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4J Welcomes New Superintendent Andy Dey

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Dr. Andy Dey begins role as superintendent of schools 

Eugene School District 4J has a new superintendent. Dr. Andy Dey (pronounced “Dye”) began his new role as 4J superintendent on July 1, 2022.

Andy Dey

Dr. Dey has two decades of experience in K–12 education. Before becoming superintendent, he served as the district’s director of secondary education, overseeing middle and high schools. He previously served as principal of South Eugene High School, principal of Agnes Stewart Middle School, assistant principal of Thurston High School, and curriculum director at a PreK–12 international school in Santiago, Chile. He taught middle and high school science before moving into administration.

Dr. Dey earned his bachelor of arts in biology at the College of Charleston and his master’s in education and doctorate in educational methodology, policy and leadership from the University of Oregon.

Originally from Beaufort, South Carolina, he has lived in Eugene since the mid-1990s, aside from brief stints in other parts of the country and abroad in Chile. He and his wife, also an educator, have six children who attend or graduated from 4J schools.

The Eugene School Board selected Dr. Dey to be the district’s superintendent after conducting a nationwide search and gathering public input.

Superintendent Selection 

El 4J le da la bienvenida al nuevo superintendente Andy Dey 

El Dr. Andy Dey asume el cargo de superintendente de escuelas

El Distrito Escolar de Eugene 4J tiene un nuevo superintendente. El Dr. Andy Dey (pronunciado “Dai”) comenzó su nuevo cargo como superintendente del 4J el 1 de julio de 2022.

Andy DeyEl Dr. Dey ha trabajado en la educación K–12 durante 20 años. Antes de ser superintendente de distrito, el Dr. Dey se desempeñó como el director de educación secundaria del distrito y supervisó las escuelas secundarias y preparatorias. Previamente se desempeñó como director de la Preparatoria South Eugene, director de la Secundaria Agnes Stewart, subdirector de la Preparatoria Thurston, y director de currículo en una escuela internacional PreK-12 en Santiago, Chile. Antes de pasar a la administración escolar, enseñó ciencias en escuelas secundarias y preparatorias.

El Dr. Dey obtuvo su licenciatura en biología en la Universidad de Charleston y su maestría en educación y doctorado en metodología educativa, política y liderazgo de la Universidad de Oregón.

Originario de Beaufort, Carolina del Sur, llegó a Eugene a mediados de la década de los 90. Aparte de una breve temporada en otras partes del país, así como en el extranjero, en Chile, ha estado en el área de Eugene desde entonces. Él y su esposa, también educadora, son padres de seis hijos quienes han asistido a las escuelas del 4J.

La junta escolar seleccionó el Dr. Dey como el superintendente después de un proceso de selección que involucró un reclutamiento a nivel nacional y participación comunitaria.

Selección del superintendente

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2021–22 School Year: It’s a Wrap!

Información en español

Looking back, looking forward

The past couple years have been an exceptionally challenging time for our families, our schools, and our society. Now, at the end of the 2021–22 school year, the pandemic is waning and life is returning to a semblance of normal.

Despite the many challenges, Eugene School District 4J and our students and staff have accomplished a great deal over the past few years and have much to look forward to in the years ahead.

Back In Schools, Healthy & Safe

When the pandemic struck in March 2019, our district and community paused, took stock, then got right back to work building a brand new way of doing school. Every 4J teacher, specialist, administrator, and classified employee had a hand in making school work when students couldn’t be in school buildings—from getting students connected with technology, to feeding students with free grab-and-go meals, to delivering instruction through a computer screen. Families, students, staff and the community gathered their strengths and resources and joined together to make it the best it could be.

In spring 2021, students returned to school buildings, using a newly developed hybrid schedule designed to bring back some in-person learning while maintaining health and safety protocols to protect students, staff and families. In fall 2021 4J school buildings opened once again to full-time in-person learning with safety measures in place, while also offering online learning for students and families who preferred that option.

Over the past two years, 4J has worked closely with public health officials and other community partners to support health and safety, including providing lifesaving vaccines and viral testing to our staff, students, families and community members. Our facilities team installed cleaner air systems in every building. Custodians learned new techniques and practices to help keep our staff and students healthy. Nutrition services staff worked nonstop to prepare millions of free youth meals and distribute thousands of meal boxes to families. Bus drivers pitched in to help beautify school campuses and deliver food to families when school buildings were closed. We’ve kept families informed, with tremendously increased districtwide communications to parents. And of course, our teachers and specialists learned new skills, technology and teaching techniques and made great efforts to keep students learning and connected through each challenging change.

Throughout the pandemic, our students also showed their resilience, learning new technology and learning systems, how to wear masks and stay physically distanced, and the importance of rigorous handwashing. Our families showed grace and understanding, as 4J schools did our best to serve our students and families through a global pandemic, as well as raging wildfires and social unrest. This pandemic period has affected all parts of our community, and we have come through the greatest challenges together.

Strengthened Supports for Students 

Despite the challenges, the district has added new programs and strengthened others to better support the growing needs of students and families through and following the last two years of COVID impacts. We are at a very hopeful point as 4J has been growing our mental health services, providing needed supports for students, adding career technical education programs that support both our students and community, and providing services to our families in need.

Equity and Inclusion

We have have strengthened and built on our efforts to increase equity and inclusion, elevating our focus and establishing two directors of equity, regional equity coordinators, and dedicated staff to coordinate and support school-based affinity groups (aka “student unions”). Affinity groups help students develop healthy self-identity and build networks both within and beyond the group through sharing experiences and belonging strategies. Every 4J high school—and soon middle schools as well—now supports five affinity groups: Black Student Union (BSU), Latinx Student Union (LSU), Native American Student Union (NASU), Asian, Pacific Islander Student Union (APISU), and Gender Sexuality Alliance (GSA).

We’ve added dedicated staff to provide Spanish translation support for district communications, as well as staff to coordinate translation and interpretation needs across the district.

To support our most vulnerable students and families we created a wraparound program, which began with providing weekly household supplies and food at the start of the pandemic, and have continued to expand the program since. It has now moved into a permanent Welcome Center that provides basic needs and supports for 4J families, particularly those from marginalized and underserved communities, as well as help navigating the educational system so their students are best positioned for academic and social success.

Student Safety and Wellbeing 

We have added mental health specialists and other positions to support student wellbeing, including four social workers to support each high school region and a districtwide coordinator. These licensed staff members provide systematic, developmental and culturally responsive guidance and support essential to the success of each and every student. We have established a suicide prevention specialist (making 4J the first district in Oregon to do so), and developed a suicide prevention plan that includes training staff for suicide prevention and mental health support.

4J is partnering with public health and other community providers to hold a series of parent information events on youth mental health and wellbeing. To add another layer of support, the district also is providing staff and families free access to Care Solace, a confidential care coordination service for mental health care and substance abuse treatment.

Starting in fall 2021, the district has eight full-time campus security and safety monitors, two assigned to each high school region. The campus monitors now work in all 4J schools to help keep our students and schools safe and secure. We partnered with Youth Era and 15th Night to help create the Eugene Drop Center at 44 West Broadway to provide a safe space and services for unhoused youth.

We care deeply about our students’ safety and wellbeing, and these are just a few of the ways we are working to support it.

Good Things Are Building

The pandemic hasn’t stopped us from building spaces and supports for our students. We have good things on the horizon to celebrate.

School Programs

In the immediate future, we’re looking ahead to summer programs. The district offers summer school classes for students identified as needing extra support every year, and we’ve been able to expand the program this summer with additional funding from the state. 4J teachers are again offering free innovative, short-term summer courses for students entering high school. We also are partnering with community organizations to offer free summer camps and enrichment activities for 4J students in elementary and middle school.

Looking to next school year, we plan to continue to provide equitable and inclusive access to full-time, in-person learning for every student, every school day, all year. The district will continue to offer the Eugene Online Academy as an option for families who prefer to keep learning from home.

Modern Learning Materials

To provide students with a 21st century learning experience that prepares them to thrive after high school, as well as elevate historically underserved groups, 4J staff have undertaken the rigorous process of adopting new curriculum and expanding career technical education offerings.

New language arts curriculum is coming to elementary schools this fall. Students in grades K–5 will begin the new school year with brand-new books and other materials to help them learn to read and write.

The processes to adopt new social studies curriculum for grades 6–12 and new learning materials for math education in all grades also are underway. The district also is supporting equitable opportunities and outcomes by adding two high school math pathways, data science and career technical education (CTE).

Expanded career and technical education opportunities include 4J’s new Future Build Project to teach high-demand, high-wage trade skills in home construction, providing authentic learning opportunities for students and helping families transition from homelessness to homeownership.

Bond-Funded School Construction 

New school buildings are rising! Three new state-of-the-art school buildings are underway, on track, and will be opening over the next three years, starting this fall:

• Opening Fall 2022: New Edison Elementary School building. Construction is nearly complete and site work is being completed this summer and fall.

• Opening Fall 2022: Gilham Elementary School‘s second phase of building renovations, including a major expansion to relieve overcrowding, also will be completed this fall.

• Opening Fall 2023: New North Eugene High School building. Construction is halfway through and progressing rapidly on the first new high school building in the Eugene–Springfield area in over 50 years.

• Opening Fall 2024: New Camas Ridge Elementary School building. Design, permitting and bidding is complete, and construction of the new school building will begin this later this year. The 73-year-old original building will be torn down this summer.

These new buildings are designed for safety and security, efficiency and sustainability, and 21st century learning, and will provide high-quality learning environments and community assets for generations to come. Our community’s commitment to education and support of the 2018 school bond measure have made these new school buildings possible.

We Did It Together 

It has been my honor to lead Eugene School District 4J through the pandemic as the interim superintendent. I love this district and am so proud of the successes of our schools and programs, because all of our successes lead to the successes of our students. We do not do any of this work alone.

These have been exceptionally challenging times, and throughout it all our staff, students and families have really stepped in and stepped up to the challenges.

I am proud of all of our students including our 2022 graduating seniors. I’m deeply appreciative of every member of our staff team. And I’m so grateful to our families and community for your grace and support of our local public schools through the pandemic and beyond.

