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FAQ Category Archives: Effectiveness and Growth Systems FAQ

17. What are the effectiveness performance ratings?

A: The ratings and defections in the Effectiveness and Growth Systems are: Model: The licensed faculty member significantly exceeds the requirements of the performance standard. At the Model level, an educator’s level of expertise is exemplary and he or she … Continue reading

16. What are the steps to the Teacher Effectiveness and Growth Systems?

A:  The Teacher Effectiveness and Growth Systems process is intended to provide the licensed faculty member with continuous growth and improvement through the following steps: The licensed faculty conducts a self-assessment and completes the Self-Assessment form (Section VIII). The licensed … Continue reading

15. How was input from the pilot used?

A:  All input provided by teachers, principals, administrators, specialist, Eugene Education Association (EEA) and other internal and external stakeholders was used to identify successes and challenges and to refine the Effectiveness and Growth Systems approved by the Eugene Board of … Continue reading

14. What are the goals of the teacher and principal/administrator evaluations?

A: The ultimate goal of the teacher and principal/administrator Effectiveness and Growth Systems is to increase achievement for all students by ensuring that every 4J students have access to highly effective school leaders and teachers. The Systems are designed to … Continue reading

13. How will the newly developed Effectiveness and Growth Systems benefit students?

A: The focus of the teacher and principal Effectiveness and Growth Systems is to increase growth and achievement for all students by ensuring that every 4J student has access to highly effective school leaders and teachers. More than two decades … Continue reading

12. How will the newly developed Effectiveness and Growth Systems benefit teachers and principals/administrators?

A: The Effectiveness and Growth Systems (new teacher evaluation) is designed to measure teacher effectiveness, differentiate performance, provide support and identify and recognize distinguished service. The ultimate goal of the teacher and principal Effectiveness and Growth Systems is to increase … Continue reading

11. What specific steps were taken to prepare the District for implementation of the Teacher Effectiveness and Growth Systems?

A: In 2012-2013 the teacher evaluation was piloted in six (6) schools: Howard ES, Edgewood ES, Chavez ES, McCornack ES, Cal Young MS, and Sheldon HS. Testing of the pilot was led by Dr. Celia Feres-Johnson, in the Department of … Continue reading

10. Where can I find the new teacher and principal Effectiveness and Growth Systems processes?

A: Additional information on Eugene School District 4J Professional Growth and Effectiveness Evaluation Systems is available at http://www.4j.lane.edu/hr/teachereffectiveness.

9: What strategies might principals use to manage the time and documentation associated with the new evaluation process?

A: While individual approaches to managing the time and documentation associated with the Teacher Effectiveness and Growth Systems process will differ from principal to principal, there are a few common strategies that may prove helpful: First, principals should spend time … Continue reading

8. Will administrators be trained in the evaluation process?

A: The Human Resources Department offers yearly training to all newly hired teachers and administrators.

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