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School Board Considers Finalists for Vacancy

On August 8 the board will conduct second interviews, then vote to select new member

The Eugene School Board on August 8 will vote to appoint a new member to the board after conducting follow-up interviews with three candidates.

The board is seeking to fill a position vacated by an elected board member who moved out of state. In accordance with state law, the board will appoint a district resident to complete the term, serving through June 30, 2021.

15 community members who had applied for appointment to the board were scheduled for initial interviews on Monday, August 5. Board members shared their appreciation for all those who volunteered to serve our community in this role.

After considering candidates’ applications and initial interviews, board members identified their preferred candidates to move forward for further interviews and consideration for appointment. The top three candidates identified by board members were Gary Campbell, Maya Rabasa and Jim Torrey.

Mr. Campbell, Ms. Rabasa and Mr. Torrey have been invited to second interviews with the board in a work session on Thursday, August 8, starting at 5:30 p.m. The board will then ballot to select one candidate to appoint in the board meeting following the interviews.

School board meetings and work sessions are held at the 4J Education Center, 200 N. Monroe St., and are open to the public. Meetings and work sessions also are live streamed and broadcast on the radio on KRVM 1280-AM, and audio recordings are later posted online.

Candidate list
Candidate applications 
Initial interviews (MP3 audio recording)

Board members’ candidate finalist selections
About the board vacancy
About the Eugene School Board 

Update: Board Appoints Member to Vacant Seat  


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