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Classified Benefits & Wellness Newsletter June 2013-14 Issue #8

A Very Special Thank You
Theresa Garnsey, Belinda Wilton,Vickie Woolman and Jo Ann Smith.  Thank you for serving on the Classified and Combined Joint Benefits Committees (JBC). I know that when decisions are reached, your personal commitment, expertise, and energy definitely contributed to the important processes the JBC work on each year.  You have made a difference through your dedication and continued support to ensure that all classified employees receive the highest possible benefits and that the medical insurance reserve dollars are managed in a prudent and wise approach.  Your experience is invaluable as we are faced with the ever changing face of insurance, new guidelines, diminishing reserves, and managing our compromised tier rate structure that subsidizes insurance rates for part-time employees.  Thank you for continuing in the 2014-15 school year.

Classified Sick Leave Bank Report
For the fiscal year July 1, 2013 through June 30, 2014, the Classified Sick Leave Bank assisted 12 members ofthe bank for a total of 2,352.70 hours of Sick Leave Bank time.  These were employees who encountered long-term serious personal illness or injury, and who had exhausted all their own personal leaves.  Like any insurance policy, the bank requires a large pool of healthy members in order to help those in need.

It’s important to note that only employees who maintain membership in the bank are allowed to apply for bank time. The bankoperates under strict rules and guidelines that are distributed at Open Enrollment.

Medical Plans 2014-15
For the October 1, 2014 – September 30, 2015 plan year, 4J employees and retirees will have 5 medical plans to choose from: OEBB Moda Health Plans C, D, E, F, and G. In addition to selecting a medical plan, members must opt for either the ODS Plus Network (which is the statewide network currently available in 4J), or the new Synergy Network. Members who enroll in the Synergy Network will be required to select a medical home (clinics that have been recognized for their commitment to a patient-centered approach to care) and will have a more limited panel of providers from which to obtain in-network benefits. The trade-off for electing the more limited network is a lower monthly payment.  At this time, Moda Health is in negotiations with providers, so Synergy Network details are not yet known. Information on the Synergy Network providers should be available on the Moda website for OEBB members by July.

 Dental Plans 2014-15
4J employees will continue to have OEBB Moda Health Dental Plan 4 as a plan offering. For the first time, 4J employees will also have the option of enrolling in OEBB Willamette Dental Plan 8. Both dental plans include orthodontia.

All Classified employees, regardless of FTE, will have the option to waive dental. Previously, only employees in the 4 to 5.99 time block could waive dental.  There will be some minor plan design changes to OEBB Moda Dental Plan 4 – look for those in your open enrollment materials.  Members who elect Willamette Dental Plan 8 must receive care from a Willamette Dental Group dentist or specialist. Detailed information about this option will be included in your open enrollment materials, but if you’d like to explore Willamette Dental benefits in advance, please visit the OEBB website at: hhtp://www.willamettedental.com/oebb.

Vision Plans 2014-15
J employees will continue to have OEBB Moda Health Vision Plan 3 as a plan offering. OEBB will not be making any changes to vision plan 3 for the upcoming year. Vision benefits run on a plan year basis (not every 12 months), benefit maximums include an exam and hardware, and the plan covers contacts or one pair of lenses every year. Frames are one pair per plan year for members under 17 years old and one pair every two plans years for members 17 and older.

OEBB Open Enrollment
The OEBB open enrollment period will begin August 15, 2014 and will remain open through September 15, 2014. You will receive updated and detailed information around the first week in August. As always, OEBB will send information about plan designs and offerings, but rate information and other details specific to 4J employees will come from 4J in a separate mailing.

If you would like some information now, the Moda website for OEBB members has some materials you may want to check out:

Changing Address?
With the mailing of open enrollment packets just around the corner, it is importantto make sure the District has your current address.
To change your address with the District:
Go to District 4j home page

-Click on Departments

-Click on Human Resources

-Under forms, then Employee, click on:

-Change of Address Form

-Complete and turn into the HR Department

Diabetes and Nutrition Education
The combined Joint Benefits Committee have partnered with Cascade Health Solutions to provide two new services at the 4J Wellness Clinic for 4J benefits eligible employees.
If you are a patient of the 4J Wellness Clinic and are newly diagnosed with diabetes, you will have the option of attending an initial assessment that will provide you an opportunity to discuss with a Cascade educator, basic key concepts and formulate a plan and goals for your care.

You will also be able to attend an individual session with either a dietitian and/or nurse to help with understanding nutrition and heart health. Both services are provided to qualifying 4J employees, and their eligible dependents free, with no out-of-pocket costs.

For questions regarding benefits or claims, contact Moda:

  • Moda Medical Customer Service –1-866-923-0409
  • Moda Dental Customer Service –1- 866-923-0410
  • Moda Pharmacy Customer Service – 1-866-923-0411
  • www.modahealth.com/oebb

For questions regarding eligibility, contact OEBB:

To access the Employee Assistance Program:

For questions regarding life or long term disability insurance:

  • The Standard – 1-866-756-8115
  • www.standard.com/mybenefits/oebb

For questions regarding a Flexible Spending Plan:

  • PacificSource Administrators – 541-485-7488
  • www.psa.pacificsource.com/PSA/


This newsletter is reviewed and edited each month by the District 4J and OSEA representatives of the Classified Joint Benefits Committee (JBC).The information in this newsletter is summarized, and is not intended as advice or counsel.

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