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Superintendent History

Información en español

2022– Andy Dey  
Cydney Vandercar
Interim Superintendent
2015–2020 Gustavo Balderas
2011–2015 Sheldon (Shelley) Berman
1999–2011 George Russell
1998–1999 George Russell Interim Superintendent
1985–1998 Margaret Nichols
1984–1985 Margaret Nichols Interim Superintendent
1982–1984 Terry Lindquist
1981–1982 Terry Lindquist Acting Superintendent
1979–1981 L.T. (Thomas) Dorland
1979 Vernon Smith Acting Superintendent
1973–1978 Thomas Payzant
1973 Vernon Smith Acting Superintendent
1959–1973 Millard Pond
1958–1959 Lloyd F. Millhollen Acting Superintendent
1946–1958 Clarence Hines
1944–1946 Henry M. Gunn
1943 Wilbur Dutton Acting Superintendent
1937–1944 John F. Cramer
1928–1937 Howard R. Goold
1925–1928 David John Jones
1923–1925 Joseph T. Glenn
1920–1923 E.F. Carleton
1919–1920 Charles A. Howard Acting Superintendent
1915–1919 W.R. Rutherford
1913–1915 C.I. Collins
1908–1913 Guy C. Stockton
1907–1908 L.R. Alderman
1904–1907 Mott H. Arnold
1901–1904 Adolph F. Bechdolt
1897–1901 Edward D. Ressler
1891–1897 D.V.S. Reid District’s first superintendent
1891 J.M. Williams Selected to be superintendent but never served
1890–1891 J.M. Williams Served as principal of both schools
1890 School District No. 4 became a two-school public school district
1854 School District No. 4 founded

Source for 1854–1985 span: A System of Uncommon Schools: The History of Eugene School District 4J 1854–1985, by Herman Lawson, published by Eugene School District 4J in 1985

Historia de los superintendentes

2022– Andy Dey  
Cydney Vandercar
Superintendente interina
2015–2020 Gustavo Balderas
2011–2015 Sheldon (Shelley) Berman
1999–2011 George Russell
1998–1999 George Russell Superintendente interino
1985–1998 Margaret Nichols
1984–1985 Margaret Nichols Superintendente interina
1982–1984 Terry Lindquist
1981–1982 Terry Lindquist Superintendente en función
1979–1981 L.T. (Thomas) Dorland
1979 Vernon Smith Superintendente en función
1973–1978 Thomas Payzant
1973 Vernon Smith Superintendente en función
1959–1973 Millard Pond
1958–1959 Lloyd F. Millhollen Superintendente en función
1946–1958 Clarence Hines
1944–1946 Henry M. Gunn
1943 Wilbur Dutton Superintendente en función
1937–1944 John F. Cramer
1928–1937 Howard R. Goold
1925–1928 David John Jones
1923–1925 Joseph T. Glenn
1920–1923 E.F. Carleton
1919–1920 Charles A. Howard Superintendente en función
1915–1919 W.R. Rutherford
1913–1915 C.I. Collins
1908–1913 Guy C. Stockton
1907–1908 L.R. Alderman
1904–1907 Mott H. Arnold
1901–1904 Adolph F. Bechdolt
1897–1901 Edward D. Ressler
1891–1897 D.V.S. Reid Primer superintendente del distrito
1891 J.M. Williams Seleccionado para ser superintendente pero nunca sirvió
1890–1891 J.M. Williams Sirvió como director de ambas escuelas
1890 El distrito escolar No. 4 se convirtió en un distrito de dos escuelas públicas
1854 Se fundó el distrito No. 4