Together, we have accomplished so much.

Have a wonderful summer, and we’ll see you in the fall! 

–Cydney Vandercar
Interim Superintendent
Eugene School District 4J   


End of Year Message to Staff 


End of Year Remarks to Board 



¡Se acabó el año escolar 2021–22!

Mirando hacia atrás, mirando hacia adelante

Los últimos dos años han sido un momento excepcionalmente desafiante para nuestras familias, nuestras escuelas y nuestra sociedad. Ahora, al final del año escolar 2021-22, la pandemia está disminuyendo y la vida está volviendo a una apariencia de normalidad. 

A pesar de los muchos desafíos, el Distrito Escolar de Eugene 4J y nuestros estudiantes y personal han logrado mucho en los últimos años y tienen mucho que esperar en los próximos años.

Regreso a las escuelas, saludable y seguro

Cuando se produjo la pandemia en marzo del 2019, nuestro distrito y nuestra comunidad hicieron una pausa, hicieron un balance y luego se pusieron a trabajar en construir una forma completamente nueva de hacer escuela. Cada maestro, especialista, administrador y empleado clasificado del 4J participó en hacer que la escuela funcionara cuando los estudiantes no podían estar en los edificios escolares, desde conectar a los estudiantes con la tecnología, alimentar a los estudiantes con comidas gratis para llevar y hasta impartir la enseñanza a través de una pantalla de computadora. Las familias, los estudiantes, el personal y la comunidad reunieron sus fortalezas y recursos y se unieron para hacerlo lo mejor posible.

En la primavera del 2021, los estudiantes regresaron a los edificios escolares, utilizando un horario híbrido recién desarrollado y diseñado para recuperar algo del aprendizaje en persona mientras se mantenían los protocolos de salud y seguridad para proteger a los estudiantes, el personal y las familias. En el otoño de 2021, los edificios escolares del 4J se abrieron una vez más al aprendizaje en persona a tiempo completo con todas las medidas de salubridad, a la vez que se ofreció aprendizaje en línea para los estudiantes y las familias que prefirieron esa opción.

En los dos últimos años, el 4J ha trabajado en estrecha colaboración con los funcionarios de salud pública y otros socios de la comunidad para apoyar la salud y la seguridad, incluyendo la provisión de vacunas y pruebas virales a nuestro personal, estudiantes, familias y miembros de la comunidad. Nuestro equipo de instalaciones instaló sistemas de aire más limpios en cada edificio. Los conserjes aprendieron nuevas técnicas para mantener saludables a nuestro personal y estudiantes. El personal de servicios de nutrición trabajó sin parar para preparar millones de comidas gratuitas para jóvenes y distribuir miles de cajas de comida a las familias. Los choferes de autobuses colaboraron para ayudar a embellecer los planteles escolares y llevar comida a las familias cuando las escuelas estuvieron cerradas. Mantuvimos a las familias informadas, con un gran aumento en todo el distrito de comunicaciones a los padres. Además, por supuesto, nuestros maestros y especialistas aprendieron nuevas habilidades, tecnología y técnicas de enseñanza e hicieron grandes esfuerzos para mantener a los estudiantes aprendiendo y conectados a través de cada cambio desafiante.

A través de la pandemia, nuestros estudiantes demostraron su resiliencia, aprendiendo nuevas tecnologías y sistemas de aprendizaje, cómo usar mascarillas y mantenerse físicamente distanciados, y la importancia de lavarse las manos rigurosamente. Nuestras familias mostraron gracia y comprensión mientras las escuelas del 4J hacían todo lo posible para servir a nuestros estudiantes y familias durante la pandemia mundial, así como durante los incendios forestales y los disturbios sociales. Este período de pandemia afectó a todas las partes de nuestra comunidad, y nosotros pudimos resistir a los retos más difíciles al hacerlo juntos.

Apoyos reforzados para los estudiantes 

A pesar de los desafíos, el distrito ha agregado nuevos programas y fortalecido otros para apoyar mejor las crecientes necesidades de los estudiantes y las familias durante y después de los últimos dos años de impactos de COVID. Estamos en un punto muy esperanzador ya que el 4J ha estado aumentando nuestros servicios de salud mental, dando a los estudiantes los apoyos de aprendizaje necesarios, agregando programas de educación técnica profesional que apoyan tanto a nuestros estudiantes como a la comunidad, y brindando servicios a nuestras familias necesitadas.

Equidad e inclusión 

Hemos fortalecido y construido más nuestros esfuerzos para incrementar la equidad e inclusión, elevando nuestro enfoque y estableciendo dos directores de equidad, coordinadores regionales de equidad y personal dedicado para coordinar y apoyar grupos de afinidad (también conocidos como “sindicatos de estudiantes”). Los grupos de afinidad ayudan a los estudiantes a desarrollar una identidad propia saludable y a construir redes tanto dentro como fuera del grupo a través del intercambio de experiencias y estrategias de pertenencia. Cada escuela preparatoria del 4J, y pronto también las secundarias, ahora apoyan cinco grupos de afinidad: Black Student Union (BSU), Latinx Student Union (LSU), Native American Student Union (NASU), Asian, Pacific Islander Student Union (APISU), y Alianza de Sexualidad de Género (GSA).

Hemos contratado personal dedicado para traducir los mensajes del distrito al español, soporte de traducción para las comunicaciones del distrito, así como personal para coordinar la traducción e interpretación para las escuelas.

Para apoyar a nuestros estudiantes y familias más vulnerables, creamos un programa integral (Wraparound), que empezó con el suministro semanal de artículos para el hogar y alimentos al comienzo de la pandemia, y ha continuado expandiendo el programa. Ahora se ha mudado al Centro de Bienvenida que brinda apoyo y necesidades básicas a las familias del 4J, en particular a las de comunidades marginadas y desatendidas, así como también ayuda a navegar el sistema educativo para que sus estudiantes estén mejor posicionados para el éxito académico y social.

Seguridad y bienestar estudiantil

Hemos agregado especialistas en salud mental y otros puestos para apoyar el bienestar de los estudiantes, incluyendo cuatro trabajadores sociales para apoyar a cada región de escuela secundaria y un coordinador de todo el distrito. Estos miembros del personal con licencia brindan orientación y apoyo sistemáticos de desarrollo, culturalmente sensibles y esenciales para el éxito de todos y cada uno de los estudiantes. Hemos establecido un especialista en prevención del suicidio (haciendo del 4J el primer distrito en Oregón en hacerlo) y desarrollado un plan de prevención del suicidio que incluye capacitación del personal para la prevención del suicidio y apoyo a la salud mental

El 4J se ha asociado con el departamento de salud pública y otros proveedores comunitarios para sostener eventos informativos para padres sobre salud mental y bienestar. Para añadir otra capa de apoyo, el distrito también brinda al personal y a las familias acceso gratuito a Care Solace, un servicio de coordinación de atención confidencial para atención de salud mental y tratamiento para el abuso de sustancias.

A partir del otoño de 2021, el distrito cuenta con ocho vigilantes de seguridad y protección escolares a tiempo completo, dos asignados a cada región de preparatoria. Los vigilantes escolares ahora trabajan en todas las escuelas del 4J para ayudar a mantener a nuestros estudiantes y escuelas seguros y protegidos. Nos asociamos con Youth Era y 15th Night para ayudar a crear el Eugene Drop Center en 44 West Broadway para brindar un espacio seguro y servicios para jóvenes sin hogar.

Nos importa profundamente la seguridad y bienestar de nuestros estudiantes, y estas son sólo algunas maneras que utilizamos para apoyarlos.

Cosas buenas se están construyendo

La pandemia no nos paró para construir espacios y apoyos para nuestros estudiantes. Tenemos cosas buenas en el horizonte para celebrar. 

Programas escolares

En el futuro inmediato, tenemos por iniciar los programas de verano. El distrito ofrece clases de escuela de verano para los estudiantes identificados que necesitan apoyo adicional cada año, y hemos podido ampliar el programa este verano con fondos adicionales del estado. Los maestros del 4J están ofreciendo nuevamente cursos de verano gratuitos e innovadores a corto plazo para estudiantes que ingresan a la preparatoria. También nos asociamos con organizaciones comunitarias para ofrecer campamentos de verano gratuitos y actividades de enriquecimiento para estudiantes del 4J en la escuela primaria y secundaria.

Mirando hacia el próximo año escolar, planeamos continuar brindando acceso equitativo e inclusivo al aprendizaje en persona a tiempo completo para cada estudiante, todos los días escolares, durante todo el año. El distrito continuará ofreciendo la Eugene Online Academy como una opción en línea para las familias que prefieren seguir aprendiendo desde casa.

Materiales de aprendizaje modernos

Para brindar a los estudiantes una experiencia de aprendizaje del siglo XXI que los prepare para prosperar después de la escuela secundaria, así como para elevar a los grupos históricamente desatendidos, el personal del 4J ha emprendido el riguroso proceso de adoptar un nuevo plan de estudios y expandir las ofertas de educación técnica profesional.

El nuevo currículo de artes del lenguaje llegará a las escuelas primarias este otoño. Los estudiantes en los grados K-5 comenzarán el nuevo año escolar con libros nuevos y otros materiales para ayudarlos a aprender a leer y escribir.

Los procesos para adoptar un nuevo currículo de estudios sociales para los grados 6 a 12 y nuevos materiales de aprendizaje para la educación de matemáticas en todos los grados también están en marcha. El distrito también está apoyando oportunidades y resultados equitativos al agregar dos caminos de matemáticas de escuela secundaria, ciencia de datos y educación técnica profesional (CTE).

Las oportunidades ampliadas de educación profesional y técnica incluyen el nuevo Proyecto de construcción futura para enseñar habilidades comerciales de alta demanda y salarios altos en la construcción de viviendas, brindando oportunidades de aprendizaje auténticas para los estudiantes y ayudando a las familias a hacer la transición de la falta de vivienda a la propiedad de la vivienda.

