Support Specialist, Yujin Gakuen Japanese Immersion Elementary School
Perla Grado, Secretary, Buena Vista Spanish Immersion Elementary School
Ruth Guzman Sanchez, Behavior Support Assistant, Buena Vista Spanish Immersion Elementary School
Machiko Hadwen, Bilingual Educational Assistant, Yujin Gakuen Japanese Immersion Elementary School
Wendy Harris, Educational Assistant, Edison Elementary School
Jason Harter, Behavior Support Assistant, Arts & Technology Academy
Zoe Haupt, Special Ed Educational Assistant, Madison Middle School
Christian Hill, Communications Specialist, Communications Department
Jenna Hoagland, Behavior Support Assistant, Twin Oaks Elementary School
Morgan Houghton, Administrative Assistant, Human Resources & Financial Services Departments
Emily Iverson, Educational Assistant, Spring Creek Elementary School
Lisa Jenkins-Easton, Records & Scheduling Assistant, Sheldon High School
Heather Kendrick, Secretary, Spring Creek Elementary School
Debora Kovensky, Special Ed Educational Assistant, Roosevelt Middle School
Sandy Krupicka, Educational Assistant, Camas Ridge Elementary School
Darin Lomsdalen, Campus Safety & Security Monitor, Risk Management & School Safety Department
Jennifer MacPherson, Library/IMC Assistant, Churchill High School
Lindsay Manley, Educational Assistant, Willagillespie Elementary School
Michele Marzullo, Educational Assistant, South Eugene High School
Gerry Morgan, Behavior Support Assistant, Edison Elementary School
Jane Morgan, Department Assistant, Churchill High School
Marcus Morris, Campus Safety & Security Monitor, Risk Management & School Safety Department
Denice Mullaney, Special Ed Educational Assistant, North Eugene High School
Haley Myers, School Assistant, Willagillespie Elementary School
Kelly Oberfoell, Custodial/Maintenance Coordinator II, Roosevelt Middle School
Guy Okili Da Graca, Campus Safety & Security Monitor, Risk Management & School Safety Department
Jana Ouimet, Special Ed Educational Assistant, Gilham Elementary School
Danny Parlette, Special Ed Educational Assistant, Charlemagne French Immersion Elementary School
Nicole Patrick, Special Ed Educational Assistant, Chávez Elementary School
Stephanie Perez, Secretary, Monroe Middle School
Jael Perez Diaz, Bilingual Educational Assistant, River Road/Camino del Río Elementary School
Mary Peterson, Secretary, Madison Middle School
Pete Peterson, Behavior Support Assistant, Roosevelt Middle School
Jennifer Plueard, Behavior Support Assistant, Cal Young Middle School
Jennifer Potterf, Food Service Coordinator II, Cal Young Middle School
Julia Rice, Special Ed Educational Assistant, Charlemagne French Immersion Elementary School
Steve Rogers, Custodial/Maintenance Coordinator II, Yujin Gakuen Japanese Immersion Elementary School & Kelly Middle School
Izumi Sakimoto, Educational Assistant, Yujin Gakuen Japanese Immersion Elementary School
Fabi Salgado Aradillas, Secretary, Camas Ridge Elementary School
Grace Salud, Deaf & Hard of Hearing Interpreter, Spring Creek Elementary School
James Samora-Walker, Educational Assistant, Buena Vista Spanish Immersion Elementary School
Maria Schaad, Program Coordinator, Eugene Education Options
Kimo Sears, Mechanic II, Transportation Department
Debbie Serra, Secretary, Willagillespie Elementary School
Hollie Service, School Assistant, Gilham Elementary School
Debra Short, Library/IMC Assistant, Cal Young Middle School
Mollie Smith, Secretary, Monroe Middle School
Christina Snyder, Custodial/Maintenance Coordinator II, Cal Young Middle School
Janesta Sola, Educational Assistant, Yujin Gakuen Japanese Immersion Elementary School
Abby Spencer, Behavior Support Assistant, Spring Creek Elementary School
Brenda Sturgis, Bus Driver, Transportation Department
Campbell Trangmar, Custodian, South Eugene High School
Becky Uhler, Special Ed Educational Assistant, Twin Oaks Elementary School
Alison Wagner, Educational Assistant/McKinney-Vento Liaison, Edison Elementary School & Roosevelt Middle School
Judy Weber, Educational Assistant, Edgewood Elementary School
Mallory Whitaker, Secretary, Chinese Immersion School
Stefan Williams, Educational Assistant, South Eugene High School
Ari Windstein Nayak, Special Ed Educational Assistant, Willagillespie Elementary School
Nora Young, Educational Assistant, Chávez Elementary School
Alex Zuniga, Bilingual Office Support, Buena Vista Spanish Immersion Elementary School
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Administrators and Supervisors

