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2020 ACE Awards Nominees

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165 staff and volunteers nominated for educator excellence awards

Eugene School District 4J staff and volunteers make a difference in the lives of students every day. In a show of immense appreciation, a record 165 outstanding employees and volunteers have been nominated by parents, students and colleagues for the 2020 ACE (A Champion in Education) Awards.

ACE Award “Champions” will be selected in four categories: Teachers and Licensed Specialists, Classified Staff, Administrators and Supervisors, and Volunteers. A special Lifetime Achievement Award also will be announced. Each champion will receive a $250 grant from Eugene Education Foundation (EEF) for a school or program of their choosing.

Due to the coronavirus pandemic, there will not be an in-person awards ceremony held this spring. Details about a virtual awards presentation will be shared soon.

Congratulations to all of our 2020 ACE Awards nominees!

Click on the link to read the Facebook post announcing the individual’s nomination. More posts are added every day.

Teachers and Licensed Specialists

Cherie Aaron, Kindergarten Teacher, Gilham Elementary School
Mary Adams, Math Teacher, Arts & Technology Academy
Holly Albone, Visual Art Teacher, Kennedy Middle School and Churchill High School
Lisa Albrich, Spanish Teacher, Sheldon High School
Nancy Anderson, Choir Teacher, Sheldon High School
Rachelle Ariola, Fourth/Fifth Grade Teacher, Spring Creek Elementary School
Cait Balthrop, Special Education Teacher, Arts & Technology Academy
Jennifer Bender, Science Teacher, Churchill High School
Stephanie Birmingham, Language Arts Teacher, Kelly Middle School
Tim Bjornstad, Language Arts Teacher, ECCO
Carissa Boyce, Title I Coordinator, Awbrey Park Elementary School
Brenda Brainard, Director, NATIVES Program
Kristina Brooks, Language Arts Teacher, Arts & Technology Academy
Meg Carnagey, First Grade Teacher, Adams Elementary School
Sebastian Catlin, Student Achievement Specialist, South Eugene High School
Charissa Charpie, Third Grade Teacher, Howard Elementary School
Lisa Chinn, Physical Education Teacher, Awbrey Park Elementary School
Amanda Christie, Third Grade Teacher, Yujin Gakuen Japanese Immersion Elementary School
Justine Chunn, Fourth Grade Teacher, Howard Elementary School
Jacob Clark, Spanish/Social Studies Teacher, South Eugene High School
Linda Coombs, Speech-Language Pathologist, Edison and Charlemagne Elementary School
Jessy Corliss, First Grade Teacher, Howard Elementary School
Patrice Cowman, First Grade Teacher, Willagillespie Elementary School
Kim DeLeon, Special Education Teacher, McCornack Elementary School
Karen Doerfert, Music Teacher, Roosevelt Middle School
Megan Dougherty, First Grade Teacher, Spring Creek Elementary School
Dene Eller, Physical Education Teacher, River Road/El Camino del Río Elementary School
Jason Erickson, Social Studies/AVID Teacher, Madison Middle School
Jack Fertal, Math Teacher, Roosevelt Middle School
Sara Fisher, Physical Education Teacher, Buena Vista Spanish Immersion Elementary
Fenn Guill, Second Grade Teacher, Spring Creek Elementary School
Helen Haberman, Social Studies Teacher, Churchill High School
Nicholas Hadley, Spanish Immersion Teacher, Monroe Middle School
Aimee Harrington, Language Arts/Social Studies Teacher, Arts & Technology Academy
Jessica Harvey, School Psychologist, Gilham Elementary School
Jacob Havner, Fourth Grade Teacher, Adams Elementary School
Debbi Heinrich, Fifth Grade Teacher, Holt Elementary School
Peter Hoffmeister, Language Arts/PE Teacher, South Eugene High School
Christie Hoogendoorn, First Grade Teacher, Camas Ridge Elementary School
Corey Hoogendoorn, Special Education Teacher, South Eugene High School
Anne Hubbard, Kindergarten Teacher, Willagillespie Elementary School
