Home » News » 14. What are the goals of the teacher and principal/administrator evaluations?

14. What are the goals of the teacher and principal/administrator evaluations?

A: The ultimate goal of the teacher and principal/administrator Effectiveness and Growth Systems is to increase achievement for all students by ensuring that every 4J students have access to highly effective school leaders and teachers. The Systems are designed to provide teachers and principals/administrators with improved tools by which to:

  • Promote and measure effectiveness;
  • Differentiate between those who are excelling and those who need support;
  • Provide meaningful feedback in order to improve professional practice;
  • Support and help improve effectiveness by clarifying the expectations for performance;
  • Providing a common vocabulary and understanding about student growth, professional practice, and effectiveness;
  • Provide meaningful feedback;
  • Increase development and growth plans;
  • Create system-wide collaborative culture focused on continuous improvement through the use of multiple sources of student, teacher, and principal data to improve teacher practice and student learning; and
  • Create an adult professional culture.

Posted in: Effectiveness and Growth Systems FAQ

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