Bernadette Adeniran, Administrator, Human Resources Department
Eric Anderson, Director of Curriculum, Instruction Department
Peter Barsotti, Principal, Madison Middle School
Hobie Blackhorn, Principal, Camas Ridge Elementary School
Dana Brummett, Principal, McCornack Elementary School
Regine Childs, Assistant Principal, Sheldon High School
Ann Christianson, Regional Equity Manager, North Eugene High School
Laura Clark, Assistant Principal, Churchill High School
Missy Cole, Principal, Churchill High School
Josh Davies, Administrator, NATIVES Program
Lancelot Falcon, Assistant Principal, Churchill High School
Ricci Huling, Assistant Principal, South Eugene High School
Carey Killen, Principal, South Eugene High School
Roger Morris, Senior Systems Administrator, Technology Department
Lavinia Page, Principal, Gilham Elementary School
Adrienne Pierce, Curriculum Administrator, Instruction Department
Karen Ramirez Guiterrez, Principal, River Road/Camino del Río Elementary School
Stephanie Randall, Principal, Buena Vista Spanish Immersion Elementary School
Alma Reyes Guillen, Regional Equity Manager, Sheldon High School
Sun Saeteurn, Principal, Monroe Middle School
Travis Sheaffer, Assistant Principal, North Eugene High School
Kari Skinner, Director, Risk Management & School Safety Department
Jared Tiecke, Principal, Awbrey Park Elementary School
Brian Watson, Assistant Principal, Monroe Middle School
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Jordan Blair, Buena Vista Spanish Immersion Elementary School
Amy Lee, Gilham Elementary School
Tom Mohr, Yujin Gakuen Japanese Immersion Elementary School
Sara Nelson, Spencer Butte Middle School
Michael Rangeloff, South Eugene High School
Lindsay Selser, Camas Ridge Elementary School
Caroline Snider, Spring Creek Elementary School
Kalleen Stoddard, Cal Young Middle School
Lisa Wahi, Gilham Elementary School
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Past nominees and champions:
2022, 2021, 2020, 2019201820172016

Felicitaciones, nominados a los premios ACE 2023

¡294 miembros del personal y voluntarios fueron nominados para los premios a la excelencia de educadores!

El personal y los voluntarios del Distrito Escolar de Eugene 4J marcan una diferencia en la vida de los estudiantes todos los días. En una muestra de inmenso apoyo, padres, estudiantes y colegas nominaron a un récord de 294 empleados y voluntarios destacados para los premios ACE (A Champion in Education) de 2023.

Los “Campeones” del Premio ACE serán seleccionados en cuatro categorías: Maestros y Especialistas Licenciados, Personal Clasificado, Administradores y Supervisores, y Voluntarios. También se puede anunciar un Premio especial a la Trayectoria. Cada campeón recibirá una subvención de $250 de Eugene Education Foundation (EEF) para una escuela o programa de su elección y un boleto para la gala anual de EEF.

Todos los nominados serán celebrados y los campeones nombrados en la celebración en persona en South Eugene High School el jueves 4 de mayo a las 5 p.m. Únase a nosotros, ¡todos son bienvenidos!

Marque su calendario: Ceremonia de entrega de premios ACE
Jueves 4 de mayo, de 5 a 7 p. m. (recepción a las 5:00 p.m./ ceremonia a las 6:00 p.m.)
Preparatoria South Eugene
400 East 19th Ave

¡Felicitaciones a todos nuestros nominados a los Premios ACE 2023!


Maestros y Especialistas Licenciados
Personal Clasificado
Administradores y supervisores

Haga clic en los enlaces de los nombres para leer la publicación de Facebook que anuncia la nominación del individuo. Cada día se agregan más publicaciones.

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Parent Info Session: Tips to Promote Healthy Online Experiences

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District offers information session for parents on promoting healthy and safe online experiences for youth

Do you worry about your child’s screen time? Does technology cause tension in your home? You are not alone!