Krissy Hulse, Fourth/Fifth Grade Teacher, Spring Creek Elementary School
Jacque Ivankovic, Special Education Teacher, Spring Creek Elementary School
Sara Jenson, Math Teacher, Spencer Butte Middle School
Sara Justice, First Grade Teacher, Awbrey Park Elementary School
Peggy Karotko, Language Arts/Social Studies Teacher, Monroe Middle School
Jana Kincaid, Fourth Grade Teacher, Charlemagne French Immersion Elementary School
Allison Kreider, Third Grade Teacher, Howard Elementary School
Claire Kronser, Art Teacher, Monroe Middle School
Joel Kuiper, Special Education Teacher, South Eugene High School
Aaron Kurlychek, Math Teacher, Arts & Technology Academy
Brian Kuzma, Head Teacher, Eugene International High School
Sarah Lacey, Title I Teacher/Instructional Coach, Edison Elementary School
Linda Lamb, Special Education Teacher, Howard Elementary School
Ron Lampe, Physical Education Teacher, Sheldon High School
Rebecca Leduc, Kindergarten Teacher, Edgewood Elementary School
Michael Lewis, Special Education Teacher, Arts & Technology Academy
Debra Lydum, Special Education Teacher, Kelly Middle School
Joy Maxwell, School Nurse, Student Services Department
Sarah McKrola, Kindergarten Teacher, Edison Elementary School
Matthew Monson, Third Grade Teacher, Willagillespie Elementary School
Talon Nansel, Music Teacher, Monroe Middle School
Karen Olsen, Fifth Grade Teacher, McCornack Elementary School
Ann Parks, Special Education Teacher, Willagillespie Elementary School
Kim Pash-Bell, Second Grade Teacher, Charlemagne French Immersion Elementary School
Megan Perdue, Music Teacher, North Eugene High School
Monica Pérez, First Grade Teacher, Buena Vista Spanish Immersion Elementary School
Scott Pierce, Counselor, Arts & Technology Academy
Ashley Pond, Second Grade Teacher, Howard Elementary School
Venus Reeve, Special Education Teacher, Awbrey Park Elementary School
Jonathan Reveal, Science Teacher, Monroe Middle School
Elle Sabala, Spanish Teacher, South Eugene High School
Jessica Schabtach, Language Arts Teacher, Eugene International High School
Takako Schneider, Kindergarten Teacher, Yujin Gakuen Japanese Immersion Elementary School
Chelsea Schwartze, Kindergarten Teacher, Spring Creek Elementary School
Mike Seager, Special Education Teacher, Roosevelt Middle School
Virginia Seefeld, Math Teacher, Roosevelt Middle School
Jani Selven, Third Grade Teacher, Adams Elementary School
Robin Seno, Kindergarten Teacher, Yujin Gakuen Japanese Immersion Elementary School
Travis Sheaffer, Band Director, North Eugene High School
Ashley Shofner, Second Grade Teacher, Awbrey Park Elementary School
Aurélie Sion, Second Grade Teacher, Charlemagne French Immersion Elementary School
Jesse Skoubo, Social Studies Teacher, Arts & Technology Academy
Steve Smith, Social Studies Teacher, Eugene International High School
Antje Snawder, Kindergarten Teacher, Adams Elementary School
Michael Stead, Industrial Arts Teacher, Madison Middle School
Elly Steinbaugh, Language Arts/Social Studies Teacher, Cal Young Middle School
Jacob Steinberger, Director of Choirs/AP Music Theory, Churchill High School
Michael Sterling, Social Studies Teacher, Churchill High School
Courtney Stitt, Math Teacher, Arts & Technology Academy
Kim Sullivan, Special Education Teacher, Camas Ridge Elementary School,
Amary Taylor, Media Specialist, North Eugene High School
Tyler Tjernlund, Industrial Arts Teacher, North Eugene High School
Nancy Unruh, Kindergarten Teacher, Edison Elementary School
Michael Washburn, AVID Teacher, Sheldon High School
Joy Wells, Social Studies Teacher, Churchill High School
Catherine Wiebe, French Immersion Teacher, Roosevelt Middle School
Erika Wolf, First Grade Teacher, Charlemagne French Immersion Elementary School
Stacie Yarbro, Music Teacher, Awbrey Park Elementary School
Mary Youngblood-Lee, Social Studies Teacher, Sheldon High School