Construcción de escuelas financiadas por los bonos escolares 

¡Se levantan nuevos edificios escolares! Tres nuevos edificios escolares de última generación están en marcha, en camino, y se abrirán durante los próximos tres años, a partir de este otoño:

  • Otoño de 2022: Nuevo edificio para la Escuela Primaria Edison se inaugura. La construcción del edificio está casi completa y los campos se completarán durante el verano y otoño.
  • Otoño de 2022: La segunda fase de las renovaciones del edificio de la Escuela Primaria Gilham, incluyendo la gran ampliación para aliviar el hacinamiento, también se completará este otoño.
  • Otoño de 2023: Se inaugura el nuevo edificio de la Preparatoria North Eugene. La construcción está a mitad de camino y progresa rápidamente en el primer edificio nuevo de preparatoria en el área de Eugene–Springfield en más de 50 años.
  • Otoño de 2024: Se inaugura el nuevo edificio de la Escuela Primaria Camas Ridge . El edificio original de 73 años será demolido este verano y la construcción del nuevo edificio escolar comenzará a fines de este año.

Estos nuevos edificios están diseñados para la seguridad, la eficiencia y la sostenibilidad, y el aprendizaje del siglo XXI, y proporcionarán entornos de aprendizaje de alta calidad y recursos comunitarios para las generaciones venideras. El compromiso de nuestra comunidad con la educación y el apoyo a la medida de bonos escolares de 2018 han hecho posible estos nuevos edificios escolares.

Lo hicimos juntos

Ha sido un honor para mí liderar el Distrito Escolar de Eugene 4J a través de la pandemia como superintendente interina. Amo este distrito y estoy muy orgullosa de los éxitos de nuestras escuelas y programas, porque todos nuestros éxitos conducen a los éxitos de nuestros estudiantes. No hacemos nada de este trabajo solos.

Estos han sido tiempos excepcionalmente desafiantes y, a lo largo de todo esto, todos nuestros estudiantes, el personal y las familias realmente han intervenido y se han enfrentado a los desafíos.

Estoy orgullosa de todos nuestros estudiantes, incluyendo a nuestros estudiantes de último año que se graduaron en 2022.  Agradezco profundamente a cada miembro de nuestro equipo de personal.  Estoy muy agradecida con nuestras familias y comunidad por su gracia y apoyo a nuestras escuelas públicas durante y después de la pandemia.

Juntos, hemos logrado mucho.

¡Que tengan un verano maravilloso y los veremos en el otoño!

–Cydney Vandercar
Superintendente Interina 
Distrito Escolar de Eugene 4J

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Request Now to Enroll in Online Learning for 2022–23

Información en español

Priority deadline to submit requests to enroll in Eugene Online Academy is July 15 

As the pandemic wanes, more families are returning to in-person learning, while others remain interested in online learning options. 

Eugene School District 4J will offer online learning through the Eugene Online Academy for students in grades K–12 in 2022–23: 

  • Elementary school: Online classroom learning on a set schedule, offering a combination of real-time teaching and independent learning opportunities.     
  • Middle and high school: Independent, asynchronous learning with regularly scheduled check-ins required with 4J staff.

Apply now for lottery to enroll in EOA for 2022–23

Families who would like their student to attend Eugene Online Academy next school year should submit a request for enrollment now through 4J’s school choice application system. Placement is by lottery. This applies to both new and continuing students.

Students who attended Eugene Online Academy this school year have priority to be admitted to spaces available for next year or placed on the waitlist over new incoming students. Priority in the lottery and waitlist placement will be given to continuing EOA students, siblings of continuing students, and district residents ahead of non-residents.

The deadline to submit requests for first priority is Friday, July 15. Lottery results will be emailed to families the following week. Families who miss the priority deadline may submit requests after July 15 and will be accommodated if space is available or placed on the waitlist based on priority and the order requests are received. 

Submit a Request to Enroll in EOA

About returning to on-site learning

During the pandemic in 2020–21 and 2021–22, students who enrolled in online learning had their seat held for them in their regular brick-and-mortar school, and had the option to return to on-site learning at the change of term. Students who attended EOA this year may choose to return to their regular school in fall 2022. This was a special option due to the pandemic. Going forward, this special option will no longer be provided. 

Enrolling a student in EOA is their school choice. If a student was attending a school on a school choice transfer and enrolls in the Eugene Online Academy in fall 2022 or later, they relinquish the transfer to their previous school. If the student later wishes to change to on-site learning, they may either enroll in their neighborhood school or submit a school choice request for a different school. 

Questions? Please contact Eugene Online Academy or the school choice office at schoolchoice@4j.lane.edu or 541-790-7553.

Submit a Request to Enroll in EOA  (Priority deadline for EOA lottery is Friday, July 15. Lottery results will be emailed to families the following week.)

About the Eugene Online Academy 

Solicite ahora para matricularse en aprendizaje en línea para 2022–23

La fecha límite de prioridad para enviar sus solicitudes para Eugene Online Academy es el 15 de julio 

A medida que la pandemia disminuye, más familias regresan al aprendizaje en persona, mientras que otras siguen interesadas en las opciones de aprendizaje en línea. 

El Distrito Escolar de Eugene 4J ofrecerá aprendizaje en línea a través de Eugene Online Academy para estudiantes en los grados K–12 en 2022–23: 

  • Escuela primaria: Aprendizaje en el aula en línea en un horario establecido, que ofrece una combinación de enseñanza en tiempo real y oportunidades de aprendizaje independiente.     
  • Escuela secundaria y preparatoria: Aprendizaje asincrónico independiente con chequeos programados regulares requeridos con el personal de 4J.

Solicite ahora para la lotería de matrícula para la EOA para 2022–23

Las familias que deseen que su estudiante asista a Eugene Online Academy (la academía en línea de Eugene) el próximo año escolar deben enviar una solicitud de matrícula ahora a través del sistema de solicitud de elección de escuela. Esto se aplica tanto a los estudiantes nuevos como a los que continúan.

Los estudiantes que asistieron a Eugene Online Academy este año escolar tienen prioridad para inscribirse en los espacios disponibles para el próximo año, antes de que se admitan nuevos estudiantes. Además de los estudiantes que continúan en la EOA, se da prioridad a los hermanos de los estudiantes que continúan y a los residentes del distrito antes que a los no residentes.

La fecha límite para enviar solicitudes de primera prioridad es el viernes 15 de julio. Los resultados de la lotería se enviarán por correo electrónico a las familias la semana siguiente. Las solicitudes enviadas después del 15 de julio se aceptarán si hay espacio disponible. 

Enviar una solicitud de elección de escuela

Acerca del regreso al aprendizaje presencial

Durante la pandemia en 2020–21 y 2021–22, a los estudiantes que se inscribieron en el aprendizaje en línea se les reservó su asiento en su escuela física habitual y tuvieron la opción de regresar al aprendizaje presencial en su escuela durante el cambio de término. Los estudiantes que asistieron a EOA este año pueden optar por regresar a su escuela habitual en el otoño de 2022. Esta fue una opción especial debido a la pandemia. En el futuro, esta opción especial ya no estará disponible. 

Matricular a un estudiante en la EOA es su elección de escuela. Si un estudiante asistía antes a una escuela en una transferencia de elección de escuela y se inscribe en la Eugene Online Academy en el otoño de 2022 o más tarde, renuncia de esta manera a la transferencia a su escuela anterior. Si el estudiante desea cambiar más tarde al aprendizaje en el sitio, puede inscribirse en la escuela de su vecindario o enviar de nuevo una solicitud de elección de escuela para una escuela diferente. 

¿Preguntas? Comuníquese con Eugene Online Academy o con la oficina de elección de escuela en schoolchoice@4j.lane.edu o al 541-790-7553.

Enviar una solicitud de elección de escuela (la fecha límite de prioridad para la inscripción en EOA es el 15 de julio)

Información sobre Eugene Online Academy

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4J Summer Programs 2022

Información en español

District providing continuing education, enrichment, and healthy meals this summer

Summer is here, and with it some no-cost opportunities for students.

Summer programs for academic learning and enrichment help students boost their well-being, expand their learning and remain engaged with peers. 4J is directly providing several summer learning programs, and is also funding several summer academic and enrichment programs led by community providers to be made available free to 4J students.

Free meals also are available for youth from 4J and community providers through the summer meal program.

Free Summer Camps & Programs

These programs are provided by community partners at no cost for 4J students, supported by funding from the district.

Community Summer Camps & Programs

Summer School

4J is offering the following summer learning programs in 2022:

Elementary school programs:
Kids in Transition to School for incoming kindergartners (registration full)
SEAL Summer Learning & Academic Enrichment Program (by invitation only)
Extended School Year for selected students receiving special education (by invitation only)

Middle school programs:
SEAL Summer Learning & Academic Enrichment Program (by invitation only)
Extended School Year for selected students receiving special education (by invitation only)

High school & transition programs:
Summer Bridge for incoming 9th graders
Summer Intensive Courses for students entering grades 9–12
Summer High School Credit Recovery (by invitation only)
Summer GED (offered by ECCO)
Extended School Year for selected students receiving special education (by invitation only)

Free Meals

4J will provide free meals for all youth 18 years old and younger during most of the summer. Free summer meals also are available at numerous community sites hosted by FOOD for Lane County. Meals must be eaten on-site; no grab-and-go-meals are available at this time.

Summer Office Schedules

Most district offices are open year-round. High school offices remain open through the summer but operate on reduced hours. Elementary school offices, middle school offices, and school-based health centers are closed for most of the summer and reopen in August.

Summer Office Hours

Programas de verano del 4J en 2022

Aprendizaje, enriquecimiento y comidas saludables este verano

El verano está aquí, y con él algunas oportunidades sin costo para los estudiantes.

El distrito es elegible para recibir fondos estatales para proporcionar programas de verano académicos y de enriquecimiento adicionales para los estudiantes para ayudarles a mejorar su bienestar, ampliar su aprendizaje y volver a relacionarse con sus compañeros a medida que nuestra comunidad comienza a emerger de la pandemia de COVID-19. El 4J está ampliando los programas proporcionados directamente por el distrito y también proporciona fondos para programas de verano adicionales ofrecidos por proveedores comunitarios.

Programas y campamentos de verano gratuitos

Estos programas se ofrecen de forma gratuita (o con costos reducidos en algunos casos) para los estudiantes del 4J, pero son proporcionados por socios de la comunidad.