Eugene School District 4J is hosting a community talk with Dr. Jennifer Doty for parents and community members to learn how to help their children navigate technology safely and become good digital citizens.

At the session, you’ll learn the TECH parenting model, strategies for choosing age-appropriate media, and ways to set up healthy online boundaries to prevent cyberbullying and other problematic internet behaviors.

Parent Tips: Cyberbullying & Mental Health
Monday, April 10, 6:30–8 p.m.
Monroe Middle School
2800 Bailey Lane, Eugene

Presentación en español
unes, 17 de Abril 6–8 p.m., Escuela Camino del Río,
120 W. Hillard Lane.

Speaker Dr. Jennifer Doty is an Associate Professor in the Department of Counseling Psychology and Human Services at the University of Oregon. Dr. Doty’s research is built around the idea that parent-child relationships and technology are key leverage points for improving adolescent health and well-being. Her focus is the prevention of bullying and cyberbullying and the promotion of mental health. She has over thirty peer reviewed articles on these topics as well as two books and several book chapters.

This presentation is part of a 4J series of community events addressing youth mental health and suicide prevention.

Sesión de consejos para padres para promover experiencias cibernéticas saludables

El distrito ofrece una sesión informativa para que los padres puedan promover experiencias en línea saludables y seguras para sus jóvenes

¿Le preocupa el tiempo que pasan en la pantalla sus hijos? ¿Genera tensión la tecnología en su hogar? ¡Usted no está solo!

El Distrito Escolar de Eugene 4J está ofreciendo una charla comunitaria con la Dra. Jennifer Doty para que los padres y miembros de la comunidad aprendan cómo ayudar a sus hijos a navegar la tecnología de manera segura y convertirse en buenos ciudadanos digitales.

En la sesión, aprenderá el modelo de crianza TECH, estrategias para elegir medios apropiados para la edad y formas de establecer límites saludables en línea para prevenir el ciberacoso y otros comportamientos problemáticos en Internet.

Consejos para padres: Bullying cibernético y salud mental
Presentación en español
Lunes, 17 de Abril 6–8 p.m.,
Escuela Camino del Río,
120 W. Hillard Lane.

La presentadora Dra. Jen Doty es una profesora asociada en el Departamento de Psicología de Consejería y Servicios Humanos de la Universidad de Oregón. La investigación de la Dr. Doty se basa en la idea de que las relaciones entre padres e hijos y la tecnología son puntos de influencia clave para mejorar la salud y el bienestar de los adolescentes. Su enfoque es la prevención del acoso y el ciberacoso y la promoción de la salud mental. Tiene más de treinta artículos revisados ​​por pares sobre estos temas, así como dos libros y varios capítulos de libros.

Esta presentación es parte de una serie de eventos comunitarios del 4J que abordan la salud mental de los jóvenes y la prevención del suicidio.


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Early Release Day to Move to Wednesdays

Información en español

Shift will help increase collaboration among 4J educators • No change to early release times

All 4J schools will release early on Wednesdays instead of Fridays starting this fall to support collaboration among our educators.

Early-release days on Wednesdays will best support the new schedule that 4J high schools will follow starting this fall. In addition, comments from educators indicated that dedicated time for professional development and collaboration is more impactful during the middle of the workweek rather than at its end. Early-release times will remain unchanged.

Understanding the importance to families of having consistent school schedules, the change to a Wednesday early-release day will apply to all schools.

Wednesday early-release days are not new to our district. Many 4J schools released students early during the middle of the week prior to our district moving to a standard schedule for all schools in 2018, when Friday was selected as the early-release day.

Learn More
School Schedules
School Calendars

Día de salida temprana se pasará a los miércoles

El cambio ayudará a aumentar la colaboración entre los educadores del 4J • No hay cambio en la hora de salida temprana

Todas las escuelas 4J saldrán temprano los miércoles en lugar de los viernes a partir de este otoño para apoyar la colaboración entre nuestros educadores.

Los días de salida temprana los miércoles apoyarán mejor el nuevo horario que seguirán las escuelas secundarias 4J a partir de este otoño. Además, los comentarios de los educadores indicaron que el tiempo dedicado al desarrollo profesional y la colaboración tiene más impacto durante la mitad de la semana laboral que al final. Las horas de salida temprana permanecerán sin cambios.