Classified Staff

Christi Asha, Educational Assistant, South Eugene High School
Shannon Baimbridge, Department Secretary, North Eugene High School
Peggy Blair, Educational Assistant, Monroe Middle School
Jill Carpenter, Special Ed Educational Assistant, Awbrey Park Elementary School
Maja Caya, Food Service Coordinator II, South Eugene High School
Kaissi Collins, Special Ed Educational Assistant, Spring Creek Elementary School
Sara Cutler, Educational Assistant, Gilham Elementary School
David Dotson, Custodial Maintenance Coordinator II, 4J Education Center
Valerie Falleur, Secretary, ECCO
Laurie Freeman, Elementary School Office Assistant, McCornack Elementary School
Lynne Given, Secretary, Eugene International High School
Tory Guenther, Special Ed Educational Assistant, Sheldon High School
Rebecca Hanson, Special Ed Educational Assistant, Howard Elementary School
Diana Jurasevich, Special Ed Educational Assistant, Transition Education Network
Sheryl Kelly, Educational Assistant, Corridor Elementary School
Heather Kendrick, Secretary, Spring Creek Elementary School
Shelby Lindley, Special Ed Educational Assistant, Edison Elementary School
Kristan MacKay, Front Office Assistant, Awbrey Park Elementary School
Jeanne Mandrapa, Bilingual Educational Assistant, Yujin Gakuen Japanese Immersion Elementary School
Laura Muco Naraguma, Behavioral Support Assistant, Charlemagne French Immersion Elementary School
Phuong Pham-Morgan, Educational Assistant, Family School
Jincy Roberson, Special Ed Educational Assistant, Spring Creek Elementary School
Jeremy Rutledge, Custodial Maintenance Coordinator I, Awbrey Park Elementary School
Mollie Smith, Department Secretary, Monroe Middle School
Burgandee Torres Mann, Attendance Clerk, Arts & Technology Academy
Juan Villeda, Custodial Maintenance Coordinator I, Gilham Elementary School
Judy Weber, Educational Assistant, Edgewood Elementary School
Anna Wellman, Registrar, Monroe Middle School
Alex Zuniga, Office Support–Bilingual/Bicultural, Buena Vista Spanish Immersion Elementary School

Administrators and Supervisors

Eric Anderson, Principal, Roosevelt Middle School
Sebastian Bolden
, Principal, Spring Creek Elementary School
Allan Chinn
, Principal, Howard Elementary School
Kevin Gordon
, Principal, Camas Ridge Elementary School
AJ Hruby
, Assistant Principal, Arts & Technology Academy
Holly Langan
, Director, Support Services Department
Joel Lavin
, Assistant Principal, South Eugene High School
David Nelson
, System Network Specialist, Technology Department
Karen Pérez-da Silva
, Equity, Instruction and Partnerships Administrator, Instruction Department
Michael Riplinger
, Principal, Awbrey Park Elementary School
Londa Rochholz
, Principal, McCornack Elementary School  
Leila Schuck
, Administrator, Student Services Department
Peter Tromba
, Principal, Spencer Butte Middle School
Brian Watson
, Assistant Principal, Monroe Middle School
Trevor White
, Custodial Supervisor, Facilities Department


Allen Amaro, Twin Oaks Elementary School
Bruce Campbell, Howard Elementary School
Shelly Carlton, Spring Creek Elementary School
Jill Cole, Holt Elementary School
April Colgrove, Monroe Middle School
Elizabeth Custer, Spring Creek Elementary School
Mark Davenport, River Road/El Camino del Río Elementary School
Leah Detzler, Monroe Middle School
Ashlee Dixon, Gilham Elementary School
Jessica Fujimoto, Spring Creek Elementary School
Chelsea Hardrath, Yujin Gakuen Japanese Immersion Elementary School
Diane Lane, Edison Elementary School
Alice Lin, McCornack Elementary School
Maggie McCart, Edison Elementary School
Tom Mohr, Yujin Gakuen Japanese Immersion Elementary School
Tobey Ritchie, Monroe Middle School
Annette Schwabl, Spring Creek Elementary School
Nancy Shawver, Awbrey Park Elementary School
Jennifer Sheffler, Arts & Technology Academy
Caroline Snider, Spring Creek Elementary School
Tina Tague, Holt Elementary School


Past nominees and champions:

ACE nomination criteria

Nominados a los Premios ACE 2020

Hay 165 miembros del personal y voluntarios nominados para los premios a la excelencia de educadores

El personal y los voluntarios del Distrito Escolar de Eugene 4J marcan una diferencia en la vida de los estudiantes todos los días. En una muestra de inmenso aprecio, un récord de 165 empleados y voluntarios destacados han sido nominados por padres, estudiantes y colegas para los premios ACE (A Champion in Education) 2020.

Los “Campeones” del Premio ACE serán seleccionados en cuatro categorías: Maestros y Especialistas Licenciados, Personal Clasificado, Administradores y Supervisores, y Voluntarios. También se anunciará un premio especial a la Trayectoria. Cada campeón recibirá una subvención de $250 de Eugene Education Foundation (EEF) para una escuela o programa de su elección.

Debido a la pandemia de coronavirus, no habrá una ceremonia de entrega de premios en persona esta primavera. Los detalles sobre una presentación virtual de premios se compartirán pronto.

¡Felicitaciones a todos nuestros nominados a los Premios ACE 2020!

Haga clic en el enlace para leer la publicación de Facebook que anuncia la nominación del individuo. Cada día se agregan más publicaciones.

Maestros y especialistas con licencia

Personal clasificado

Administradores y supervisores


Nominados y campeones anteriores:

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