Programas y campamentos de verano gratuitos

Aprendizaje de verano

El Distrito Escolar de Eugene 4J ofrece los siguientes programas de escuela de verano.

Programas de escuela primaria: 

Programas de escuela secundaria:

Programas de preparatoria:

Comidas gratis

El distrito 4J proporcionará comidas gratuitas diariamente para todos los jóvenes menores de 18 años, disponibles para recoger en seis sitios escolares durante parte del verano. Las comidas gratuitas de verano también están disponibles a través de FOOD for Lane County en sitios comunitarios.

Horarios de oficina de verano

La mayoría de las oficinas centrales del distrito están abiertas todo el año. Las oficinas de las escuelas preparatorias permanecen abiertas durante el verano, pero operan en horario reducido. Las oficinas de las escuelas primarias y secundarias y los centros de salud cierran durante el verano y vuelven a abrir en agosto.

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Kids Eat Free This Summer

Información en español

Free breakfast and lunch available for all youth at several locations in July and August*

Summer is here and school is out—but some 4J cafeterias are still cooking. Kids’ need for healthy food to grow, learn and thrive doesn’t end when school lets out for the summer. The Summer Food Service Program works to help fill that nutritional gap.

Eugene School District 4J will serve on-site breakfast and lunch at seven schools for much of the summer: Arts & Technology Academy, Chávez Elementary, Holt Elementary, Howard Elementary, Madison Middle, River Road/El Camino del Río Elementary and South Eugene High. Several other summer meal sites in Eugene are hosted by other providers.

Children are welcome to eat at any summer meal site; they do not need to be residents of the neighborhood or students at that school. There are no application, enrollment or income requirements. All youth age 18 and younger can eat free.

Summer meals will be provided from July 11–August 12 at Chávez, Holt, Howard and South Eugene. Arts & Technology Academy will begin serving meals on July 5, River Road/El Camino on July 18, and Madison’s meal program ends August 19. All sites, except Howard, will be serving Monday–Friday; Howard will serve Tuesday–Thursday.

Breakfasts will be served 8–9 a.m., and lunches will be available 12–1 p.m. Youth must eat their meals on-site; there is no grab-and-go option at this time.

Free lunch also is available in many parks and community centers throughout Eugene at summer food program sites hosted by FOOD for Lane County. To find the nearest summer meal site, visit SummerFoodOregon.org or call 2-1-1. You also can text “Food” or “Comida” to 304-304; you will be prompted to enter an address and will be texted back a list of sites near you.

Food boxes are not available from the school district this summer. To find a local food pantry, see Food for Lane County.

Arts & Technology Academy
1650 W. 22nd Ave.
July 5–August 12
Breakfast 8–9 a.m.
Lunch 12–1 p.m
Chávez Elementary School
1510 W. 14th Ave.
July 11–August 12
Breakfast 8–9 a.m.
Lunch 12–1 p.m
Holt Elementary School
770 Calvin St.
July 11–August 12
Breakfast 8–9 a.m.
Lunch 12–1 p.m
Howard Elementary School
700 Howard Ave.
July 11–August 12
Breakfast 8–9 a.m.
Lunch 12–1 p.m
Madison Middle School
875 Wilkes Drive
July 11–August 19
Breakfast 8–9 a.m.
Lunch 12–1 p.m
River Road/El Camino del Río
120 W. Hilliard Lane
July 18–August 12
Breakfast 8–9 a.m.
Lunch 12–1 p.m
South Eugene High School
400 E. 19th Ave.
July 11–August 12
Breakfast 8–9 a.m.
Lunch 12–1 p.m

*This page was updated on July 20, 2022 to add River Road/El Camino del Río as a meal site, change the closing date of Madison, and change Howard to serving only Tuesday–Thursday.

More Information 

Summer Food Oregon
Food for Lane County Youth Summer Meal Sites
Food for Lane County Food Pantry Listing

Los niños comen gratis este verano

Desayunos y almuerzos gratis están disponibles para todos los jóvenes en varios lugares en julio y agosto

El verano está aquí y ya no hay clases, pero algunas cafeterías del 4J todavía están cocinando. La necesidad de los niños de alimentos saludables para crecer, aprender y prosperar no termina cuando termina la escuela durante el verano. El Programa de Servicio de Alimentos de Verano trabaja para ayudar a llenar ese vacío nutricional.

El Distrito Escolar de Eugene 4J servirá comidas en seis sitios escolares los lunes a los viernes durante gran parte del verano: Escuela Primaria Chávez, Escuela Primaria Holt y Escuela Primaria Howard; la Academia de Artes y Tecnología, la Escuela Secundaria Madison; y la Preparatoria South Eugene. Varios otros sitios de comidas durante el verano en Eugene están manejados por otros proveedores.

Se les da la bienvenida a los niños para comer en cualquier sitio de comida de verano; no es necesitan ser residentes del vecindario o estudiantes de esa escuela. No hay que llenar una solicitud, ni hay requisitos de ingresos. Todos los niños menores de 18 años pueden comer gratis.

Las comidas de verano se servirán del 11 de julio al 12 de agosto en la Chávez, Holt, Howard y South Eugene. En la secundaria Arts & Technology Academy se comenzaron a servir las comidas desde el 5 de julio, en la Primaria Camino del Río a partir del 18 de julio y el programa de comidas servidas en la Madison termina el 19 de agosto. Todas las cafeterías sirven de lunes a viernes, excepto la de la Howard que sólo sirve de martes a jueves.

Los desayunos se sirven de 8 a 9 am y los almuerzos se sirven de 12 a 1 p.m. Los jóvenes deben comer sus comidas en el lugar; no se permite la opción para llevar en este momento.

El almuerzo gratis también está disponible en muchos parques y centros comunitarios en todo Eugene en los sitios del programa de alimentos de verano organizados por FOOD for Lane County. Para encontrar el sitio de comida de verano más cercano, visite SummerFoodOregon.org o llame al 2-1-1. También puede enviar un mensaje de texto con “Comida” o “Comida” al 304-304; se le pedirá que ingrese una dirección y se le enviará un mensaje de texto con una lista de sitios cerca de usted.

Las cajas de alimentos no están disponibles en el distrito escolar este verano. Para encontrar una despensa de alimentos local, consulte Comida para el Condado de Lane.

Academia de Artes y Tecnología
1650 W. 22nd Ave.
del 5 de julio al 12 de agosto
de lunes al viernes
desayuno 8 a 9 a.m.
almuerzo 12 a 1 p.m
Escuela Primaria Chávez
1510 W. 14th Ave.
del 11 de julio al 12 de agosto
de lunes al viernes
desayuno 8 a 9 a.m.
almuerzo 12 a 1 p.m
Escuela Primaria Holt
770 Calvin St.
del 11 de julio al 12 de agosto
de lunes al viernes
desayuno 8 a 9 a.m.
almuerzo 12 a 1 p.m
Escuela Primaria Howard
700 Howard Ave.
del 11 de julio al 12 de agosto
de martes a jueves
desayuno 8 a 9 a.m.
almuerzo 12 a 1 p.m
Secundaria Madison
875 Wilkes Drive
del 11 de julio al 19 de agosto
de lunes al viernes
desayuno 8 a 9 a.m.
almuerzo 12 a 1 p.m
El Camino del Río
120 W. Hilliard Lane
del 18 de julio al 12 de agosto
de lunes al viernes
desayuno 8 a 9 a.m.
almuerzo 12 a 1 p.m
Preparatoria South Eugene
400 E. 19th Ave.
del 11 de julio al 12 de agosto
de lunes al viernes
desayuno 8 a 9 a.m.
almuerzo 12 a 1 p.m

*Esta página fue actualizada el 20 de julio, 2022 para añadir la Primaria Camino del Río como sitio de comidas servidas y avisar del cambio de fechas de la Secundaria Madison y la Primaria Howard.

Más información 

Alimentos de verano para Oregón
Comida para el Condado de Lane: Sitios del programa de verano para jóvenes
Comida para el Condado de Lane: Listado de despensas de alimentos

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COVID-19 Vaccines Now Available for Young Children

Información en español

Vaccine recommended for everyone 6 months and older, boosters for age 5 and up

Vaccines are the best protection against getting and spreading COVID-19 if exposed at school, childcare, summer camp or anywhere else.

COVID-19 vaccines now are authorized and recommended for all children age 6 months and older. Booster shots are recommended for everyone age 5 and older.

Children age 5 and older can receive vaccines at regular Lane County vaccine clinics and other providers.

To schedule a vaccine for a child between 6 months and 5 years old, contact your pediatrician.

More Information 

CDC Recommends Vaccination for 6 Months and Older
Lane County Vaccine Clinics
Find a COVID Vaccine in Oregon

Las vacunas contra COVID-19 ya están disponibles para los niños pequeños

La vacuna está recomendada para todas las personas a partir de los 6 meses, y los refuerzos para niños mayores de 5 años

Las vacunas son la mejor protección contra el contagio y la propagación del COVID-19 si se exponen en la escuela, la guardería, el campamento de verano o en cualquier otro lugar.

Las vacunas contra COVID-19 ahora están autorizadas y recomendadas para todos los niños de 6 meses. Las vacunas de refuerzo se recomiendan para todas las personas mayores de 5 años.

Los niños mayores de 5 años pueden recibir vacunas en las clínicas de vacunas regulares del condado de Lane y otros proveedores.

Para programar una vacuna para un niño entre 6 meses y 5 años, comuníquese con su pediatra.

Más información 

Los CDC recomiendan la vacunación a partir de los 6 meses
Clínicas de vacunas del condado de Lane
Encuentre una vacuna contra COVID en Oregón

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Summer Office Schedules 2022

Información en español

When to contact schools, district offices, school health centers

School is out for summer, but you can still get in touch with a school or the district before school resumes in September.

Most central office staff work year-round. High school office staff work on a limited schedule during the summer. Elementary and middle school offices close for part of the summer, but staff return to work prior to the start of the new school year.

