Home » News » 11. What specific steps were taken to prepare the District for implementation of the Teacher Effectiveness and Growth Systems?

11. What specific steps were taken to prepare the District for implementation of the Teacher Effectiveness and Growth Systems?

A: In 2012-2013 the teacher evaluation was piloted in six (6) schools: Howard ES, Edgewood ES, Chavez ES, McCornack ES, Cal Young MS, and Sheldon HS. Testing of the pilot was led by Dr. Celia Feres-Johnson, in the Department of Human Resources. The pilot implementation process was reviewed by a District Evaluation Advisory Committee composed of Human Resources staff, Eugene Educational Association (EEA) representatives, teachers and principals. The Committee presented recommendations to Dr. Sheldon Berman, Superintendent. Recommendations from the Committee, pilot school teachers and principals were incorporated into the Teacher Effectiveness and Growth System. The contribution of all internal and external stakeholders has created a supportive system of teachers, students and administrators.

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