Entendiendo la importancia para las familias de tener horarios escolares consistentes, el cambio a un día de salida temprana los miércoles se aplicará a todas las escuelas.

Los días de salida temprana de los miércoles no son nuevos en nuestro distrito. Muchas escuelas 4J tuvieron salida temprana durante la mitad de la semana antes de que nuestro distrito adoptara al horario estándar para todas las escuelas en el 2018, cuando se seleccionó el viernes como día de salida temprana.

Infórmese más

Horarios escolares

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Board Meeting Summary & Video: March 22, 2023

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March 22, 2023
School Board Work Session

On Wednesday, March 22, the school board held a work session. The sessions were open to the public via in-person meeting, live video on Zoom, live audio stream, and radio broadcast on KRVM 1280-AM and 98.7-FM.

Work Session

The board hear from family members of students in 4J’s special education program and discussed ways to improve it.

NOTE:  This is a quick summary of the topics and actions at a meeting of the school board. This document is NOT the official minutes of the school board. Official minutes are posted after they are drafted, reviewed and approved by the board. Audio recordings of meetings are typically posted within two days after the meeting. 

School Board Meeting Schedule & Information

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ACE Awards Nomination Deadline March 31

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Nominate your champion in education by Friday, March 31

Who is your champion in education? Eugene School District 4J has exceptional people who make a difference for students every day. Nominating a valued educator for the ACE Awards is a wonderful way to honor the incredible talent and dedication of our amazing 4J staff and volunteers.

Nominations for the 2023 ACE Awards will be accepted through Friday, March 31.

One nominee in each category will be named the ACE Award champion and receive a $250 grant for a school or program of their choosing from the Eugene Education Foundation. One nominee also may be recognized with a special lifetime achievement award. Every nominee will be recognized as an exceptional educator in 4J communications and at the in-person awards ceremony on May 4—the first in-person ceremony since 2019!

Nominations are accepted in four categories: classified staff; administrators, supervisors and professionals; volunteers; and teachers and licensed specialists. There is no limit on the number of nominations a person can submit, and previous nominees can be nominated again.

Submit a Nomination by March 31.

Mark your calendar: ACE Awards Ceremony
Thursday, May 4, 5–7 p.m. (5 p.m. reception / 6 p.m. ceremony)
South Eugene High School
400 East 19th Avenue

Questions? email information@4j.lane.edu.

Fecha límite de nominación para los premios ACE 31 de marzo

Nomine a su campeón en educación antes del viernes 31 de marzo

¿Quién es su campeón en educación? El Distrito Escolar de Eugene 4J tiene personas excepcionales que marcan la diferencia para los estudiantes todos los días. Nominar a un educador valioso para los Premios ACE es una manera maravillosa de honrar el increíble talento y la dedicación de nuestro increíble personal y voluntarios del 4J.

Las nominaciones para los Premios ACE 2023 serán aceptadas hasta el viernes, 31 de marzo.

Un nominado en cada categoría será nombrado campeón del Premio ACE y recibirá una subvención de $250 para una escuela o programa de su elección de la Eugene Education Foundation. Un nominado también puede ser reconocido con un premio especial a la trayectoria. Todos los nominados serán reconocidos como educadores excepcionales en comunicaciones del 4J y en la ceremonia de entrega de premios en persona el 4 de mayo, ¡la primera ceremonia en persona desde el 2019!

Se aceptan nominaciones en cuatro categorías: personal clasificado; administradores, supervisores y profesionales; voluntarios; y maestros y especialistas licenciados. No hay límite en la cantidad de nominaciones que una persona puede presentar, y los nominados anteriores pueden ser nominados nuevamente.

Enviar una nominación para el 31 de marzo.

Marque su calendario: Ceremonia de entrega de premios ACE
Jueves 4 de mayo, de 5 a 7 p. m. (recepción a las 5:00 / ceremonia a las 6:00)
Preparatoria South Eugene
400 East 19th Avenue

¿Preguntas? Escríbanos un correo electrónico:  información@4j.lane.edu.


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School Calendars Approved for 2023–24

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Mark your calendars: School dates set for next year

The school board has approved the academic calendars for next year, 2023–24.