Register for school during summer months 

High Schools

High school offices continue operating through the summer:
• June 21–24: Offices are open regular hours.
• June 27–August 5: Office are open Mon.–Thurs., 9 a.m.–12 p.m. & 1–3 p.m.
• August 8: Regular office hours resume.

Contact your high school secretary for general assistance, or the registrar to register for school, during the summer months.

Middle Schools

Middle school offices are closed for most of the summer:
• June 21–24: Offices are open regular hours.
• June 27–July 26: Offices are closed.
• July 27–August 5: Office are open Mon.–Thurs., 9 a.m.–noon & 1–3 p.m.
• August 8: Regular office hours resume.

Elementary Schools

Elementary school offices are closed for most of the summer:
• June 21–24: Offices are open 8 a.m.– noon & 1–3 p.m.
• June 27–29: Office visits are available by appointment. Contact your school.
• June 30–August 16: Offices are closed.
• August 17 & 18: Offices reopen with limited hours. Contact your school for available hours.
• August 22: Regular office hours resume.

School-Based Health Centers

The health centers at Churchill and North Eugene high schools, operated by PeaceHealth, will close for the summer on Monday, June 27, and reopen in preparation for the new school year on Monday, August 15.

During the summer closure, information will be provided on the health centers’ voicemail messages with alternative health care resources.

• Closed June 27–August 12
• Churchill High School Health Center: 1850 Bailey Hill Rd., 541-790-5227
• North Eugene High School Health Center: 200 Silver Lane, 541-790-4445

Horarios de oficinas en el verano de 2022

Cuándo puede comunicarse con las escuelas, oficinas del distrito y centros de salud escolares

La escuela está cerrada durante el verano, pero aún puede comunicarse con las escuelas o el distrito antes de que se reanuden las clases en septiembre.

La mayoría del personal de la oficina central trabaja todo el año. El personal de las oficinas de preparatorias trabajan en un horario limitado durante el verano. Las oficinas de las escuelas primarias y secundarias cierran durante parte del verano, pero el personal regresa al trabajo antes del comienzo del nuevo año escolar.

Regístrese para la escuela durante los meses de verano


Las oficinas de las preparatorias continúan operando durante el verano:

  • Del 21 al 24 de junio: Las oficinas están abiertas en horario regular.
  • Del 27 de junio al 5 de agosto: Las oficinas están abiertas de lunes a jueves, de 9 am a mediodía y de 1 a 3 pm
  • El 8 de agosto: se reanudan las horas regulares de oficina.

Comuníquese con la secretaria de su preparatoria para obtener asistencia general, o con registros para matricularse en la escuela, durante los meses de verano.

Escuelas secundarias

Las oficinas de las escuelas secundarias están cerradas durante la mayor parte del verano:

  • Del 21 al 24 de junio: las oficinas están abiertas en horario regular.
  • Del 27 de junio al 26 de julio: Las oficinas están cerradas.
  • Del 27 de julio al 5 de agosto: Las oficinas están abiertas de lunes a jueves, de 9 am a 12 pm y de 1 a 3 pm
  • El 8 de agosto: se reanudan las horas regulares de oficina.

Escuelas primarias

Las oficinas de las escuelas primarias están cerradas durante la mayor parte del verano:

  • Del 21 al 24 de junio: Las oficinas están abiertas de 8 am al mediodía y de 1 a 3 pm
  • Del 27 al 29 de junio: Las visitas a la oficina están disponibles con cita previa. Comuníquese con su escuela.
  • Del 30 de junio al 16 de agosto: Las oficinas están cerradas.
  • El 17 y 18 de agosto: Reapertura de oficinas con horario limitado. Comuníquese con su escuela para enterarse de los horarios disponibles.
  • 22 de agosto: Reanudación del horario habitual de oficinas.

Centros de salud escolares

Los centros de salud en las preparatorias Churchill y North Eugene, operados por PeaceHealth, cerrarán durante el verano el lunes 27 de junio y reabrirán en preparación para el nuevo año escolar el lunes 15 de agosto. Durante el cierre de verano se informará, por mensajes de voz, sobre los centros de salud con recursos alternativos de atención médica.

  • Los centros de salud están cerrados del 27 de junio al 12 de agosto
  • Centro de salud en la Preparatoria Churchill: 1850 Bailey Hill Rd., 541-790-5227
  • Centro de salud en la Preparatoria North Eugene: 200 Silver Lane, 541-790-4445
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2022 Graduations: Relive the Big Moments

Información en español

Like, share, and view online video of 4J’s high school commencements

4J’s Class of 2022 has walked the stage, turned their tassels and tossed their graduation caps. But some memories never fade. Friends and family members can relive their favorite moments from this year’s high school commencements watching recordings now available online.

This year’s graduating classes returned to their traditional venues for six commencements held from June 10–15. But taking a note from the pandemic, the graduation ceremonies were broadcast virtually and recorded so loved ones can share in their graduating seniors’ achievements during and after the big event.

Watch the speeches. See proud graduates walk the stage to receive their diplomas. Hear the cheers as graduation caps fly high.

Congratulations, Class of 2022!

Churchill High School

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Watch Graduation Video

North Eugene High School

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Watch Graduation Video

Sheldon High School

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Watch Graduation Video

South Eugene High School

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Watch Graduation Video

Eugene Education Options / ECCO / GED

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Watch Graduation Video

Eugene International
High School

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Watch Graduation Video

Learn More

Class of 2022: Celebrating Graduation Near & Far
Graduation Celebrations: Honoring the Class of 2022
Signs of Success: Celebrating Our Seniors

Graduaciones de 2022: Reviva los grandes momentos

Déle Me gusta, comparta y vea el video en línea de las graduaciones de las preparatorias

Los graduados de 2022 de 4J desfilaron por el escenario, giraron sus borlas y lanzaron al aire sus birretes de graduación. Pero algunos recuerdos nunca se desvanecen. Los amigos y familiares pueden revivir sus momentos favoritos de la graduación de preparatoria de este año viendo los videos ahora disponibles en línea.

Las clases que se graduaron este año regresaron a sus lugares tradicionales para las seis graduaciones realizadas del 10 al 15 de junio. Pero aprendiendo de la pandemia, las ceremonias de graduación también se transmitieron virtualmente y se grabaron para que los seres queridos puedan compartir los logros de sus graduados durante y después del gran evento.

Oiga los discursos. Vea a los orgullosos graduados subir al escenario para recibir sus diplomas. Escuche los vítores mientras las gorras de graduación vuelan alto.

¡Felicitaciones, Clase de 2022!

Preparatoria Churchill

Me Gusta y Comparte: Facebook | Instagram
Video de graduación

Preparatoria North Eugene

Me gusta y comparte: Facebook | Instagram
Video de graduación

(la ceremonia comienza en la marca de una hora de video)

Preparatoria Sheldon

Me gusta y comparte: Facebook | Instagram
Video de graduación

Preparatoria South Eugene

Me gusta y comparte: Facebook | Instagram
Video de graduación

Eugene Education Options / ECCO / GED

Me gusta y comparte: Facebook | Instagram
Video de graduación

Preparatoria Internacional de Eugene

Me gusta y comparte: Facebook | Instagram
Video de graduación

Más información

Clase de 2022: Celebrando la graduación cerca y lejos
Celebraciones de graduación: Honrando a la Clase de 2022
Letreros de éxito: Celebrando a nuestros graduados

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School Board Selects 4J’s Next Superintendent

Información en español

Dr. Andy Dey named to lead Eugene School District 4J starting in July

The Eugene School Board has voted to hire Dr. Andy Dey as the next superintendent of Eugene School District 4J. He will be the district’s 25th superintendent starting in July.

Dr. Dey was selected as the board’s top candidate after a months-long superintendent selection process that involved a nationwide recruitment and community involvement.

The board voted in open session on June 16 to appoint Dr. Dey pending the successful completion of contract negotiations. The board will vote to approve the finalized contract in an upcoming public meeting. After a contract is agreed upon, Dr. Dey will assume the superintendent position July 1.

About 4J’s Next Superintendent, Dr. Andy Dey  

Andy DeyDr. J. Andrew Dey, or Andy Dey (pronounced “Dye”), has worked in education in domestic and international settings for 20 years. Originally from Beaufort, South Carolina, he came to Eugene in the mid-1990s. Aside from a brief stint in other parts of the country as well as abroad in Chile, he has been in the Eugene area ever since. Eugene is home for Dr. Dey and his wife, also an educator, along with their six children who have all attended 4J schools.

Dr. Dey is currently the district’s director of secondary education, overseeing middle and high schools. In this role he has worked to increase enrollment in Advanced Placement, International Baccalaureate and College Now courses for historically underrepresented students, expand 4J’s career and technical education programs, and support equitable educational outcomes. He is committed to ensuring every student has access to an engaging, relevant and rewarding school experience that promotes confidence, self-determination and life readiness.

Before moving into central office administration, Dr. Dey taught middle and high school science, and served as assistant principal of Thurston High School, principal of Agnes Stewart Middle School in Springfield, and principal of South Eugene High School in 4J. He served as curriculum director at a PreK–12 international school in Santiago, Chile, where he worked to implement elementary project-based learning and develop a professional development academy for teachers.

Earlier in his career, in a role connecting his passion for education and career training for youth and his Native American heritage, Dr. Dey was the founding executive director of the Southwest Youth Corps (now the Southwest Conservation Corps), an education and job training program serving young people from the Four Corners area and the Southern Ute, Ute Mountain Ute, and Navajo Nations.

Dr. Dey earned his bachelor of arts in biology at the College of Charleston and his master’s in education and doctorate in educational methodology, policy and leadership from the University of Oregon.

For more information about the superintendent selection process, please visit www.4j.lane.edu/superintendent-selection.

La junta escolar seleccionó al próximo superintendente del 4J

El Dr. Andy Dey fue nombrado para dirigir el Distrito Escolar de Eugene 4J a partir de julio

Andy Dey

La Junta Escolar de Eugene votó para contratar al Dr. Andy Dey como el próximo superintendente del Distrito Escolar de Eugene 4J. Él será el vigésimo quinto superintendente del distrito a partir de julio.

El Dr. Dey fue seleccionado como el principal candidato de la junta después de un proceso de selección de superintendente de meses que involucró un reclutamiento a nivel nacional y participación comunitaria.

