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Learn More – School Choice Information

Eugene School District 4J has more than 30 schools, and every one offers an excellent education for our students. We invite you to visit your neighborhood school and any other schools you’re interested in before you submit a school choice request. The district’s school choice policy means that any student in the district may attend any 4J school, provided there is space available.

Residency Requirements

To be considered a resident of Eugene School District 4J, your student must reside with you inside the district boundaries more than 50% of the time. Proof of residence is required upon enrollment. A student and parent or guardian must reside within the Eugene School District boundaries when submitting an in-district school choice request.

Request Process

Transfers between neighborhood schools and entry into alternative schools are possible as space is available. All school choice request forms received will be included in the school choice lottery which takes place each spring for the following school year. Transfers will be granted in the order determined by the lottery. Transfer requests received after the lottery deadline may be accommodated if there is space available, otherwise the student will be placed on the school’s waiting list.

School Choice Priority 

To be considered for priority placement during the School Choice Request process:

  • Families and students must reside in the same household in the Eugene School District 4J attendance area at the time a request is submitted.
  • Sibling priority is given after the co-enrolled sibling has attended a school for an academic year. Siblings must reside in the same household in a family relationship.
  • Elementary school students receiving Free/Reduced priority must qualify for free and reduced lunch at the time of school choice application and enrollment. Verification of Free/Reduced status will be determined upon enrollment. Students who do not qualify for Free/Reduced status at the time of enrollment will lose priority status, and will be withdrawn if other students are waiting for admission, and placed at the end of the list.

The following elementary schools have been identified for free/reduced meals priority: Buena Vista, Camas Ridge, Charlemagne at Fox Hollow, Edgewood, Edison, Gilham, and Yujin Gakuen.

Athletic Eligibility For Students Applying for School Choice

Students who participate in school choice at the high school level will be eligible to participate in interscholastic athletics in accordance with procedures established by the superintendent. The procedures are intended to prohibit recruiting of athletes without unjustly penalizing students. The procedures in no way are to be interpreted as condoning the recruitment of any athlete from one high school to another since recruitment is a clear violation of District 4J policy and intent.

Rules For Approved Transfers

Parents will be responsible for transportation to and from school unless space is available on a district bus traveling to that school.

Once approved, a transfer will ordinarily remain in effect until the student completes the highest grade in the school or the student’s parent requests that school choice be rescinded

When a student is promoted to a new level (from level K–5 to level 6–8 or from level 6–8 to level 9–12), the student will enroll in the school in the attendance area in which his or her parents reside unless a school choice request is submitted and approved. Students attending K–8 or K–12 alternative or language immersion schools will automatically be enrolled in the next level school. If the student rescinds enrollment in the alternative or language immersion school, a school choice request must be submitted and approved to remain in a school outside their attendance area.

School choice may be revoked by the superintendent or if information on the school choice request application is falsified.

Students With Disabilities (Special Education/Section 504)

If a student with a disability is accepted through school choice, his or her position on the list will be held at the choice school until the district has objectively determined whether the choice school can provide appropriate special education and related aids and services for the student, and there is space in the program. If the Special Education program does not have space or the student’s IEP or Section 504 plan cannot be implemented at the choice school, the student will be denied transfer into that choice school.The parents of a student with disabilities (special education and Section 504), who attends a school other than their neighborhood school on a school choice transfer, must provide their own transportation.


Please visit 4j.lane.edu/instruction/enrollment/schoolchoice/ for more school choice information.