A: The Teacher Effectiveness and Growth Systems process is intended to provide the licensed faculty member with continuous growth and improvement through the following steps:
- The licensed faculty conducts a self-assessment and completes the Self-Assessment form (Section VIII).
- The licensed faculty and the principal/administrator have an initial goal-setting meeting to discuss and approved the Student Learning and Growth SMART goals (2 student growth goals and 1 professional practice goal which is tied to the student growth goals). Assessing and documenting student learning and growth and improving professional practice shall always be among the goals established.
- The licensed faculty focuses his/her improvement efforts on specific areas in order for his/her efforts to be manageable and realistic.
- The principal/administrator conducts a minimum of one (1) formal classroom observation (Contract Year 1 only); a minimum of three (3) informal observations; and one (1) Mid-Year Conference. The principal/administrator provides timely feedback, resources and support to assist the licensed faculty when improvement or help is needed or requested.
- The principal/administrator reviews all data, considers comments made by the licensed faculty during short visits or meetings, identifies areas of strengths and areas in need of growth or improvement, makes recommendations to improve performance, and assists in planning for future professional growth.
- The Mid-Year Conference will include review and discussion of each goal in the SLGO SMART goals and in the Professional Practice Growth Plan.
- The end-of-year evaluation will include all of the following:
- The principal/administrator’s assessment of the licensed faculty’s performance on each of the four domains and on each of the sixteen 4J Performance Standards for Effective Teaching
- Data from the Student Learning and Growth Objectives Plan, which must include measures of student progress across two (2) or more points in time and of student proficiency/mastery at a single point in time in relation to state or national standards (Oregon Department of Education, January 2013)
- Student Learning and Growth Objectives for grades and subjects for which state tests and assessments are required (English/Language Arts and Mathematics in grades 3-8 and 11) shall include state assessment results and additional measures of student learning as described in the next section.
- For grades and subjects in which state assessments are not required, the evaluation shall include measures of student learning as described below.
- The licensed faculty’s comments on the evaluation
- Narrative descriptions and comments supported by claim, evidence and impact
- An overall effectiveness performance rating of Model, Effective, Developing, or Ineffective
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