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Dunn School Property Disposition

The Eugene School Board has approved entering into direct negotiations with the Village School to purchase the Dunn school property, located at 3411 Willamette Street, using a market analysis as a basis for the negotiations.

The Village School is a public charter school that currently leases another 4J-owned property in south Eugene and has expressed a strong interest in acquiring the Dunn school property.

Throughout the public process concerning the disposal of the Dunn school property, public input has repeatedly supported maintaining community use and especially educational use of the property.

While in most cases the district uses a competitive process to seek offers when disposing of surplus property, under board policy the school board may choose to use any other process and may give preference to other public agencies.

Public Input & Decision-Making Process

Thursday, December 4, 2014, 7–8 p.m.
Community meeting: Community members were invited to learn more and to comment at a community meeting at the 4J Education Center Auditorium, 200 N. Monroe St., Eugene.
Community Meeting Notes 

The Eugene School Board considered the proposal to dispose of the Dunn property at the following meetings:

Wed., January 7, 2015
Public hearing: Public comment on the proposal was invited. No decisions were to be made at this meeting.
Receive proposed findings of fact: The proposed findings of fact stated why the district no longer needs the property, zoning and any land use restrictions on the property, and community input received to date. (Originally scheduled for Dec. 17, 2014; postponed to Jan. 7, 2015.)

Wed., January 21, 2015
Decide whether to dispose of the Dunn property and approve the final findings of fact
At this meeting the board unanimously approved moving forward with the property disposition process.

Wed., February 18, 2015
Consider options and decide how to proceed with disposition of the property
At this meeting the board unanimously approved entering into direct negotiations with the Village School for purchase/sale of the property, using a market analysis as a basis for negotiations.


Proposed Findings of Fact 
Appendix A–Dunn Tax Lot Map
Appendix B–Aerial Map of Dunn School Property
Appendix C–Board Policy DFD-Real Property Management
Appendix C–Board Policy DFDB-Disposition of Property
Appendix C–Board Policy FB-Land Use Decisions
Appendix D–1993 Market Analysis
Appendix E–Community Meeting Notes 

Letter to Neighbors 


About the Property

Some brief background information about the Dunn school property:

  • Dunn Elementary School closed in 1982. Over the past 32 years, the Dunn school building has housed various district programs and portions of the building have been leased to local education-related non-profit organizations. Part of the site was sold to the U.S. Postal Service in 1987 to allow for expansion of the adjacent Southside Station Post Office.
  • The Dunn property has been classified as surplus by the school district since 2002. The district’s 2013 Long-Range Facilities Plan also projects that the site is not needed for future school district use, based on enrollment trends and the availability of other district property in the area. The district is retaining the former Willard school site at 2855 Lincoln Street for future school construction if needed in the area.
  • The property is currently zoned PL Public Lands. The site would need to be rezoned if it were no longer in use for a purpose that meets the PL Public Lands zoning requirements.