La junta votó en sesión abierta el 16 de junio para nombrar al Dr. Dey, con la pendiente finalización de las negociaciones del contrato. La junta votará para aprobar un contrato exitoso en una próxima reunión pública. Después de acordar el contrato, el Dr. Dey asumirá el cargo de superintendente el 1 de julio.

Acerca del próximo superintendente de 4J, el Dr. Andy Dey  

El Dr. J. Andrew Dey, o Andy Dey (pronunciado “Dai”), ha trabajado en educación y en entornos internacionales durante 20 años. Originario de Beaufort, Carolina del Sur, llegó a Eugene a mediados de la década de los 90. Aparte de una breve temporada en otras partes del país, así como en el extranjero, en Chile, ha estado en el área de Eugene desde entonces. Eugene es el hogar del Dr. Dey y su esposa, también educadora, y sus seis hijos quienes han asistido a las escuelas del 4J.

El Dr. Dey es actualmente el director de educación secundaria del distrito y supervisa las escuelas secundarias y preparatorias. En este cargo, ha trabajado para aumentar la inscripción en cursos de Colocación Avanzada, Bachillerato Internacional y College Now para estudiantes históricamente bajo representados, expandir los programas de educación técnica y profesional del 4J y apoyar resultados educativos equitativos. Está comprometido a garantizar que todos los estudiantes tengan acceso a una experiencia escolar atractiva, relevante y gratificante que promueva la confianza, la autodeterminación y la preparación para la vida.

Antes de pasar a la administración de la oficina central, el Dr. Dey enseñó ciencias en escuelas secundarias y preparatorias, y se desempeñó como subdirector de la Preparatoria Thurston, director de la Secundaria Agnes Stewart en Springfield y director de la Preparatoria South Eugene del 4J. Se había desempeñado como director de currículo en una escuela internacional PreK-12 en Santiago, Chile, donde trabajó para implementar el aprendizaje basado en proyectos elementales y desarrollar una academia de desarrollo profesional para maestros.

Anteriormente en su carrera, en un rol que conectaba su pasión por la educación y la capacitación profesional para jóvenes y su herencia nativa americana, el Dr. Dey fue el director ejecutivo fundador de Southwest Youth Corps (ahora Southwest Conservation Corps), una organización de educación y capacitación laboral, programa que atiende a jóvenes del área de Four Corners y de las naciones Southern Ute, Ute Mountain Ute y Navajo.

El Dr. Dey obtuvo su licenciatura en biología en la Universidad de Charleston y su maestría en educación y doctorado en metodología educativa, política y liderazgo de la Universidad de Oregón.

Para obtener más información sobre el proceso visite la página de selección del superintendente

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Meet Your New Principal! School Administrator Changes

Información en español

New leaders named for 2022–23 school year

Several 4J schools and departments have new leadership for the coming school year.

• Awbrey Park Principal: Jared Tiecke
• Camas Ridge Principal: Dr. Hobie Blackhorn
• Charlemagne Principal: Joe Hadley
• Chinese Immersion School: Jennifer Hebard
• Edison Principal: David Hulbert
• Spring Creek: K.C. Bodily

• Kennedy Middle School: Jennifer Hebard
• Spencer Butte Principal: Paula Nolan

• Churchill High School Principal: Missy Cole
Sheldon High School Interim Principal: Kay Graham
• Churchill Assistant Principal & Athletic Director: Erik Hoberg
• Sheldon Assistant Principal & Athletic Director: Ricky Rodriguez
• South Eugene Assistant Principal: Ricci Huling

• EEO Administrator: Scott Mayers
• EEO Assistant Administrator: Beth Kruziki

• Chief of Staff: Dr. Rob Hess
• Assistant Superintendent for Instruction: Dr. Brooke Wagner
• Director of Middle School Education: Sebastian Bolden
• Director of High School Education: Dr. Greg Borgerding
• Director of Communications: Jenna McCulley
• Director of Finance: Matt Brown
• Prevention Services Administrator: Dr. Kerry Frazee
• Human Resources Administrator: Mike Ingman
• Nutrition Services Manager: Jill Cuadros
• Title IX Coordinator: Morgan Christensen

Elementary School

Awbrey Park Principal: Jared Tiecke
Jared Tiecke will be the principal of Awbrey Park Elementary School, where Mark Watson is retiring after serving as principal at Awbrey Park for the 2021–22 school year. Mr. Tiecke is coming to 4J from Mt. Angel School District, a small rural district outside of Salem, where he is currently a middle school principal, athletic director and districtwide AVID director. He previously taught math, language arts, English language development and computer skills, served as an instructional coach and mentor, and supported teachers and students as a behavior specialist in Salem. Mr. Tiecke sees education as not only academic but a holistic endeavor that contributes to students’ development as human beings.  

Camas Ridge Principal: Dr. Hobie Blackhorn
Dr. Hobie Blackhorn will be the new principal of Camas Ridge Elementary School. Mike Riplinger is retiring after serving as principal at Camas Ridge for the 2021–22 school year. Dr. Blackhorn currently is assistant principal of Shasta Middle School in the Bethel School District. He recently earned his doctorate in special education from the University of Oregon, with his dissertation focused on Indigenous youth’s perspectives on Indigenous wellness. He previously worked as a special education teacher, department chair and elementary behavior consultant. Dr. Blackhorn is a values-based leader, a collaborator and facilitator, and a committed practitioner of equity in education who is firmly committed to improving the lives and outcomes of students of all backgrounds, with and without disabilities.

Charlemagne Principal: Joe Hadley
Joe Hadley will be the new principal of Charlemagne French Immersion Elementary School, moving from South Eugene High School where he is currently an assistant principal.
Before coming to Eugene, Mr. Hadley worked in California as principal of a large public middle school with a language immersion program. His previous experience includes teaching English and other subjects at all levels from fourth grade through college, and a year lecturing at a university in France. Mr. Hadley is a dynamic and effective administrator who has unique experience living in a French-speaking household, working with language immersion as a school administrator in California and Oregon, and extensive background working with diverse student populations. He replaces retired principal Tom Maloney, who served as the school’s administrator for the 2021–22 school year.   

Edison Principal: David Hulbert
David Hulbert will be the new principal of Edison Elementary School, where previous principal Scott Marsh has moved to the middle school level. Mr. Hulbert is currently principal of Maple Elementary School in Springfield and previously served as principal of Riverbend and Walterville elementary schools, all in Springfield Public Schools. He started his education career teaching middle and high school math and science, including at Kelly Middle School in the mid-2000s, and also later led early childhood education and professional development for elementary math at Springfield schools. Mr. Hulbert is a collaborative leader who is committed to the growth and development of every student and service to every family.

Spring Creek Principal: K.C Bodily
K.C. Bodily has been hired as principal of Spring Creek Elementary School, replacing Sebastian Bolden who will be director of middle school education next year. Mr. Bodily is an experienced administrator who has served as an elementary principal and middle school assistant principal in Fairbanks, Alaska since 2013. Before Fairbanks, Mr. Bodily worked in two remote Alaskan Native villages, as a K–12 principal for four years and before that as a teacher for four years. He has centered his education career around knowing and understanding the cultures of the students and families he serves. Mr. Bodily is dedicated to creating a high-quality, safe and positive learning environment where students are excited about and engaged in their education. He believes in shared leadership and looks forward to partnering with staff to identify and solve challenges.

Middle School

Kennedy Middle School & Chinese Immersion Principal: Jen Hebard
Jennifer Hebard will be principal of Kennedy Middle School and Chinese Immersion on a permanent basis. Ms. Hebard stepped up to serve as the two schools’ interim principal this spring when Morgan Christensen moved to the district office to coordinate the district’s Title IX work, a temporary position now made permanent. She served as principal of Family School and Chinese Immersion at the Crest Drive site starting in 2016 and 2017, after teaching in the Bethel School District for nearly a decade. She moved to the Kennedy site as assistant principal when the Chinese Immersion school relocated there last fall. Ms. Hebard is a collaborative leader who values the importance of building relationships with staff and families, and supporting the success of students with diverse backgrounds and a wide range of academic and social needs.

Spencer Butte Principal: Paula Nolan
Paula Nolan will be the new principal of Spencer Butte Middle School, replacing Peter Tromba who is moving out of state. Ms. Nolan is currently 4J’s alternative education administrator, overseeing ECCO and other Eugene Education Options programs as well as the Eugene Online Academy. Before coming to Eugene and 4J, Ms. Nolan served as principal and assistant principal of Redmond High School in Central Oregon. She was an experienced middle and high school teacher before becoming a school administrator. Ms. Nolan is looking forward to returning to middle school, where she is committed to building positive and productive relationships with students, staff, parents and community members to create a school environment that is welcoming and supports academic success for all students.

High School

Churchill High School Principal: Missy Cole
Missy Cole will be principal of Churchill High School, replacing Greg Borgerding. Ms. Cole has been an assistant principal at Churchill for the past year and previously at Thurston High School for eight years. She is a 4J graduate but began her education career in Washington state. Before moving to Oregon and into the administrative realm, she spent 15 years as a high school physical education and health teacher, federal PE grant coordinator, middle school athletic director and dean of students. She makes it a priority to build trust with each student, staff member and community member she encounters.

Sheldon High School Interim Principal: Kay Graham
Kay Graham will be Sheldon High School’s interim principal this school year, replacing Mike Ingman. Ms. Graham has been an assistant principal at Sheldon since 2020. She served as a high school, secondary school and K–12 principal in Cottage Grove and Lowell during the prior decade, and previously spent several years in 4J as an assistant principal and small school principal at North Eugene High School. She taught high school science for 15 years before becoming a school administrator. Ms. Graham brings to her new role a wealth of knowledge and experience, as well as a commitment to learning at high levels for all students at Sheldon.