Key dates for 2023–24 include:

  • First day of school for grades K, 6 & 9: Wednesday, Sept. 6
  • First day of school for all other grades: Thursday, Sept. 7
  • Thanksgiving break: Thursday, November 23–Friday, November 24
  • Winter break: Mon., December 18–Friday, December 31 + Tue., January 2 (staff work day)
  • Spring break: Mon., March 25–Fri., March 29 + Mon., April 1 (staff work day)
  • Last day of school: Thursday, June 13 (or later if weather makeup days are needed)

Elementary School Calendar
Middle & High School Calendar
More Annual Calendar Information

Aprobados los calendarios escolares 2023–24

Marque sus calendarios: Fechas escolares establecidas para el próximo año

La junta escolar aprobó los calendarios académicos para el próximo año, 2023–24.

Las fechas clave para 2023–24 incluyen:

  • Primer día de clases para kínder, 6to y 9no: Miércoles 6 de septiembre
  • Primer día de clases para todos los otros grados: Jueves 7 de septiembre
  • Día de Acción de gracias: Jueves 23 y viernes 24 de noviembre
  • Descanso de invierno: Del lunes 18 de diciembre al martes 2 de enero (día laboral del personal)
  • Vacaciones de primavera: Del lunes 25 de marzo al viernes 29 de marzo + lunes 3 de abril (día laboral del personal) )
  • Último día de clases: Jueves 13 de junio (o más tarde si se necesitan días de recuperación por mal tiempo) 

Calendario de las escuelas primarias
Calendaio de las escuelas secundarias y preparatorias
Más información sobre el calendario escolar anual

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4J Students, Staff Prepare a Lunch to Remember

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First student-inspired midday meal since 4J brought food service in-house four years ago enjoyed by all

Students and staff at Kelly Middle School and Yujin Gakuen Japanese Immersion Elementary School took a culinary journey east on Wednesday, March 22, as they enjoyed a special Japanese hot lunch.

Kelly’s student government reached out to the district’s nutrition staff last month to request the themed lunch after receiving numerous student requests in a survey. Students and staff then met to plan out the event, with staff coming up with the menu and cooking the food and students publicizing the event to the whole school. The lunch drew rave reviews, as students and staff from the two schools feasted on ethnic fare that included vegetable sushi rolls, chicken katsu drizzled with curry sauce, seaweed salad, and marinated lotus root. There also was Dorayaki and mochi for dessert, as well as boba tea to drink.

“It looks like the kids really enjoyed it,” said eighth grader Ari Lester, a member of Kelly’s student government. “Everybody, especially the teachers, have been so excited to hear about it.”

Nutrition services manager Jill Cuadros said the event was the first student-inspired lunch since 4J brought its food service program in-house in 2019 — and it won’t be the last.

“Honestly, this is the reason why we do this job; this is the fun part,” she said. “The idea is we want to build a handful of different menus and then be able to do this perhaps quarterly per school, where they can have a theme-inspired meal.”

Learn More

4J Nutrition Services
Lunch & Breakfast Menus

Estudiantes y personal del 4J preparan un almuerzo memorable

Primer almuerzo inspirado por estudiantes desde que el 4J incorporó el servicio de comidas internamente desde hace cuatro años disfrutado por todos

Los estudiantes y el personal de la Secundaria Kelly y de la Primaria de Inmersión Japonesa Yujin Gakuen realizaron un viaje culinario al este, el miércoles 22 de marzo, mientras disfrutaron de un especial almuerzo caliente japonés.

El gobierno estudiantil de la Kelly se comunicó con el personal de nutrición del distrito el mes pasado para solicitar el almuerzo temático después de recibir numerosas solicitudes de estudiantes en una encuesta. Luego, los estudiantes y el personal se reunieron para planificar el evento, con el personal elaborando el menú y cocinando la comida y los estudiantes publicitando el evento a toda la escuela. El almuerzo obtuvo excelentes críticas, ya que los estudiantes y el personal de las dos escuelas disfrutaron de platos étnicos que incluyeron: rollos de sushi de verduras, pollo katsu con salsa de curry, ensalada de algas marinas y raíz de loto marinada. También hubo Dorayaki y mochi de postre, así como té de boba para beber.

“Parece que los niños realmente lo disfrutaron”, dijo Ari Lester, estudiante de octavo grado, miembro del gobierno estudiantil de Kelly. “Todos, especialmente los maestros, han estado muy emocionados de escucharlo”.

