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Superintendent Search Screening Committee (2014–15)

Eugene School District 4J is seeking a new superintendent. The board hopes to name a new superintendent in spring 2015.

To begin the search process, the Eugene School Board has selected an executive search consultant and appointed a citizen screening committee.

The committee will review and interview applicants and determine a list of semifinalists to be recommended to the school board. The school board will select and interview semifinalists and finalists and then make a hiring decision.

Committee Members

The committee roster includes a variety of the Eugene community and the district’s stakeholders, including district staff, parents, business leaders, and other community members.

  • Bob Anderson, retired principal
  • BJ Blake, 4J MAPS (managers, administrators, professionals & supervisors association) president
  • Bob Chandler, parent, business owner
  • Greg Evans, city councilor
  • Dave Hauser, Chamber of Commerce president
  • Kathie Hledik, Lane Community College math dean
  • Robin Holmes, University of Oregon vice president for student affairs
  • Laurie McCaskill, Gilham Elementary teacher
  • Jay Namyet, University of Oregon Foundation, Eugene Education Foundation
  • Eileen Nittler, parent leader, Stand for Children, 4J Equity Committee member
  • Thomas Anil Oommen, education professor, 4J Equity Committee member
  • Marshall Peter, Direction Service executive director
  • Jon Ruiz, Eugene city manager
  • Tad Shannon, Eugene Education Association (EEA) president
  • Jo Ann Smith, Oregon School Employees Association Chapter 1 (OSEA) president
  • Evangelina Sundgrenz, 4J Budget Committee member

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Superintendent Search Overview
Process & Timeline 
Public Input
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