Churchill Assistant Principal & Athletic Director: Erik Hoberg
Erik Hoberg has been selected to be the assistant principal and athletic director at Churchill High School, where longtime athletic director Kelly Bokn is retiring. This is a return to Churchill for Mr. Hoberg. A seasoned educator, he started his teaching and coaching career in southern Oregon 25 years ago, and in the 2000s came to 4J and Churchill, where he taught social studies for five years and coached baseball for 10 years. Mr. Hoberg has served as the Pleasant Hill School District’s athletic director since 2015 and high school assistant principal since 2017. He was named Oregon’s 3A Athletic Director of the Year in 2020. Mr Hoberg is committed to enhancing students’ educational and athletic excellence by establishing and pursuing an atmosphere of mutual respect and trust.

Sheldon Assistant Principal & Athletic Director: Ricky Rodriguez
Ricky Rodriguez will be the assistant principal and athletic director at Sheldon High School. Mr. Rodriguez has more than 15 years of experience as an athletic trainer at high schools around Oregon—currently at Springfield High School, where he has been an athletic trainer and career technical education teacher for the past 8 years. He has served as the head athletic trainer for Oregon Health & Science University in Portland and also has been a professional baseball umpire for the NCAA and for minor league baseball. Mr. Rodriguez  is passionate about student outcomes and aims to foster an inclusive and engaging athletic environment in conjunction with academic rigor to prepare students for lifelong success.

South Eugene Assistant Principal: Ricci Huling
Ricci Huling will be assistant principal at South Eugene High School, replacing Joe Hadley who has accepted a principal position. Ms. Huling is returning to 4J from the Fern Ridge School District, where she has served as assistant principal at Elmira High School for the past two years. Before becoming an administrator, Ms. Huling taught at all school levels, including in 4J at River Road Elementary School and North Eugene and Churchill high schools. Ms. Huling is a strong believer in teamwork and has been involved in two projects partnering with the University of Oregon to close achievement gaps through relationships and restorative justice practices.

Eugene Education Options

EEO Administrator: Scott Mayers
Scott Mayers will be 4J’s alternative education administrator, replacing Paula Nolan. For the past year, Mr. Mayers has been assistant administrator for Eugene Online Academy. Now, he will oversee ECCO and other Eugene Education Options programs, as well as EOA. For 20 years, he has focused on helping non-traditional students find success. He was an assistant principal at North Eugene High School for seven years and also served as an interim assistant administrator at ECCO for part of a school year. Prior to becoming an administrator, Mr. Mayers was dean of students at Gateways alternative high school in Springfield, and taught in Springfield and Bethel schools. He looks forward to furthering the successes EEO’s passionate educators have helped students achieve.

EEO Assistant Administrator: Beth Kruziki
Beth Kruziki will be 4J’s new alternative education assistant administrator. Ms. Kruziki has worked for the Oakridge School District for the past two years as director of student growth and achievement, including overseeing the creation of a new K–12 online program and implementing a new GED program. She also is currently working with 4J as a summer school administrator. She served as an administrative intern at Churchill High School, Kennedy Middle School and Eugene Online Academy during the 2020–21 school year. Before becoming an administrator, she taught CTE, art and language arts at schools, including ECCO and EOA. Ms. Kruziki aims to make school welcoming and exciting for students and to help teachers meet every student’s needs.

District Administration

Chief of Staff: Dr. Rob Hess
Dr. Rob Hess has been named chief of staff, succeeding Kerry Delf who is departing to take the same position at the Beaverton School District. Dr. Hess has an extensive background in K–12 public education, having been a teacher, principal, administrator, superintendent and education consultant for more than 30 years. He was superintendent of the Lebanon School District for nine years and previously assistant superintendent and student achievement leader at Springfield Public Schools. He joined 4J four years ago as a human resources administrator, focusing on licensed staff growth and support. Dr. Hess, who earned his doctorate in educational leadership from the University of Oregon, was recognized by the Coalition of Oregon School Administrators as its central office administrator of the year in 2008.

Assistant Superintendent for Instruction: Dr. Brooke Wagner
Dr. Brooke Wagner was named the district’s assistant superintendent for instruction in February. Previously, Dr. Wagner served as 4J’s assistant superintendent for administrative services, and was director of elementary and preK–8 education for several years. Before becoming a district-level administrator she served for many years as an elementary and middle school principal in Eugene and Springfield. She was awarded Oregon’s Assistant Principal of the Year in 2006, when she was at Kelly Middle School. Throughout her career, Dr. Wagner has emphasized building and maintaining relationships and creating a foundation of trust, transparency and approachability. Her experience as a classified, licensed and administrative staff member has enabled her to see the connections and importance of all employees with a focus on supporting all students. She holds a doctorate in education from the University of Oregon.

Director of Middle School Education: Sebastian Bolden
Sebastian Bolden is 4J’s new director of middle school education, overseeing the district’s schools and programs for grades 6–8. Mr. Bolden has been the principal of Spring Creek Elementary School since 2018, but much of his background is in middle school education. Before arriving at 4J, Sebastian served for five years as assistant principal of Meadow View School, a large K–8 school in the Bethel School District, where he had previously taught and coached track and field for several years. As an instructional leader in a K–8 school, Mr. Bolden’s focus was to collaborate with school teams and use systems to improve the school environment and outcomes. He was integrally engaged in planning and supporting the implementation of professional learning communities, data teams, curriculum changes, an equity framework and restorative practices. In his new role he will support all middle school leaders, staff, students and families.

Director of High School Education: Dr. Greg Borgerding
Dr. Greg Borgerding was selected to serve as 4J’s director of high school education, succeeding Superintendent Andy Dey. Dr. Borgerding has a strong background in secondary school administration spanning both middle and high school levels. He was principal of Churchill High School for six years and previously worked five years as a middle school principal at Spencer Butte and in Washington state. Before that, he was focused on the high school level, including overseeing CTE and AVID programs as a district director, serving as a high school assistant principal, and teaching high school English language arts. Dr. Borgerding, who earned his doctorate in educational leadership from Seattle University, is dedicated to supporting innovation in education, ensuring high levels of learning for all students, and preparing them for success beyond high school.

Director of Communications: Jenna McCulley
Jenna McCulley is 4J’s new communications director, replacing Kerry Delf who has taken a position with the Beaverton School District. Ms. McCulley arrives from Springfield Public Schools, where she has served as the lead communications officer since 2015. Prior to SPS, she worked in communications at the city of Eugene and the University of Oregon. She currently serves as the president of the Oregon chapter of the National School Public Relations Association. Ms. McCulley, an 4J alum and current 4J parent, is a consummate communicator. She has valuable skills in issues management, strategic planning, media and intergovernmental relations, creative marketing solutions, collaborative team building and is committed to enhancing integrity and public trust. She is passionate about public education and will be a great asset to the district in this critical role. 

Director of Finance: Matt Brown
Matt Brown is 4J’s new finance director, replacing Andrea Belz who is now working for Bethel School District. Mr. Brown arrives from St. Helens, a city north of Portland on the Washington border, where he has served as the city’s finance director since 2016 and also as the deputy city administrator from 2019–21. Previously, he was a senior management analyst for the city of Forest Grove and senior accountant for the city of Hubbard. For the past decade, he has also owned and operated a financial services and organizational management consulting company. He has extensive experience overseeing finance operations for public entities, establishing procedures and standards and engaging in collective bargaining. He earned a bachelor’s degree in business from Western Oregon University, an MBA from Marylhurst University, and many finance and management certifications, including an executive certificate in public leadership from Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government.

Prevention Services Administrator: Dr. Kerry Frazee
Dr. Kerry Frazee will be the district’s new prevention services administrator, coordinating and supporting staff and programs across the district including mental health, suicide prevention, behavioral safety, wraparound, social workers and mental health work group. She brings a breadth and depth of knowledge and experience to the new prevention services administrator role, including 15 years in health promotion and wellness, stress management, mental health, behavior modification, risk reduction, violence prevention and prevention sciences. Dr. Frazee has been the University of Oregon’s director of prevention services for the past five years and previously served for three years as the university’s director of sexual violence prevention. She holds a doctorate in Prevention Science, Counseling, Psychology and Human Services from the University of Oregon.

Dr. Frazee is a national thought-leader in prevention education. She is passionate about enhancing youth mental health and wellness, committed to multicultural competence and social justice, and is keenly aware of the intersectionality and enriching contributions of diverse identities. Just as she provides services designed to help youth thrive, she believes in creating a workplace that does the same. Her current work directing the university’s comprehensive prevention and wellness efforts is focused on college students, but she is eager to move to the K–12 arena to effect positive change at the earlier stages of child and adolescent development. She will bring an immense wealth of experience, motivation and leadership to this important role.

Human Resources Administrator: Mike Ingman
Mike Ingman has been chosen to serve in a districtwide role as a human resources administrator. Mr. Ingman has more than two decades of experience as an educator, including time as a high school teacher and football coach before moving into administration. He has been principal of Sheldon High School since 2019, and previously served as a principal and assistant principal for a dozen years in the Albany and South Lane school districts. He and his children grew up in Eugene and attended 4J schools. His broad experience, clear communication, collaboration and thoughtful approach will serve us well in his new role in human resources.

Nutrition Services Manager: Jill Cuadros
Jill Cuadros will lead food services and the warehouse as nutrition services manager this school year, replacing director Holly Langan who has taken a new position with an education service district in Hillsboro. Ms. Cuadros is a trained chef and has great expertise and experience with the district’s school food program, including playing an instrumental role in 4J’s transition to local management of school nutrition services. She came to 4J in 2018 from the University of Oregon, where she was the student dining services manager and executive chef, bringing multifaceted experience with nutrition, production cooking operations, culinary arts, and building sustainable programs through expanding staff capacity. With her extensive experience and knowledge, she will provide great stability and support for our school meal program in the coming year.

Title IX Coordinator: Morgan Christensen
Morgan Christensen will be 4J’s Title IX coordinator on a permanent basis. Mr. Christensen temporarily took on this critical job in the spring, stepping away from his role as principal of  Kennedy Middle School and Chinese Immersion School. In his two decades with 4J, he has worked as a teacher at Roosevelt Middle School, an interim assistant principal of Arts & Technology Academy, an assistant principal of Churchill High School and a principal of Kennedy Middle School. He earned his doctorate in educational leadership from the University of Oregon. Mr. Christensen is the point of contact for Title IX and Oregon sexual harassment law. He stands ready to provide support for any Title IX issues, including reports of gender discrimination, sexual harassment, sexual violence and related allegations of sexual misconduct as they impact students or the academic environment.

