     Please see the Cox Mill Webpage for upcoming school-wide activities: CMES webpage

    Please have your child bring at least 2 books to read in their backpack each day:  1 book should be a nonfiction book or magazine.

     Friday Folders will come home each Friday. Please review these over the weekend & return on Monday.

    Agendas: Agendas should be brought to & from school each day. Please check agendas each day to see any notes your child may have. 


    Please be sure you have signed up for a Class dojo account. Information has been sent home in Red Folder. It will explain how to be connected to our classes. ClassDojo is your only way to see how your child is doing in class on a daily basis. Please check it daily & discuss with your child how their day went.


    Please make sure your child has headphones or earbuds to use at school each day. We use them during reader's workshop and Social studies for various assignments.

    Water Bottles in Class:

    Students are encouraged to bring water bottles to have in class:

    1. Must be water - no juice, soda, Gatorade, or chocolate milk, etc.

    2. Students will keep them at their desks or in their cubbies. 

    4. Please have students fill up their water bottles each morning to start the day. Water fountains are available to get a refill as needed throughout the day.


    Student Journals:

    Students should be bringing home their ELA & SS Journals for your review each day. Please take a look at these to see the work students have been doing thus far. Please have a conversation with students about their journals: Is the information complete, neat, organized & easy to use? Is their table of contents up to date?  Please review with students to see what improvements (if any) they need to make.   

    This year we will take most quizzes & formal tests on Mastery Connect. When the results are sent home, if you want to see the test & which questions students missed, have your student log in to Mastery connect through Clever from the CMES website by clicking useful links. They will be able to pull up the assessment there. You should also be able to see what questions they missed & what the correct answer is. I have shown students in class how to access this information on Mastery Connect.

     At Cox Mill, students are not asked to fundraise for our school by selling items that no one really wants.  Instead, our fundraising comes from the Invest in you Child Campaign.  All money raised from this campaign stay right here in the school to support student learning.  If you have not had the opportunity to make a donation, large or small, please consider doing so.  This donation is truly an Investment in YOUR child.  Below is the link for donations. 
    Invest in your child

    Breakfast Nametags:

    Mrs. Moore has requested new breakfast name tags be printed for all students and attached to the student's backpacks (near the top handle preferably) with a zip tie for breakfast use only. Each student received their tags on their bookbag on Friday. These tags are to stay on students' bags this year. This will help them move more efficiently through the breakfast line.



    Our school store, Comet Corner, is back! Click the headline for more information.

      Important upcoming Dates:
    • August 29th - First Day of school
    • September 5th - No school - Labor Day Holiday
    • September 16th - Classroom donations are due
Last Modified on August 19, 2022