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COVID Vaccines Now Available for Age 16+

Información en español 4J working with healthcare partners to provide COVID vaccines for students • Appointments available May 4 Eugene School District 4J is partnering with community providers to make COVID-19 vaccines available at no cost for 4J students. At … Continue reading

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Hand Hygiene Helps You Stay Healthy

Información en español Wash hands often and well, making sure to scrub for 20 seconds including the front, back and between your fingers Germs are everywhere! They can get onto your hands and into your body when you touch your … Continue reading

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Do Your Part, Stay Apart

Información en español Students need to stay 6 feet from their classmates and teachers One of the most challenging health and safety protocols for students returning to school buildings is to practice physical distancing. We get it. It’s been a … Continue reading

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Back-to-School Video: Get Ready for School

Información en español Welcome back, students! Watch this brief video on what to do and bring for school each day After a year of distance learning, middle and high school students enrolled in the hybrid learning model are getting ready … Continue reading

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Join Our Virtual Coffee Chats for Parents

Información en español Casual conversations in English and Spanish with 4J social worker offer support for parents Check in and chat! 4J parents and guardians are invited to join in weekly virtual coffee chats. These casual conversations will explore a … Continue reading

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Not Feeling Well? Please Stay Home!

Students play on playground at recess, following health and safety protocols

Información en español Check for wellness each day before coming to school Eugene School District 4J is excited to be welcoming back students to school buildings in a hybrid model this spring, after a year of distance learning. To help … Continue reading

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Back to School Safety: No Dogs on Campus

Illustration: Keep dogs at home, not at school

Información en español Safety reminder as students return to school buildings: Dogs and other pets are prohibited on school grounds  As students are returning to school buildings this spring, we want to remind families and neighbors of some rules and … Continue reading

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School Schedules: Hybrid Days On-Site

Infographic showing Hybrid Cohort 1 attending school on-site on Mondays and Tuesdays, Hybrid Cohort 2 attending school on-site on Thursdays and Fridays

Información en español Middle and high school schedules updated to show which days students will attend class in-person  School Schedules: Elementary • Middle • High Horarios en español: Primaria • Secundaria • Preparatoria  After a year of distance learning, 4J students … Continue reading

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Back to School Safety: Walk, Bike & Drive Safely

Información en español Safety reminders as students return to school buildings Eugene School District 4J is welcoming students back to school buildings in a hybrid model this spring, after a year of distance learning with few students on-site. Thousands of … Continue reading

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Spring Break Meal Boxes Available Monday

Youth picking up school meal boxes

Información en español More youth meal boxes are available for pickup at district office while supplies last UPDATE: All of the meal boxes have been distributed.  Families who didn’t get a food box before spring break started have another chance. … Continue reading

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