Please welcome these education leaders to their new positions!

(This article will be updated as additional appointments are announced.)

¡Conozca a su nuevo director! Cambios en los administradores de escuelas

Nuevos líderes nombrados para el año escolar 2022-23

Varias escuelas y departamentos del 4J tienen un nuevo lider para el próximo año escolar.

• Director de Awbrey Park: Jared Tiecke
• Director de Camas Ridge: Hobie Blackhorn
• Director de Charlemagne: Joe Hadley
• Director de Edison: David Hulbert

• Directora de Spencer Butte: Paula Nolan

• Subdirector y director atlético de Churchill: Erik Hoberg
• Subdirector y director atlético de Sheldon: Ricky Rodriguez
• Subdirectora de South Eugene: Ricci Huling

• Superintendente adjunta de instrucción: Brooke Wagner
• Director de educación secundaria: Sebastian Bolden
• Administradora de servicios de prevención: Kerry Frazee

Escuela primaria

Director de Awbrey Park: Jared Tiecke
Jared Tiecke será el director de la Escuela Primaria Awbrey Park, donde Mark Watson se jubilará después de servir como director en Awbrey Park para el año escolar 2021-22. El Sr. Tiecke llegará a 4J desde el Distrito Escolar Mt. Angel, un pequeño distrito rural fuera de Salem, donde actualmente es director de escuela intermedia,  director deportivo y director de AVID en todo el distrito. Anteriormente enseñó matemáticas, artes del lenguaje, desarrollo del idioma inglés y habilidades informáticas, se desempeñó como entrenador de instrucción y mentor, y apoyó a maestros y estudiantes como especialista en comportamiento en Salem. El Sr. Tiecke ve la educación no solo como académica, sino como un esfuerzo holístico que contribuye al desarrollo de los estudiantes como seres humanos.

Director de Camas Ridge: Dr. Hobie Blackhorn
El Dr. Hobie Blackhorn será el nuevo director de la Escuela Primaria Camas Ridge. Mike Riplinger se retira después de servir como director en Camas Ridge para el año escolar 2021-22. El Dr. Blackhorn actualmente es subdirector de la Escuela Intermedia Shasta en el Distrito Escolar de Bethel. Recientemente obtuvo su doctorado en educación especial de la Universidad de Oregón, con su disertación centrada en las perspectivas de los jóvenes indígenas sobre el bienestar indígena. Anteriormente trabajó como maestro de educación especial, presidente de departamento y consultor de comportamiento elemental. El Dr. Blackhorn es un líder basado en valores, un colaborador y facilitador, y un practicante comprometido de la equidad en la educación que está firmemente comprometido a mejorar las vidas y los resultados de los estudiantes de todos los orígenes, con y sin discapacidades.

Director de Charlemagne: Joe Hadley
Joe Hadley será el nuevo director de Charlemagne French Immersion Elementary School, mudándose de South Eugene High School, donde actualmente es subdirector. Antes de venir a Eugene, el Sr. Hadley trabajó en California como director de una gran escuela secundaria pública con un programa de inmersión lingüística. Su experiencia previa incluye la enseñanza de inglés y otras materias en todos los niveles desde el cuarto grado hasta la universidad, y un año dando conferencias en una universidad en Francia. El Sr. Hadley es un administrador dinámico y efectivo que tiene una experiencia única viviendo en un hogar de habla francesa, trabajando con inmersión lingüística como administrador escolar en California y Oregón, y una amplia experiencia trabajando con diversas poblaciones estudiantiles. Reemplaza al director retirado Tom Maloney, quien se desempeñó como administrador de la escuela para el año escolar 2021-22.

Director de Edison: David Hulbert
David Hulbert será el nuevo director de la Escuela Primaria Edison, donde el director anterior Scott Marsh se ha trasladado al nivel de escuela intermedia. El Sr. Hulbert es actualmente director de la Escuela Primaria Maple en Springfield y anteriormente se desempeñó como director de las escuelas primarias Riverbend y Walterville, todas en las Escuelas Públicas de Springfield. Comenzó su carrera educativa enseñando matemáticas y ciencias en la escuela intermedia y secundaria, incluso en la Escuela Intermedia Kelly a mediados de la década de 2000, y también más tarde dirigió la educación de la primera infancia y el desarrollo profesional para las matemáticas elementales en las escuelas de Springfield. El Sr. Hulbert es un líder colaborativo que está comprometido con el crecimiento y desarrollo de cada estudiante y el servicio a cada familia.

Escuela Secundaria

Directora de Spencer Butte: Paula Nolan
Paula Nolan será la nueva directora de Spencer Butte Middle School, reemplazando a Peter Tromba, quien se está mudando fuera del estado. La Sra. Nolan es actualmente la administradora de educación alternativa de 4J, supervisando ECCO y otros programas de Eugene Education Options, así como la Eugene Online Academy. Antes de venir a Eugene y 4J, la Sra. Nolan se desempeñó como directora y subdirectora de Redmond High School en el centro de Oregón. Ella era una maestra de escuela intermedia y secundaria con experiencia antes de convertirse en administradora de la escuela. Nolan espera regresar a la escuela intermedia, donde se compromete a construir relaciones positivas y productivas con los estudiantes, el personal, los padres y los miembros de la comunidad para crear un ambiente escolar que sea acogedor y apoye el éxito académico de todos los estudiantes.

Escuelas Preparatorias 

Subdirector y director atlético de Churchill: Erik Hoberg
Erik Hoberg ha sido seleccionado para ser el subdirector y director deportivo de Churchill High School, donde se retira la directora atlética Kelly Bokn. Este es un regreso a Churchill para el Sr. Hoberg. Un educador experimentado, comenzó su carrera de enseñanza y entrenamiento en el sur de Oregón hace 25 años, y en la década de 2000 llegó a 4J y Churchill, donde enseñó estudios sociales durante cinco años y entrenó béisbol durante 10 años. El Sr. Hoberg se ha desempeñado como director deportivo del Distrito Escolar de Pleasant Hill desde 2015 y subdirector de escuela secundaria desde 2017. Fue nombrado Director Atlético del Año 3A de Oregon en 2020. El Sr. Hoberg se compromete a mejorar la excelencia educativa y atlética de los estudiantes mediante el establecimiento y la búsqueda de una atmósfera de respeto y confianza mutuos.

Subdirector y director atlético de Sheldon: Ricky Rodríguez
Ricky Rodríguez será el subdirector y director atlético de Sheldon High School. El Sr. Rodríguez tiene más de 15 años de experiencia como entrenador atlético en escuelas secundarias de Todo Oregon, actualmente en Springfield High School, donde ha sido entrenador atlético y profesor de educación técnica profesional durante los últimos 8 años. Se ha desempeñado como entrenador atlético principal para la Universidad de Salud y Ciencia de Oregon en Portland y también ha sido árbitro de béisbol profesional para la NCAA y para el béisbol de ligas menores. El Sr. Rodríguez es un apasionado de los resultados de los estudiantes y tiene como objetivo fomentar un entorno atlético inclusivo y atractivo junto con el rigor académico para preparar a los estudiantes para el éxito de por vida.

Subdirectora de South Eugene: Ricci Huling
Ricci Huling será subdirectora en South Eugene High School, reemplazando a Joe Hadley, quien ha aceptado un puesto de director.  Huling está regresando a 4J desde el Distrito Escolar de Fern Ridge, donde se ha desempeñado como subdirectora en Elmira High School durante los últimos dos años. Antes de convertirse en administradora, la Sra. Huling enseñó en todos los niveles escolares, incluso en 4J en River Road Elementary School y North Eugene y Churchill high schools. Huling cree firmemente en el trabajo en equipo y ha participado en dos proyectos en asociación con la Universidad de Oregon para cerrar las brechas de logros a través de relaciones y prácticas de justicia restaurativa.

Administración Distrital 

Superintendente adjunta de instrucción: Dra. Brooke Wagner
La Dra. Brooke Wagner fue nombrada superintendente adjunta para instrucción en febrero. Anteriormente, el Dr. Wagner se desempeñó como la superintendente adjunta para servicios administrativos, y fue director de educación primaria y preK-8 durante varios años. Antes de convertirse en administradora a nivel de distrito, se desempeñó durante muchos años como directora de escuelas primarias y secundarias en Eugene y Springfield. Fue galardonada como Subdirectora del Año de Oregon en 2006, cuando estaba en Kelly Middle School. A lo largo de su carrera, la Dra. Wagner ha enfatizado la construcción y el mantenimiento de relaciones y la creación de una base de confianza, transparencia y accesibilidad. Su experiencia como miembro del personal clasificado, con licencia y administrativo le ha permitido ver las conexiones y la importancia de todos los empleados con un enfoque en apoyar a todos los estudiantes. Tiene un doctorado en educación de la Universidad de Oregón.

Director de educación secundaria: Sebastian Bolden
Sebastian Bolden es el nuevo director de educación de escuela intermedia de 4J, supervisando las escuelas y programas del distrito para los grados 6-8. El Sr. Bolden ha sido el director de la Escuela Primaria Spring Creek durante los últimos años, pero gran parte de su experiencia es en educación secundaria. Antes de llegar a 4J, Sebastian se desempeñó durante cinco años como subdirector de Meadow View School, una gran escuela K-8 en el Distrito Escolar de Bethel, donde anteriormente había enseñado y entrenado atletismo durante varios años. Como líder de instrucción en una escuela K-8, el enfoque del Sr. Bolden era colaborar con los equipos escolares y usar sistemas para mejorar el entorno y los resultados escolares. Participó integralmente en la planificación y el apoyo a la implementación de comunidades de aprendizaje profesional, equipos de datos, cambios curriculares, un marco de equidad y prácticas restaurativas. En su nuevo cargo, apoyará a todos los líderes de la escuela intermedia, el personal, los estudiantes y las familias.

¡Por favor, dé la bienvenida a estos líderes educativos a sus nuevas posiciones!

(Este artículo se actualizará a medida que se anuncien nombramientos adicionales).

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