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Superintendent Search Process & Timeline (2014–15)

Eugene School District 4J is seeking a new superintendent. The board hopes to name a new superintendent in spring 2015.

Timeline of Key Steps 

June 25, 2014 Departure announcement: Superintendent Sheldon Berman announces that 2014–15 will be his last year with 4J, giving the school board time to seek a new superintendent to begin in 2015
Oct. 1 & Oct. 15, 2014 Board work sessions: School board conducts interviews with four executive search firms that have made proposals to assist the school board with the search plan and recruitment process for a new superintendent, and holds a second work session to discuss the search firm candidates
Oct. 15, 2014  Search firm selection: School board selects Hazard, Young, Attea & Associates (HYA) as the search firm to assist the school board with the search plan and recruitment process for a new superintendent.
Nov. 12, 2014 Board work session: School board meets with HYA to plan the superintendent search
Early December 2014 Screening committee: Community members are selected to serve on screening committee
Dec. 8–21, 2014 Online survey: More than 1,250 community members provide input on the strengths and qualities the district’s next leader should have, to help develop criteria for the superintendent search
Dec. 16–17, 2014 Public input: HYA holds public forums and focus groups with more than 100 stakeholders to gather public input on the strengths and qualities the district’s next leader should have, to help develop criteria for the superintendent search
Jan. 7, 2015  Board & screening committee work session: School board meets with screening committee and HYA to review and provide feedback on draft leadership profile report and desired characteristics for superintendent candidates
Jan. 12, 2015 Candidate profile: Leadership Profile Report and Desired Characteristics are finalized
Feb. 2–3, 2015 Recommended application deadline
Early February, 2015 Search firm interviews: Search firm screens applications, interviews candidates and forwards top qualified candidates to citizen screening committee
Feb. 17–20, 2015 Citizen screening committee interviews: Screening committee reviews forwarded applications, interviews top candidates and determines semifinalists to recommend to school board
Late February, 2015 School board interviews: Board reviews screening committee recommendations, selects slate of semifinalists, interviews semifinalist candidates and selects finalists
March 2, 2015 Finalist candidates announced 
March 5, 2015  Candidate forum: Finalist candidates visit Eugene and participate in a public candidate forum and other interviews
March 8, 2015 One candidate withdraws
March 12, 2015 Single finalist candidate announced 
March 2015 Follow-up with finalist: Negotiate contract terms, conduct background check
March 18, 2015 Board takes action: Board votes to make formal offer of employment to finalist candidate
July 1, 2015 New superintendent, Dr. Gustavo Balderas, will begin position

School board meeting materials and audio recordings are posted at the 4J BoardBook.


Learn More 

Superintendent Search Overview 
Public Input
Screening Committee
Documents & Materials