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Supports for Students During School Closure

Información en español Free lunches, healthcare services available Mon.–Fri., March 16–20 School is canceled for students beginning Monday, March 16, a week before the scheduled start of spring break, in accordance with Gov. Kate Brown’s directive to temporarily close all … Continue reading

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4J Schools Close Until April to Combat Coronavirus

Información en español Oregon schools closing for rest of March • 4J providing grab-and-go meals March 16–20 Our city, our state and much of the world are now dealing with an unprecedented public health crisis. Since the COVID-19 coronavirus first … Continue reading

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Student Success Plan: Forum Canceled, Feedback Invited

Student Success Act: Our Students. Our Success.

Información en español Plan developed with community input is slated for approval March 18 • Feedback invited via email  New funding is coming to Oregon schools, and each school district is developing its local plan for how to invest these … Continue reading

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Coronavirus Information: Important Update March 11

Información en español School events, gatherings, field trips suspended With the number of confirmed coronavirus COVID-19 cases in Oregon increasing, Governor Kate Brown announced new guidance tonight regarding group gatherings and social distancing. We remain committed to keeping our schools open and … Continue reading

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Coronavirus Information

Información en español Updated Sunday, March 1 Have you heard of coronavirus? Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses that cause respiratory illnesses such as the common cold. COVID-19 is a new coronavirus illness that had not been seen in … Continue reading

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Coronavirus COVID-19

Información en español Have you heard of coronavirus? Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses that cause respiratory illnesses such as the common cold. COVID-19 is a new coronavirus that had not been seen in humans before recently. Eugene School … Continue reading

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