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Online Learning Deadline Approaching

Información en español Families may choose online learning if they’re not ready to return to school on-site yet • Apply by Monday, August 23 Request Online Learning Enrollment (English / español) (open August 13–23) Students are coming back to school … Continue reading

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Middle Schoolers Weave In Summer Learning

Información en español Fun summer classes underway for students entering grades 6–8  Fledgling artists recently took over Monroe Middle School. In one classroom on a recent Friday morning, about a dozen students painted on canvas and even pillowcases in retiring … Continue reading

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Staff Vaccination Required for Safe and Stable Schools

A 4J school nurse gets a COVID-19 vaccine shot in January 2021

Información en español School staff and volunteers must be vaccinated against COVID-19  Eugene School District 4J is committed to the health, safety and wellbeing of our staff, students, and community. Our priority is to safely bring students back to school … Continue reading

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Final Week of Summer Food Boxes for Youth

Youth picking up school meal boxes

Información en español Wednesday, August 18 is last day to pick up free meal boxes at four school sites • Second chance pickup Thursday at district office This is the final week to pick up a free weekly food box … Continue reading

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School Offices Opening Soon

Información en español Office open with limited summer hours August 18 at elementary schools, August 23 all school offices reopen with regular hours Do you need to contact your school? The time is coming soon! Elementary school offices reopen this … Continue reading

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Back to School: Online Learning Options

Información en español Schools will resume regular schedules on-site • Families may choose online learning if they prefer • Application open August 13–23 Request Online Learning Enrollment (open August 13–23) Eugene School District 4J looks forward to welcoming students back … Continue reading

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School Supplies for 2021

Información en español No shopping list needed for elementary school students  In most years, elementary school families purchase school supplies—such as pencils, erasers, markers, crayons, glue and scissors—to bring to school at the start of the school year. This year, … Continue reading

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Summer Programs in Full Swing

Información en español Classes and activities are enriching learning for students at all levels There’s so much going on for students and staff in Eugene School District 4J,  it might be easy to forget it’s summer break. The district and … Continue reading

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Face Masks Required Among COVID Prevention Measures

Información en español Health and safety measures including statewide mask requirement to help keep schools open and students in classrooms • Online learning options will be offered for families who prefer The State of Oregon will require face coverings to … Continue reading

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Kelly Middle School Building Ready to Reopen

Información en español Building is safe to reopen; gym roof is shored up and will be repaired next summer Kelly Middle School and Yujin Gakuen Elementary School will welcome students back to school in-person this fall, after returning to distance … Continue reading

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