Phone: (PH) 704-260-6170


Degrees and Certifications:

Mrs. Jennie Parker's Webpage

   Hi.  I am so glad that you will be in our classroom this year!  This is my 25th year of teaching.  Can you believe that I helped open Cox Mill back in 2002?  I am the proud mother of three sons and a daughter.  My husband William and I also have an eight-year-old rescued dog named Robin, a four-year-old rescued cat named Luna and a two-year-old rescued cat named Marie.  
   I love to throw pottery, cook, and garden, but most of all I love teaching.  Third grade is my favorite, although I have taught many years in fourth grade.
   Please feel free to email me anytime at: 



Degrees and Certifications:

Our Class Schedule

7:45-8:15 Morning Work (Spelling and Math4Today)

8:30-8:45 Morning Meeting

8:45-10:30 Block 1—Homeroom ELA with working snack/bathroom break

10:30-11:00 Recess

11:01-11:25 Lunch followed by bathroom break

11:30-12:00-M=Social Studies

T=iReady Math

W=Social Studies

T=iReady Reading

F=STEAM activity

12:05-12:50 Encore followed by bathroom break

Day 1/6=Art, Day 2/7=PE, Day 3=Media, Day 8=Digital Learning, Day 4/9=Music, Day 5=iReady Practice, Day 10=Guidance

1:00-2:45 Block 2—Switch for Math/Science with Mrs. Sabaratnam

2:45 Begin Dismissal Procedures



Last Modified on August 16, 2022