Home » News » 9: What strategies might principals use to manage the time and documentation associated with the new evaluation process?

9: What strategies might principals use to manage the time and documentation associated with the new evaluation process?

A: While individual approaches to managing the time and documentation associated with the Teacher Effectiveness and Growth Systems process will differ from principal to principal, there are a few common strategies that may prove helpful:

First, principals should spend time very early in the school year developing a clear, written schedule for classroom observations that balances their work load by evenly distributing those observations throughout the school year.  Second, they should communicate those plans to assistant principals and other designees so that they may also plan their work accordingly.  Third, principals should strategically prioritize the timing of probationary teacher observations. Fourth, principals will likely find TalentEd, (a web-based evaluation management software specifically designed for K-12) very helpful and useful. Additional information on TalentEd is available by clinking on the software’s title.

Posted in: Effectiveness and Growth Systems FAQ

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