La gerente de servicios de nutrición, Jill Cuadros, dijo que el evento fue el primer almuerzo inspirado por los estudiantes desde que el 4J introdujo su programa de servicio de alimentos internamente en el 2019, y no será el último.

“Honestamente, esta es la razón por la que hacemos este trabajo; esta es la parte divertida”, dijo. “La idea es que queremos crear un puñado de menús diferentes y luego poder hacer esto tal vez trimestralmente por escuela, donde puedan tener una comida inspirada en un tema”.


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Superintendent Statement at Board Meeting

Información en español

In response to the concerns raised by our community in response to a health 2 – human sexuality lesson at Churchill High School, Superintendent Dey provided the following comments.

“Good evening,

Tonight, I’ll keep my comments short and focused.

Many here this evening and those tuning in are interested in hearing more information or sharing their opinions regarding the Human Sexuality assignment from Churchill High School, and subsequent rumors about additional concerning lessons.

Here in Eugene School District 4J we have a long tradition of prioritizing site-based decision making, academic freedom and effective administrative oversight. There is no question there were failures in this particular instance.

What I can share is that following an initial internal review we have identified shortcomings that allowed for the delivery of this lesson; one that the district does not recommend.  To be clear, the teacher did not create that lesson themself.  The assignment in question is pulled directly from the Our Whole Lives Sexuality Education for Grades 10 – 12, page 90. There are additional rumors of spinning wheels with salacious acts, that have not been substantiated or reflected in the materials the teacher used. We have been able to confirm an online virtual randomizer wheel with various non-sexual activities on it was utilized following the Our Whole Lives lesson on pg. 172.

When curriculum is adopted, our curriculum team provides our faculty with guidance around what lessons align with state standards and provides tools on how those can be applied. Ultimately, we rely on the professional judgment of our educators to utilize the curriculum as tools in their classroom.

We have found that in this case there was inadequate oversight and subsequent supports around the standards required and the best methods to meet those standards relying on supplemental lessons, rather than following the Our Whole Lives curriculum text verbatim.

What we have determined thus far is that we do not have record of other classes using this lesson, and have made it clear to our health educators that this is not a lesson the district endorses or supports delivering. As the district is in the process of a curriculum review and new adoption, this lesson will not be used again.

Moving forward, the district will ensure that our faculty understand and follow district policy and state law by providing families information about health curriculum, which will now include clear unit information to allow for informed decision-making for all families on their student’s participation in some or all of the curriculum.

At this time, I would like to thank those that have shared their concerns with us. The district shares these concerns and immediately acted to address concerns so that we ensure this situation is not repeated.”

Declaración del Superintendente en la reunión de la Junta

En respuesta a las inquietudes planteadas por nuestra comunidad en respuesta a una lección de salud 2 – sexualidad humana en la Preparatoria Churchill, el superintendente Dey proporcionó los siguientes comentarios.

“Buenas noches,

Esta noche, mantendré mis comentarios breves y enfocados.

Muchos aquí esta noche y los que sintonizan por radio están interesados ​​en escuchar más información o compartir sus opiniones sobre la tarea de Sexualidad Humana de la Preparatoria Churchill, y los rumores subsiguientes sobre lecciones adicionales preocupantes.

Aquí en el Distrito Escolar de Eugene 4J tenemos una larga tradición de priorizar la toma de decisiones de cada escuela con libertad académica y su supervisión administrativa efectiva. No hay duda de que aquí hubo fallas en este caso particular.

Lo que puedo compartir es que luego de una revisión interna inicial, identificamos deficiencias que permitieron la entrega de esta lección; una que el distrito no recomienda. Para ser claros, el maestro no creó esa lección por sí mismo. La tarea en cuestión se extrajo directamente de Our Whole Lives Sexuality Education para los grados 10-12, pág. 90. Hubo rumores adicionales de ruedas giratorias con actos obscenos, que no se corroboraron ni reflejaron en los materiales que usó el maestro. Hemos podido confirmar que se utilizó una rueda aleatoria virtual en línea con varias actividades no sexuales después de la lección Our Whole Lives en la pág. 172.

Cuando se adopta el currículo, nuestro equipo de currículo brinda a nuestra facultad guianza sobre qué lecciones se alinean con los estándares estatales y brinda herramientas sobre cómo se pueden aplicar. En última instancia, confiamos en el juicio profesional de nuestros educadores para utilizar el currículo como herramientas en su salón de clases.

