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4J Staff Flu Shot Clinics 2021

Información en español Protect yourself against the flu! Flu shots for 4J staff on Sept. 30, Oct. 6, Oct. 12 Consent Form | | More Information | Vaccine Info Sheet Getting a flu shot is the best protection we have against … Continue reading

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Virtual Job Fair: We Want You to Join Team Eugene

Información en español Community invited to virtual job fair: Learn about open positions to support schools, find out what it takes to get hired, and get help to apply Zoom link to Job Fair Do you want to help kids … Continue reading

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Weekly Vaccine Clinics Available at School Sites

Información en español 4J continues community clinics to provide vaccines against COVID-19 Vaccination is a vital measure to support the health of our families, schools and community. Eugene School District 4J is partnering with community providers to make COVID-19 vaccines … Continue reading

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Watch: Parent Info Session on Health & Safety Measures

Información en español Recorded information session answers parent questions on return to school buildings and COVID prevention measures Parent Information Session Video With the new school year underway, Eugene School District 4J held a parent information webinar on Monday, Sept. … Continue reading

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Poor Air Quality Impacts Outdoor Activities

Información en español Wildfire smoke is back in the Eugene area, prompting changes to recess, PE and athletics Wildfire smoke is affecting air quality in the Eugene area. Eugene School District 4J takes our students’ health and safety very seriously. … Continue reading

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First Day of School Video

Información en español Welcome back to school, 4J families! Video: 4J First Day 2021 4J students are back to school! More than 16,000 students have walked in through our school doors or signed into online classrooms this fall, bringing a … Continue reading

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Parent Information Webinar: What Would You Like To Know?

Información en español Health and safety measures reduce risk of spreading COVID-19 • Parent information webinar on Sept. 20 will cover frequently asked questions about return to school buildings  Eugene School District 4J is committed to the health and safety … Continue reading

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Back to School Safety: Walk, Bike & Drive Safely

Información en español Safety reminders as students return to school buildings Eugene School District 4J is welcoming students back to school this fall, after more than a year of distance learning and hybrid learning with fewer students on-site. Most of … Continue reading

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School Meals Free For All This Year

4J elementary school student eating breakfast in 2019. (Photo by Chris Pietsch)

Información en español All 4J students can eat for free at school in 2021–22 • Weekly meal boxes available for youth not receiving meals at school Families returning to school on-site for the 2021–22 school year have one less thing … Continue reading

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Back-to-School Video for Students: Welcome Back!

Información en español Students return to school buildings this week • Brief video shares health and safety measures students should expect Video in English After more than a year of distance and hybrid learning, 4J students are returning to classrooms … Continue reading

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