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Superintendent Search Public Input (2014–15)

Eugene School District 4J is seeking a new superintendent. 2014–15 is Dr. Sheldon Berman’s final year as superintendent of the district. The board hopes to name a new superintendent in spring 2015.

Input from parents, students, staff and community members is an important part of the process of seeking the district’s next superintendent.

Citizen Screening Committee

Eugene School Board has appointed a citizen screening committee composed of parents and community members as well as employee group representatives. The committee will review and interview applicants and determine a list of semifinalists to be recommended to the school board.

Screening committee information

Candidate Profile

In December 2014 parents, staff, students and other interested community members were invited to provide input on the strengths and qualities the district’s next leader should have. More than 1,250 stakeholders completed an online survey and more than 120 provided input in person at a community forum or focus group. This input was used to help develop criteria for the superintendent search.

Leadership Profile Report (HYA)
Desired Characteristics for Superintendent Candidates  


Superintendent Search Survey
Encuesta en español
was open December 8–21, 2014

Spanish-Language Community Forum
Tuesday, December 16, 6:00–7:30 p.m.
Public forum in Spanish, for Spanish-speaking community members

Community Forum
Tuesday, December 16, 7:30–9:00 p.m.

Public forum in English, Spanish interpretation provided

Community Forum
Wednesday, December 17, 12:00–1:00 p.m.

Public forum in English, Spanish interpretation provided

Candidate Forum

In early March 2015, parents, staff, students and other interested community members were invited to a community forum to hear from the finalist superintendent candidates, submit questions for them to answer, and write their input for the school board to consider.

Superintendent Candidate Community Forum
Thursday, March 5, 6–8:30 p.m.
Send additional comments to the school board
Listen to the candidate forum

Learn More 

Superintendent Search Overview
Process & Timeline 
Screening Committee
Documents & Materials