Descubrimos que en este caso hubo una supervisión y apoyos posteriores inadecuados en torno a los estándares requeridos y los mejores métodos para cumplir con esos estándares que los basaron en lecciones complementarias, en vez de seguir el texto del currículo Our Whole Lives al pie de la letra.

Lo que hemos determinado hasta ahora es que no tenemos registro de otras clases que usen esta lección, y hemos dejado en claro a nuestros educadores de salud que esta no es una lección que el distrito respalde o apoye su entrega. Como el distrito está en proceso de revisión del currículo y hacer una nueva adopción, esta lección no se volverá a utilizar jamás.

En el futuro, el distrito se asegurará de que nuestra facultad entienda y siga la política del distrito y la ley estatal al proporcionar a las familias información sobre el currículo de salud, que ahora incluirá información clara de la unidad para permitir que todas las familias tomen decisiones informadas sobre la participación de sus estudiantes en parte o en todo el currículo.

En este momento, me gustaría agradecer a aquellos que han compartido sus preocupaciones con nosotros. El distrito comparte estas preocupaciones e inmediatamente actuó para abordar las preocupaciones para asegurarnos de que esta situación no se repita”.

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Student Health and Well-being

Información en español

Our district is aware of concerns regarding an assignment in a Churchill High School Health 2–Human Sexuality class. As K-12 educators, we know our primary purpose is to ensure student safety and well-being. In the realm of Health Education, safety is a key concept that is at the root of the instruction we provide.

The assignment at issue is part of the Our Whole Lives, OWL, curriculum that the Eugene School District 4J adopted in 2016 for grades 10–12. OWL is used by many districts across the state and is endorsed by the Oregon Department of Education.

At this time, we have removed the assignment from the class syllabus and it will not be a part of students’ grades. Our district high school team along with the curriculum team are assessing the current health curriculum units and making appropriate adjustments as needed.

Additionally, the district has begun the process of reviewing and selecting a new health curriculum to replace the OWL content that will be completed by the end of the school year.

As is 4J policy, adhering to the state standards from the Oregon Department of Education is the norm. According to the ODE website, “Sexuality Education is a required part of Health Education. Oregon’s approach to Comprehensive Sexuality Education equips students with the knowledge and skills to realize their health, well-being, and educational goals.”

Families are provided the course syllabus at the start of each term with an option to opt their student out of some or all of the coursework. As always, we welcome the review of curriculum and discussions with our families.

Thank you for your ongoing support and advocacy for our students.

Salud y bienestar estudiantil

Nuestro distrito está consciente de las preocupaciones con respecto a una asignación en una clase de Salud 2–Sexualidad humana de la Preparatoria Churchill. Como educadores K-12, sabemos que nuestro objetivo principal es garantizar la seguridad y el bienestar de los estudiantes. En el ámbito de la Educación para la Salud, la seguridad es un concepto clave que es la raíz de la instrucción que brindamos.

La tarea en cuestión es parte del contenido del currículo de Our Whole Lives, OWL, que el Distrito Escolar de Eugene 4J adoptó en el 2016 para los grados 10-12. El OWL es utilizado por muchos distritos en todo el estado y cuenta con el respaldo del Departamento de Educación de Oregón.

En este momento, hemos eliminado la tarea del currículo de la clase y no formará parte de las calificaciones de los estudiantes. El equipo de secundaria del distrito junto con el equipo de currículo están evaluando el contenido de las unidades del currículo de salud actual y haciendo los ajustes necesarios.

Además, el distrito ha comenzado el proceso de revisión y selección de un nuevo currículo de salud para reemplazar el contenido de OWL que se completará al final del año escolar.

La política del 4J es cumplir con los estándares estatales del Departamento de Educación de Oregón como norma. De acuerdo con el sitio web del ODE: “La educación sexual es una parte necesaria de la Educación para la salud. El enfoque de Oregón para la Educación Integral en Sexualidad equipa a los estudiantes con el conocimiento y las habilidades para alcanzar sus metas de salud, bienestar y educación”.

Las familias reciben el currículo del curso al comienzo de cada semestre con la opción de excluir a su estudiante de algunos o todos los temas. Como siempre, agradecemos su revisión del currículo y las conversaciones con todas nuestras familias.

Gracias por su continuo apoyo y defensa de nuestros estudiantes.

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