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Classified Benefits & Wellness Newsletter February 2020 Issue #8

Published by:

Arthur Hart, Classified Benefits Coordinator

Phone: 541-790-7679 e-mail: hart_a@4j.lane.edu

Classified Benefits Coordinator

Though I am not in my regular office at this time, I am available to assist you with any 4J benefits questions you may have.  I will be keeping regular office hours from 8:00-12:00 and 1:00-5:00 daily.  The easiest way to contact me is to send me an email at hart_a@4j.lane.edu, or call the office number at 541-790-7679.

All benefits issues should be able to be addressed electronically, and video conferencing is available for complicated benefit tasks like retirement.  I look forward to helping you soon.                                         -Arthur

Classified Sick Leave Bank

The month of May is open enrollment time for the Classified Sick Leave Bank (SLB).  All current 2019-20 SLB memberships expire June 30th, 2020.  Everyone who wants to continue SLB membership or start a new membership for the 2020-21 school year must enroll by May 31st, 2020.

The Classified Sick Leave Bank is intended to extend additional paid sick leave days to contributing members:  when a long-term illness or injury exhausts the employee’s accumulated sick leave and all other available paid leave, and they are not receiving compensation under Workers’ Compensation, Long Term Disability, or PERS disability.

To enroll please fill out the 2020-21 Classified Sick Leave Bank Enrollment Form, and email it to hart_a@4j.lane.edu.  Either a scanned copy or readable photo from a smartphone will be accepted.  In the event that you cannot send a scan or photo by email, please mail a copy to: 4J School District Attn: Arthur Hart, Eugene, OR 97402.  All enrollment forms must be received on or before May 31st, 2020.

Questions?  Please email a SLB Committee Member:


For up-to-date district Coronavirus information please visit www.4j.lane.edu/communications/coronavirus/, and http://www.4j.lane.edu/hr/covid-19-FAQ/


Remember, today is the tomorrow you worried about yesterday.                                        -Dale Carnegie

PERS Presentation May 13th

Kris Kartub will be presenting Understanding Your PERS Benefits by Zoom on Wednesday, May 13th, from 4:30 PM to 5:30 PM.  Whether you’re just beginning your career or you’re nearing retirement, this is a great educational opportunity that will focus on your PERS benefits.

Topics will include: Understanding the differences between Tier 1, Tier 2, and OPSRP

  • Pension benefit calculation methods
  • Understanding your IAP account
  • Retirement option choices

If you are interested in attending this retirement presentation please RSVP to hart_a@4j.lane.edu by Friday May 8th.  Zoom invites will go out on Monday May 11th.

If you are considering retirement this school year please contact Arthur Hart right away at 541-790-7679 or hart_a@4j.lane.edu.

PacificSource FSA News

The new PacificSource FSA web portal is up and running.  To login to the new portal for the first time use your original username minus any special characters (ie:@#$%!).  Your password will be your first initial, last name (ALL CAPS), date of birth (DDMMYY).  For example John Smith (DOB 10/24/1980) would have a password of JSMITH241080.

A new PacificSource mobile app for FSA health benefit accounts is available.  It will allow you to submit claims for reimbursement, and scan products to determine if they are qualified medical expenses.

Employee Assistance Program (EAP)

The EAP is a free service currently available for all 4j employees (regardless of their benefits eligibility) and people living in their household.  Call them at 1-866-750-1327, or visit them online at ibhsolutions.com.  To access free services use code: OEBB.

Did you know that the EAP offers financial counseling?  In response to recent COVID-19 events the EAP has developed education and coaching resources to help people right now.  These include:

Exercise At Home

Are you missing the Gym?  It is important to get exercise even if the gym is not an option right now.   Here are some stay at home exercise ideas to get you moving:

  • Dancing- Cutting a rug can expend 300-800 calories per hour. If you don’t know how to dance try looking for dance workout videos  Remember to dance like nobody is watching is much easier if you keep the curtains drawn J
  • Jump Rope and Jumping Jacks- If you want a good cardio workout in a matter of minutes, try a jumping exercise. These types of exercises can get your heart pumping in no time.  Pro tip: These are great exercises for commercial breaks!
  • Lunges, Step Aerobics, and High KneesThese easy-to-do-at-home exercises get large muscle groups working together for a great workout at a pace that you choose.
  • Strength Training- You don’t necessarily need a lot of equipment to do strength training. Put the weight you already have to good use with bodyweight exercises.  Bodyweight exercises like sit-ups, push-ups, and chin-ups have been a staple of exercise since anyone can remember, but there are so many more you might want to check out.

Should You Check With Your Doctor About Exercise?

Moderate physical activity such as brisk walking is safe for most people, but health experts suggest that you talk to your doctor before you start an exercise program if any of the following apply:

  • You have heart disease
  • You have type 1 or type 2 diabetes
  • You have kidney disease
  • You have arthritis
  • You’re being treated for cancer, or you’ve recently completed cancer treatment
  • You have high blood pressure

You may also check with your doctor if you have symptoms that may be related to heart, lung or other serious disease such as:

  • Pain or discomfort in your chest, neck, jaw or arms at rest or during physical activity
  • Dizziness, lightheadedness, or fainting with exercise or exertion
  • Shortness of breath with mild exertion, at rest, or when lying down or going to bed
  • Ankle swelling, especially at night
  • A rapid or pronounced heartbeat
  • A heart murmur that your doctor has previously diagnosed
  • Lower leg pain when you walk, which goes away with rest

Target Heart Rates

Spring is an excellent time to focus on improving your exercise routine.  One thing to consider is what your target heart rate (beats per minute) should be.  For healthy people, the target heart rate is a range reached during aerobic exercise that enables one’s heart and lungs to receive the most benefit from a workout.  The target heart rate range varies based on age; however, a person’s physical condition, sex, and previous training should also be considered.  It is generally recommended that your target heart rate for aerobic exercise be between 65% and 85% of your maximum heart rate.  However, there are other methods for calculating a target heart rate.

Maximum heart rate is considered the highest heart rate an individual can achieve without severe problems through exercise stress, and generally decreases with age.  A guideline to establish your maximum heart rate is to subtract your age from 220.  As an example:  If you are 40, your maximum heart rate would be 180 bpm.

Target heart rate – Once you have calculated your maximum heart rate, you can easily calculate the range for a basic target heart rate by multiplying your max heart rate by .65 and .85.  If your maximum heart rate is 175 BPM then 65% of that would be 117 BPM and 85% would be 153 BPM.   Here is an easy reference table:

Age Max Heart Rate 65% of MHR 85% of MHR
20 200 130 170
25 195 127 166
30 190 124 162
35 185 120 157
40 180 117 153
45 175 114 149
50 170 111 145
55 165 107 140
60 160 104 136
65 155 101 132
70 150 98 128
75 145 94 123
80 140 91 119


To measure your heart rate, simply check your pulse. Place your index and third fingers on your neck to the side of your windpipe.  When you feel your pulse, count the number of beats in 15 seconds. Multiply this number by four to calculate your beats per minute.  Many wrist watches now have built-in heart rate monitors that can track your heart rate while exercising.

This newsletter is reviewed and edited each month by the District 4J and OSEA representatives of the Classified Joint Benefits Committee (JBC). The information in this newsletter is summarized, and is not intended as advice or counsel.

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